Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2271 Chasing the Black Shadow!

Chapter 2271 Chasing the Black Shadow!

Tang Yi didn't react at all to the continuous changing attacks of the black shadow on the opposite side!
  Even if he saw the black shadow's movements, Tang Yi had no time to react.

Because at this moment, he had just finished using Sky Slash, and before he had time to retract the attack, the black shadow changed positions and completed the attack.


Tang Yi was hit in the chest by the black shadow, and the huge impact directly knocked him away.

Let his body fly hundreds of meters away, and then slide another hundred meters on the ground, drawing a half-meter-deep path before stopping.


After being hit hard, Tang Yi raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood. His face instantly turned extremely pale...

Even if Tang Yi received the news, even if Tang Yi had made preparations beforehand, the dark shadow's sneak attack was still successful in the end.

And with just one blow, Tang Yi was severely injured.

Fortunately, Tang Yi was wearing a lot of god-level equipment and had taken a lot of attribute pills in his body, so he could barely withstand the blow.

If it were another person, he would have died on the spot under the sneak attack just now.

It can be seen how powerful the dark shadow's sneak attack just now was.

"So strong!!"

Tang Yi got up from the ground, and instantly spent 10 million holy points to buy a pill to restore qi and blood in the system store.

After taking the elixir, Tang Yi's complexion returned to rosy, and his injuries quickly recovered.

After recovering, Tang Yi went to look at the black shadow.

  Just when Tang Yi looked in the direction of the black shadow, the black shadow that had just attacked Tang Yi disappeared.

Yes, it's gone!

He was still in front of Tang Yi just now, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared!
  Tang Yi just entered the system store to buy a pill, took the pill, and disappeared in just one breath.

In an instant, a warning sign rose in Tang Yi's heart, and a sense of danger surged from the bottom of his heart, making Tang Yi's hair stand on end.

At this time, Tang Yi did not hesitate and responded quickly.

His right hand was shaking continuously, and he directly summoned four space-time barriers without any hesitation, summoning one in each direction to defend the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was!
  Tang Yi summoned four space-time barriers to defend the surrounding area, but the black shadow did not attack from four directions.


But it came with a bang from above Tang Yi's head!

Because Tang Yi didn't expect it to be in the direction of his head, he was half a beat slower in consciousness and action. When he discovered it later, it was too late to react or defend.

So this time, the black shadow hit Tang Yi again.

But the simple thing is that although Tang Yi had no time to defend or dodge, at the critical moment, he still managed to tilt his head slightly to the left.

Because of this move, Tang Yi immediately escaped the fatal blow of the black shadow and avoided the tragic fate of being shot in the head.

Although the black shadow's blow was still avoided, it only hit Tang Yi's arm.

Moreover, it is Tang Yi's right arm!

On Tang Yi's right is the hand of the ancient Li Mo, whose tenacity and defensive power are extremely astonishing.

So when he was bombarded by the black shadow, Tang Yi was just blasted into the soil by the huge force, and his body was severely injured again. However, it was not fatal, and his body did not appear damaged or disabled.


After rushing out of the ground, Tang Yi bought pills in the system store to recover his injuries, and then rushed towards the black shadow without hesitation.

Come and don't go indecent.

Tang Yi had to fight back and let Heiying know that he was not someone to be trifled with!

The figure of the black shadow disappeared again.

Disappeared from Tang Yi's sight.

This time, Tang Yi thought his reaction was fast enough. Whether it's breaking out of the ground or buying elixirs to recover from injuries, it's all done extremely quickly, almost in an instant.

But unexpectedly, the trace of the black shadow was still lost. This was too speechless.

Of course, Tang Yi was speechless, but Tang Yi was not distracted by this.

His mental power was still extremely concentrated, and he was careful to guard against the black shadow's attack.

After all, this black shadow was so elusive and so fast that we had to guard against it.

Although the black shadow cannot cause a fatal injury to Tang Yi, what if it happens?
  What if Tang Yi didn't defend himself during any attack, and that attack was so powerful that it directly threatened Tang Yi's life?

Tang Yi would not gamble with his life.

Therefore, even though he had endured two attacks from the shadows before, he was still cautious and alert to the attacks from the shadows.

And the next second, black shadows came one after another.

This time, it's even weirder.

This black shadow didn't come from one direction.

But they come from all directions!

A black shadow appeared in the four directions of Tang Yi, and even on top of Tang Yi's head.

The ground was rolling, and Tang Yi could feel a danger approaching under the ground.

I think there are also attacks under the ground.

"Six black shadows? There are front, back, left, right, up and down?!"

Tang Yi didn't expect that there was not just one black shadow, but six?

Six monsters attacked me?
  Tang Yi was extremely shocked.

After all, just one black shadow made Tang Yi extremely embarrassed. If there were six such black shadows, how could Tang Yi deal with it?
  But the next second, Tang Yi overturned his conclusion.

"No! There are not six, there are six black shadows, but there should be only one of this unknown thing. The auras of these six black shadows are exactly the same. It seems that it uses some secret method to separate the body shape, so it can Six black shadows appeared, so they could attack me from all directions."

Tang Yi thought.

While thinking, Tang Yi's movements were not slow.

After knowing that no matter how hard he hid, it was impossible to avoid the black shadow's attack, Tang Yi stopped hiding and used offense instead of defense. This was the best solution.

Suddenly, he held Red Moon Apophis, raised it suddenly, and then smashed it to the ground.

Completed in one go, very fast.

"Earth-shattering Wave Sword!"


As soon as the blow hit the ground, the ground trembled, and the terrifying shock wave centered on Tang Yi and shook in all directions.

The black shadows in front, back, left and right were shaken and instantly disappeared.

The black shadow under the ground seemed to have been violently shaken, and there was no movement.

The one on top of his head suffered this blow. Although it was not destroyed, it was thrown away.

Tang Yi's attack had an astonishing effect.

Although it suffered from dangers from all directions, it was resolved invisibly.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

After succeeding with one blow, Tang Yi took advantage of the opportunity to pursue him.

The black shadow in mid-air was not extinguished. Tang Yi thought that the dark shadow in mid-air should be his true body.

So as soon as he urged Wangyue to travel through the body, he flew up like an immortal and rushed into the air while passing through the full moon.

(End of this chapter)

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