Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2253: Not fighting back when being beaten is not what a man does

Chapter 2253: Not fighting back when being beaten is not what a man does

And while Tang Yi was stunned, the feeling of danger came again, and a warning sign emerged spontaneously.

Tang Yi did not dare to stop and dodge towards the other side again.


At this moment, the place where Tang Yi was standing was hit by a big insect again.

And after the blow, the big bug quickly shrank up again, and the next second, it attacked Tang Yi from another direction.

In this way, the big bug kept attacking, missing a single hit, and immediately retreated. His body was very flexible, and his tactics were extremely excellent.

For a moment, Tang Yi was suppressed and beaten, with no chance to fight back.

"What on earth is this? Can it still be like this?"

Tang Yi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect this big insect to be so difficult to deal with.

When he saw the appearance of this big bug using the false flame illumination before, he thought that this big bug was very easy to deal with.

After all, this big bug is extremely bulky and seems to have no legs.

With such a huge body and no legs, isn't it a living target?

In Tang Yi's opinion, such a monster was simply too easy to kill.

But who knows...

Not only was this big bug not bulky, it was even extremely flexible and cunning. It did not give Tang Yi any chance to fight back and caused Tang Yi great trouble.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was even more.

This big bug brought more trouble to Tang Yi than just that.

After an unknown number of attacks, the big bug seemed to feel that there was nothing he could do about Tang Yi, so he used another method.

Every time it attacked Tang Yi at a different location, it also spit out streaks of green threads of unknown material.

After these green threads were sprayed out from the mouth of the big insect, they stuck to the passage of the cave like a spider web.

After several rounds, the entire passage was filled with these criss-crossing green threads.

Tang Yi tried to replace Red Moon Apophis, and then suddenly slashed at these green threads.

However, these green threads made of unknown materials are extremely tough and have a stickiness.

Tang Yi slashed suddenly, but he couldn't cut off the green silk!
  When he wanted to kill again, the big insect's attack came again, interrupting his attack.

Therefore, the green threads in the cave passages, even if they were attacked by Tang Yi, not only did not decrease, but instead increased in number.

After a while, it spread throughout the entire passage.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that it wants to use these green threads to restrict my movements? However, even if the passage is full of green threads, it will not affect my actions at all, right?" ?Isn’t it a joke that you want to use these green threads to influence my actions?”

However, the next second, Tang Yi realized that he was completely wrong.

These green threads did not have any impact on Tang Yi's actions, but these green threads contained extremely rich toxins.

Moreover, the green silk will also diffuse these toxins through the air, allowing the toxins to permeate the air.

When these green threads spread all over the cave passage, a large amount of toxins suddenly filled the cave passage.

This toxin contains extremely terrifying poison. Although Tang Yi didn't know what the toxin was, he knew that it was definitely an extremely terrifying and advanced toxin.

Of course, even very terrifying and advanced toxins would generally not cause any harm to Tang Yi.

After all, Tang Yi's physique is extremely strong, and he wears so much god-level equipment, so his resistance to toxins is extremely high.

But that's just generally speaking.

If the amount of toxin is small, it will indeed not affect Tang Yi.

But if the amount of toxin is large...

Not the same.

Each square meter contains a large amount of toxins. No matter how strong Tang Yi's resistance is and how good his physique is, he can't withstand it.

Just like now, under the continuous action of the big insects, the passage is filled with a large number of green threads. These green threads overflowed with a large amount of toxins, which immediately filled the entire passage with a large amount of toxins.

Tang Yi inhaled a large amount of toxins and immediately entered a state of poisoning.

The whole person felt dizzy, his hands and feet were weak, and his vitality was greatly reduced in a short period of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the big insect suddenly broke out of the wall and crashed into Tang Yi, knocking Tang Yi away immediately.

Let Tang Yi suffer a heavy blow.

With this blow, if it had been an ordinary Holy Spirit powerhouse, he would have turned into meat and died countless times.

Fortunately, Tang Yi's defense was strong enough and he wore enough defensive equipment, so he was not killed by the big bug's impact this time.

Fortunately, Tang Yi reacted quickly enough. The moment he fell to the ground, he quickly bought a health-restoring elixir from the system store, which instantly restored his injuries.

At the same time, he also purchased the corresponding detoxification pill to instantly relieve the poisoning state.

Only then did he avoid being bombarded by the big bug for the second time.

However, because the cave passages were filled with a large amount of toxins, Tang Yigang had just recovered from the poisoning state and inhaled a large amount of toxins again.

Not long after, he entered a state of poisoning again.

The whole person was confused again, and his limbs were weak.

Helpless, Tang Yi could only buy a large number of detoxification pills in the system store, and then take one at regular intervals to keep himself awake and combative at all times.

In this way, he barely let himself fall into a dangerous situation.

Otherwise, if one is really poisoned, loses consciousness and loses the ability to fight, the consequences will be disastrous.

The huge slippery bug would definitely tear him apart.

Just got hit once, so that was pretty good.

If Tang Yi was really poisoned and lost consciousness, it might not be as simple as being hit.

After constantly swallowing detoxification pills to stay in good condition, it became much easier for Tang Yi to deal with the attacks of big insects.

No matter how slippery this big bug is, no matter how tricky its attacks are, or how weird its location is, it can't touch Tang Yi's hair again.

Of course.

That’s just to prevent big bugs from hurting you!

Tang Yi was still helpless in the face of this big insect.

It has to be said that this is the first time in a long time that Tang Yi has encountered such a slippery and difficult opponent.

This is also the first time I have fallen into such an embarrassing situation.

This big bug brought quite a lot of trouble to Tang Yi.

And from beginning to end...

No, not from beginning to end.

But since attacking the big bug for the first time, Tang Yi has never touched the big bug again, and he can't even fight back.

This is simply frustrating.

Moreover, because Tang Yi needed to deal with the toxins spread by the big bugs in the cave passages, he kept buying detoxification pills, which consumed a huge amount of holy value.

For example, the detoxification pill Tang Yi was taking at the moment was a high-grade detoxification pill, with a holy value of nearly 30 million points.

At this moment, Tang Yi had to take a detoxifying pill every minute to remove toxins from his body, so that he could keep his mind clear.

In other words, Tang Yi now spends 30 million holy points every minute to buy detoxifying pills!
  Thirty million holy points in one minute, 300 million holy points in ten minutes!
  This consumption is simply huge.

If Tang Yi hadn't accumulated a large amount of holy value, he wouldn't have been able to afford such consumption.

"No, it can't go on like this. If it goes on like this, no matter how much holy value I have, it won't be of any use. I have to fight back! Moreover, not fighting back when being beaten is not what a man does."

Tang Yi decided in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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