Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2241 Exploring the Road to Empire

Chapter 2241 Exploring the Road to Empire
  Seeing Lu Junfeng's scared look, Tang Yi laughed in his heart.

But on the face, he said: "Okay, since you and I have no enmity or enmity, then I won't embarrass you, you can go."

"Thank you, sir!"

Lu Junfeng felt like he was being pardoned. He slightly cupped his hands and said thank you, then immediately turned around and left without any hesitation.

And he used the strength of feeding to leave very quickly.

At this time, Tang Yi suddenly shouted from behind: "Wait!"

Lu Junfeng's figure immediately froze on the spot.

At this moment, he was already some distance away from Tang Yi. With such a distance, he could actually leave without looking back.


He doesn't dare!

The scene where Tang Yi came to him in an instant was still fresh in his memory. How could he dare to run away?

Moreover, there is no way to escape.

So when he heard Tang Yi's voice, he stopped immediately.

At this time, Tang Yi moved again, and under Lu Junfeng's surprised gaze, he came to him in an instant.

While Lu Junfeng was surprised, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he had just stopped, otherwise he would not know how to die.

"Sir, I wonder if you have anything else to do."

Lu Junfeng asked.

"Oh, I just forgot to ask you, are you familiar with the Imperial Road? How do you get to the depths of the Imperial Road?"

Tang Yi said.


Lu Junfeng didn't expect that Tang Yi stopped him to ask for directions.

He was stunned for a moment, then Lu Junfeng waved his right hand, took out a map, and said to Tang Yi: "Sir, this is the map of the Imperial Road drawn by previous participants of our Longjin Kingdom. However, because the Imperial Road is very vast, , and it is full of dangers. Our Longjin Kingdom has only described a part of it. But this part is the teleportation point that will appear after we pass through the Empire Gate. In other words, after we enter the Empire Gate, we should The location that appears on the map of Imperial Road."


Tang Yi took the map and glanced at it slightly.

Looking at it this way, Tang Yi couldn't understand this map at all.

Because he had just arrived at the Imperial Road and had not yet confirmed his location.

How can you understand a map without confirming your location?

Frowning, Tang Yi asked Lu Junfeng, "Do you know where we are now?"


Lu Junfeng nodded, then pointed to a certain location on the map in Tang Yi's hand and said: "We are here now. And you want to go to the depths of the Empire Road... As far as I know, starting from us, there are a total of There are three roads. Due west is a winding path with countless forests around it. The probability of this road leading to the depths of the Imperial Road is low. The northwest road is more steep, with countless rugged rocks and a large number of birds and monsters. The beast is hovering in the sky, which is very dangerous. The probability of this road leading to the depths of the Empire Road should not be high. Only the road due north has the highest probability, because that road is very straight and full of people. A large number of monsters. The teams of the major kingdoms have always been heading this way."


Tang Yi could not deny Lu Junfeng's analysis.

After all, you don’t know if what Lu Junfeng said is the truth.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi said to Lu Junfeng, "Okay, I understand, let's go."

"Thank you, sir."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Junfeng handed over his hands again, then turned around and left as quickly as before.

Lu Junfeng seemed to be afraid that Tang Yi would stop him again, so this time his speed was several times faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Junfeng's figure disappeared.

Tang Yi ignored Lu Junfeng who left. He looked at the map in his hand for a while.

After writing down all the routes and marks on the map, he put the map away.

Then, he returned the same way and returned to the place where he had killed several monsters before.

After returning to the place where the monster died, Tang Yi waved slightly.                                                                                                    �

In an instant, several egg-yellow gems floated from the ground and flew into Tang Yi's hands.

These gems were exploded by Tang Yi just after he killed the monster.

Since Tang Yi had just gone to chase Lu Junfeng, he hadn't had time to collect it yet.

Now that he is back, he is back to collect the gems.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting an ordinary Mayan gem."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting an ordinary Mayan gem."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting an ordinary Mayan gem."


A total of five Mayan gems fell into Tang Yi's system backpack.

"So this is a Mayan gem. It seems that this Mayan gem is not difficult to obtain."

Tang Yi said lightly. Immediately afterwards, he moved around and took away dozens of saint-level monsters and harvested more than a dozen ordinary Mayan gems.

The reason why he walked around was because Tang Yi wanted to determine whether his location was consistent with what Lu Junfeng said.

I want to determine whether Lu Junfeng deceived me.

However, after turning around, Tang Yi suddenly discovered that the location he was in was indeed the location pointed out by Lu Junfeng.

Lu Junfeng did not deceive himself.

After confirming the location, Tang Yi started to think about which of the three roads he should take.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi finally decided not to go to the road that Lu Junfeng analyzed was most likely to lead into the depths of the Empire.

Instead, head to the winding trail in the northwest direction.

Anyway, with his speed, if he really went wrong, it would still be too late to make a temporary U-turn.

In three days, he could explore all three roads.

After deciding the direction to move forward, Tang Yi immediately moved and moved towards the northwest of the Imperial Road according to the memory in his mind.


Tang Yi's speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he flew an extremely long distance for dozens of miles.

The Imperial Road looks like a road in name, but it is actually a small world.

Tang Yi was flying in mid-air and could see that there were mountains, rivers, forests, and endless plains on the imperial road. There were all kinds of them, and it was not just a 'road'.

In short, Imperial Road is an independent small world with various landforms.

Moreover, there are many monsters!
  At the beginning, Tang Yi was still walking around, killing monsters on the road.

But because there were too many monsters to kill, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing monsters and harvesting Mayan gems while moving forward.

After all, that would be such a waste of time.

If time is wasted on this, then Tang Yi will not have to go deep into the Imperial Road to find the spiritual fruit.

He didn't come here for the Mayan gems this time.

Nor are they here to hunt monsters.

But they came here for the fruit of spiritual consciousness.

Although we also have to complete the Imperial Road mission, the most important goal is the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit.

Completing the Imperial Path is secondary and incidental.

After all, for Tang Yi, the Imperial Road mission was easy.

In this way, Tang Yi gave up the practice of hunting monsters while moving forward, and moved directly towards the small intestine trail with all his strength. Finally, an hour later, he arrived at the so-called 'small intestine trail'.

(End of this chapter)

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