Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2246 Super Premium Mayan Gem

Chapter 2246 Super Premium Mayan Gem

Tang Yi learned from the five monster beasts in front of him that they were the Golden Sacred Tiger King through his Heavenly Eye Technique.

Apart from its name and level, it is the same as the monsters it encountered before.

In order to verify the conjecture just now, Tang Yi did not use the previous tactics and continuously launch attacks this time, but made a trial attack.

I saw him shaking his right hand continuously, slashing the sky again five times, and five dazzling sword lights roared.

These five sword lights hit the Golden Holy Tiger King without any accident, and penetrated them as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

At this time, the dazzling golden energy overflowed from the body of the Golden Holy Tiger King again, wrapping the remaining body of the Golden Holy Tiger King and continuously repairing it.

At this time, Tang Yi did not attack again, but took out five top-quality Mayan gems and threw them towards the five golden holy tiger kings.

Tang Yi actually just tried it, not sure if it would work.

  This action brought unexpected results!

I saw that after the five top-quality Mayan gems were thrown out by Tang Yi, they actually had a huge attraction.

The golden energy that had just overflowed from the body of the Golden Holy Tiger King was attracted by the top-quality Mayan gems. They immediately gave up repairing the body of the Golden Holy Tiger King and rushed towards the top-quality Mayan gems.

In an instant, countless golden energy surged towards the top-quality Mayan gem.

Moreover, it was absorbed by the top-grade Mayan gem.

In just a moment, the top-quality Mayan gems absorbed countless golden energy.

The Mayan gemstone, which was originally light yellow, became golden.

In this way, the golden energy that can repair the monster's body was absorbed by the top-quality Mayan gem.

And because there was no golden energy, the five golden holy tiger kings did not recover.

Instead, like those monster beasts that had exhausted their golden energy, their bodies slowly turned black and gray, and finally turned into a mummy...

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Holy Tiger King and gaining 10 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Holy Tiger King and gaining 10 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Holy Tiger King and gaining 10 billion holy points."


"It actually works! This top-quality Mayan gemstone can absorb this golden energy!"

Tang Yi was extremely excited.

He just gave it a try and unexpectedly succeeded.

All the golden energy in the bodies of the five Golden Holy Tiger Kings was absorbed!
  "I'm just telling you, how can there be no Mayan gems in the monsters' bodies! It stands to reason that all the monsters here will contain a Mayan gem in their bodies. Those with insufficient energy are ordinary Mayan gems, and those with abundant energy are the best Mayan gems! In front of you! The bodies of these monster beasts should also contain Mayan gems. Moreover, they should be very high-grade Mayan gems.

That is to say, for some unknown reason, these monsters can mobilize the energy of Mayan gems for their own use. When I fought against them just now, they used the energy of Mayan gems to repair their bodies. I exhausted their energy and killed them. At the same time, they also lost the Mayan gems, so they did not get the Mayan gems. "

Tang Yi suddenly said.

When I thought about it, everything suddenly made sense.

No wonder these monsters can constantly repair themselves.

No wonder these monsters don't explode Mayan gems.

It turns out that it is because they know how to use Mayan gems and mobilize the power of Mayan gems to continuously repair the body.

That's it!

After a sudden realization, Tang Yi was no longer afraid of these golden monsters. No matter how many golden monsters there are now, they may not be enough for Tang Yi to kill.

At this moment, Tang Yi used the Mayan gems to absorb all the golden energy of the five golden holy tiger kings. After the golden holy tiger kings were exhausted and died, he reached out and summoned the five mayan gems thrown out. return.

After absorbing the golden energy in the bodies of the five golden holy tiger kings, these five top-quality Mayan gems became extremely bright, shining like five dazzling little suns.

Just visually, you can feel the difference between these five top-quality Mayan gemstones and other Mayan gemstones.

After Tang Yi took back these five unique and top-quality Mayan gems, he immediately entered the system to check the properties of these five top-quality Mayan gems.

[Super-premium Mayan Gemstone]: The cultivation resource that warriors compete for, an upgraded version of the top-grade Mayan Gemstone.

Attributes: Cultivation speed increased by 300 times.


Super premium Mayan gem?
  An upgraded version of the best Mayan gems?

Using the best Mayan gems to absorb the golden energy in the body of the golden monster, can you actually get the upgraded version of the best Mayan gems?
  Seeing that the five top-grade Mayan gems recovered had turned into super-grade Mayan gems, Tang Yi's eyes lit up slightly and he said excitedly: "It seems that I don't have to worry about the Mayan gems. On this mountain, maybe I can get many Higher-level Mayan gems. Just these five super-high-quality Mayan gems may allow our Purple Gold Kingdom to achieve a very good result. It is even possible to be first."

After a pause, Tang Yi said again: "Of course, I can't be careless. In order to ensure the safety of the mission, I have to obtain more high-level Mayan gems."

After a slight adjustment, Tang Yi continued to move towards the top of the mountain.

After traveling 1,600 meters, Tang Yi encountered the fifth wave of monsters.

They were five elephant-like monsters, more than five meters long, with thick limbs and trunks as thick as thighs. They were very similar to elephants in the earth world.

The only difference is that these five elephant-like monsters have a half-meter-long horn on their heads and three tails.

Name: Golden Elephant King (ancient BOSS)

Level: 196 (Six-star Holy God)
  Description: A terrifying monster from ancient times, entrenched on the Holy Mountain. It is golden in color and possesses extremely powerful attack and defense power.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Due to his previous experience, Tang Yi did not hesitate and immediately launched an attack on the five Golden Elephant Kings.

First kill, then absorb the golden energy, a set of movements is smooth and smooth.

As for these five golden elephant kings, no accident, they were also drained of energy and turned into five shriveled corpses.

Tang Yi once again harvested five super-quality Mayan gems.

The number of super-high-quality Mayan gems in his hand has accumulated to ten.

Keep going.

At a height of 3,600 meters, Tang Yi encountered the sixth wave of monsters, killed them, and once again obtained five super-high-quality Mayan gems.

At this moment, the number of super-high-quality Mayan gems has accumulated to fifteen.

At an altitude of 7,200 meters, Tang Yi encountered the seventh wave of monsters, killed them, and harvested five super-high-quality Mayan gems. The accumulated Mayan gems reached twenty.


(End of this chapter)

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