Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2259 The Kingdom Team of the Beitian Empire

Chapter 2259 The Kingdom Team of the Beitian Empire

Because the road to the empire is extremely broad, even if you have made a plan in advance, you must gather first before taking action.

Purple Gold warrior Mu Zhenghao is still lost and has not found his teammates.

Helpless, he could only temporarily join a miscellaneous team.

The team, including him, totaled nine people.

Among them, there are two from Yanqiang Kingdom, one from Jianliang Kingdom, one from Shengfeng Kingdom, two from Honghan Kingdom, one from Sichuan and Song Kingdom, and one from Zongwu Kingdom.

Including Mu Zhenghao from the Purple Gold Kingdom, this nine-member team actually includes warriors from the seven kingdoms!
  Completely a miscellaneous army!

What kind of combat power can such a team have?
  Of course, at the beginning, this nine-person team was progressing extremely smoothly, and they achieved good results whether it was killing monsters or exploring.

Two days later, they also harvested a lot of Mayan gems.

Everyone gets at least dozens of them.

Such results are not very good, but they are not too bad either.

A team like this is naturally pretty good when nothing happens.

But if something happens, it won't work at all.

Early this morning, their motley army of nine people met another team.

That team is also nine people, but the nine people over there are only from the Three Kingdoms!
  Moreover, they are all familiar kingdoms.

Before entering the Imperial Road, the three kingdoms of that team had practiced in advance.

So it works perfectly together.

Nine people versus nine people, a mixed army of our own, not cooperating and not understanding each other.

The opponent's regular army has cooperation, drills, and strong combat power.

Their nine-man miscellaneous army was immediately defeated by the opponent's regular army composed of three kingdoms.

Fortunately, there was no disadvantage in terms of numbers. After fighting and retreating, they still escaped.

In the end, I only suffered a minor injury, no major losses.

But this also exposed the fact that their motley army has poor combat effectiveness!

And now!
  Their motley crew is in trouble again.

They were blocked again by a regular army of sixteen people.

Moreover, every person in this sixteen-person team carries a strong murderous aura. They have obviously killed many people, and they look very difficult to mess with!
  Encountering such a team, their nine-man motley crew suddenly fell into a very dangerous situation.

Being robbed of Mayan gems is a small matter, but being beaten and killed here is the end.

So when I saw the sixteen-man team on the left and the nine-man miscellaneous army on the right, they were very nervous, and everyone looked pale.

Even Mu Zhenghao looked desperate and couldn't help but secretly thought: "If I had known earlier, I would have acted alone. At least the target of acting alone would be smaller and not easy to be targeted. Now I'm fine. I have joined this team and been caught by a stronger team." They were targeted. And now this team is composed of warriors from seven kingdoms. Everyone does not know each other and has no cooperation at all. Such a team has no combat power at all and is not as powerful as a team composed of warriors from two kingdoms. Woolen cloth."

Others, like Mu Zhenghao, also regretted forming this team. If they had not formed such a team, they would not be in this situation.

On the right, in a team of sixteen people, there is a young man wearing black clothing.

This young man has a hooked nose and the most murderous aura between his brows. He is the one with the strongest murderous aura among the sixteen people.

And this young man is the leader of the sixteen-person team. His name is Yuan Yangcheng, and he comes from the Jingyuan Kingdom of the Beitian Empire.

Yes, these sixteen-person team are not the Kingdom team of Mengyue Empire.

But from the Northern Empire! At this moment, Yuan Yangcheng looked at the motley crew on Mu Zhenghao's side with a smile on his face, as if he was looking at the fish on the chopping board.

I saw him facing the nine-man motley army on Mu Zhenghao's side, and said calmly: "How about it? Should we take action, or should you take the initiative to surrender? If you take the initiative to surrender, we can leave a whole corpse for you!"

After hearing Yuan Yangcheng's words, the warriors on his side all had sarcastic expressions on their faces.

As for the nine-man motley crew on Mu Zhenghao's side, everyone's expressions were as dark as water.

I saw someone in the motley army say: "The road to the empire is full of competition. You want to steal our Mayan gems. This is understandable. The weak will eat the strong, and the strong will take over. I understand this, but you actually want to kill us." ?Isn’t this a little too much?”

This man is the leader of Mu Zhenghao's motley crew, named Qiu Yiming.

It was also him who pulled up this nine-man team.

Hearing Qiu Yiming's words, Yuan Yangcheng smiled coldly and said: "Is it too much? Why do I think it's not too much? We must take your Mayan gems, your lives... Haha, we also want it! This time we enter The Road to Empire has two tasks. The first is to obtain enough Mayan gems. The second is to harvest the lives of your Mengyue Empire warriors. And we have performed very well on these two tasks."

As he said this, Yuan Yangcheng laughed, extremely unscrupulously.

The northern warriors behind Yuan Yangcheng also laughed.

"Aren't you warriors from the Mengyue Empire? Are you from other empires?"

"No wonder, no wonder you are targeting us!"

Qiu Yiming was slightly surprised.

When entering the road to the empire, the emperor said that this session would have kingdom teams from other empires participating, and Qiu Yiming also knew this.

But I have never seen teams from other empires.

Unexpectedly, on the last day, I would encounter a kingdom team from another empire!
  Moreover, is it still such a murderous team?

Their second mission is to hunt the warriors of our Mengyue Empire?
  We, the warriors of the Mengyue Empire, have become prey in their eyes?

No wonder, no wonder the people in this team are filled with strong murderous aura...

Not only Qiu Yiming was shocked, but all the warriors on Qiu Yiming's side were also shocked.

At the same time, everyone felt cold and fearful in their hearts.

If possible, they would like to escape from here and stay far away from the warriors of the Beitian Empire.

But unfortunately, they can't escape now.

Once you move, the opponent will take action immediately!

Surrounded by sixteen people, it was very difficult for nine of them to escape.

It’s even impossible!
  Therefore, they are afraid but dare not run away.

"Now you know? Do you know why we are surrounding you? Yes, that's right, you have become the prey of our Beitian Empire warriors! Hahahaha!"

With that said, Yuan Yangcheng laughed again, looking extremely arrogant.

The Beitian warriors behind him also laughed endlessly like Yuan Yangcheng.

However, facing the arrogance of Beitian warriors, Qiu Yiming and other nine-man motley crew were completely helpless.

Because they can't beat it!

So they could do nothing but blush and feel angry.

At this time, after laughing for a while, Yuan Yangcheng said again: "How about it? Are you going to kill it yourself, or are we going to help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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