Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2248 The Supreme Golden 8-Wing Flying Dragon King

Chapter 2248 The Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King

Of course, with golden energy, the Golden Flying Dragon King can be said to be an immortal existence.

Even if it is blown to pieces by Tang Yi, it can still be restored.

I saw the golden energy spurting out constantly flashing, and the broken body of the Golden Flying Dragon King that was shattered by Tang Yi suddenly came together, and was about to be spliced ​​together, and then restored to its original state.

But at this moment, Tang Yi took out a top-quality Mayan gem very quickly, and then let the top-quality Mayan gem absorb the golden energy.

Under the absorption of the top-quality Mayan gems, the golden flying dragon king that was smashed by Tang Yi did not recover as before. Instead, its remaining body aged rapidly and became shriveled.

Just like that, a golden flying dragon king died under Tang Yi's attack.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Flying Dragon King and gaining 100 billion holy points."


"Man and sword unite!"

Tang Yi took a breath and launched another attack, transforming into a red moon and shooting straight into the sky.

Under Tang Yi's powerful attack, the remaining four golden flying dragon kings were also destroyed one by one.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Flying Dragon King and gaining 100 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Flying Dragon King and gaining 100 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Golden Flying Dragon King and gaining 100 billion holy points."


  Tang Yi once again harvested five super-quality Mayan gems.

At this moment, Tang Yi had accumulated thirty-five super-high-quality Mayan gems.

Keep going.

Since Tang Yi was now at an altitude of 30,000 meters on the top of the mountain, he was not far from the top of the mountain. If he moved forward again, he could already see the thicker clouds on the top of the mountain.

After advancing for almost two thousand meters, Tang Yi finally reached the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the clouds are floating and misty.

Tang Yi stood on the top of the mountain, as if he were in a heavenly palace, feeling very strange.

At the moment, the area on the top of the mountain is not too big, only six to seven hundred square meters, half of which is an open space covered with gravel.

Half of it is a grotto made of huge rocks.

That's right, there is a huge grotto on the top of the mountain! !
  And from inside the grotto, there were also thunderous snoring sounds.

There seems to be something sleeping in the grotto.

Slowly approaching the grotto, Tang Yi wanted to see clearly what was inside the grotto.

However, because the grotto was too dark, no matter how hard Tang Yi looked, he could not see clearly what was inside the grotto.

Since everything is unknown, Tang Yi does not dare to walk into the grotto rashly. What if a powerful BOSS pops out of the grotto, or there is some unknown danger, and Tang Yi capsizes?
  He is here to explore, not to die.

So Tang Yi did not enter the grotto rashly.

Frowning, Tang Yi thought for a moment, then took out the Ice and Fire Divine Bow, bent down to set an arrow, and pulled suddenly.

"Wrath of Ice and Fire!"

"call out!"

A red and blue energy arrow roared towards the grotto.

next second!

Terrifying energy bloomed in the grotto.

This grotto made of huge rocks immediately fell into pieces and collapsed under Tang Yi's bombardment.


Tang Yi's arrow destroyed the grotto and also angered the things in the grotto. Within the ruins of the grotto, a terrifying roar was heard, and then the ruins rose, and a huge figure broke through the buried rubble, flew up, and floated into the air.

This figure has eight pairs of wings, a flat beak like a duck, a slender neck, a barb-shaped tail, and is covered in golden color.

The appearance looks very similar to the previous Golden Flying Dragon King.

However, the monster in front of me is even bigger and has eight pairs of wings!
  "This should be the final BOSS on this mountain?"

Seeing the monster in front of him, Tang Yi's eyes narrowed, and at the same time he threw a Heavenly Eye Technique at him.

Name: Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King (Tyrannosaurus Level BOSS)

Level: 200 (Top Holy God)
  Description: The supreme king on the sacred mountain, whose whole body is composed of Mayan energy, can maximize the power of Mayan energy.

Attributes: Weak relative to the player

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: Slightly inferior (the opponent's strength is slightly inferior to the player, the player can completely crush the opponent)

"Another top BOSS?"

Tang Yi was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect to meet the top holy god again.

After all, the top holy god is not a cabbage, so how can he be encountered everywhere?

But the next second, Tang Yi felt relieved again.

After all, the Golden Flying Dragon King I met before was already a nine-star holy beast, and if you go higher up, it will definitely be a top holy god.

Therefore, it is natural that the final BOSS on this sacred mountain is the top holy god.


What makes Tang Yi puzzled is!
  The road in front of us is obviously not the deep part of the Imperial Road!

Tang Yi is sure not!

Because this place doesn’t look like the depths of the Imperial Road!

This should be just a corner of the imperial road!
  However, it is extremely weird that there are so many powerful monsters in this corner of the Empire Road, and top holy beasts appear.

However, this was obviously not the time for doubts, because after the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King angrily rushed out of the ruins of the grotto, he suddenly flew towards Tang Yi.

And while flying, its eight pairs of wings suddenly flapped, and countless golden energy surged, turning into golden sharp knives, tilting towards Tang Yi like rain.

The attack launched by the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King at this moment actually achieved the effect of the previous five golden flying dragon kings attacking at the same time.

And because the golden energy in the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King is extremely rich, the number of golden sharp knives is more and denser than the sharp knives used by the five golden flying dragon kings at the same time.

"Space-time barrier!"

Tang Yi raised his hand!
  A black barrier flashed out of thin air, blocking the way.

After summoning the time and space barrier, Tang Yi flicked his right hand, retracted the Ice and Fire Divine Bow, and replaced it with Red Moon Apophis.

After most of the golden sharp knives were absorbed by the time and space barrier, Tang Yi rushed out from behind the time and space barrier.

Dodging left and right, he quickly dodged the remaining golden sharp knives. Tang Yi suddenly shouted loudly: "Man and sword become one!"


The whole person turned into a red giant sword and crashed into the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King.

As soon as he came up, Tang Yi showed off his unique skills.

However, when he was about to hit the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King, a large amount of golden energy was seen pouring out of the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King. This energy completely enveloped the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King and arranged a A tight defense.

Under the defense of golden energy, Tang Yi's attack failed.

(End of this chapter)

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