Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2278 Supreme Red Moon Apophis!

Chapter 2278 Supreme Red Moon Apophis!

Tang Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that the Supreme Combat Power Index could actually increase his strength!
  "In other words, the stronger my weapons, equipment, and supreme skills are, the higher my supreme combat power index will be. And as the supreme combat power index increases, my strength will also increase?!"

"That seems to be it!"

"Then, I want to continue the transformation! I want to see how high my supreme combat power index will be after all the transformations are completed, and then how high my strength will be in the end!"

Tang Yi said excitedly.

Then, continue to transform weapons and equipment.

The martial arts have been transformed just now. Three were transformed, three were discarded, and three supreme coins were spent.

Currently, Tang Yi still has one hundred and three supreme coins.

After Weiwei checked the weapons and equipment interface, Tang Yi thought about it and decided to convert the enchanted weapons and equipment first.

After all, these enchanted weapons and equipment are the most powerful and have the best attributes. After all, they were also enchanted at a huge cost. If these equipments are not transformed, it would be unjustifiable.

First transform the weapon.

In terms of weapon selection, Tang Yi decided to transform only two weapons, namely the Red Moon Apophis and the Ice and Fire Divine Bow.


Tang Yi decided to give up.

After all, it’s not commonly used!

I have never performed any spirit enchantment, and the attributes are too different, so transformation is meaningless.

"Ding, the player chooses to transform Red Moon Apophis. Transforming this weapon requires 10 Supreme Coins. Does the player need to transform?"


Ten supreme coins!
  One hundred billion holy values!

It only cost one Supreme Coin to transform the previous martial arts into Supreme Skills, but now it actually costs ten!
  Tang Yi was very surprised.

But since the price was set by the system, no matter how surprised or dissatisfied he was, he couldn't say anything.

Moreover, Red Moon Apophis is a weapon that Tang Yi often uses, and he cannot refuse to transform it just because it is expensive.

Therefore, even though Red Moon Apophis' transformation required ten Supreme Coins, Tang Yi still chose to transform.


Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to switch to the weapon Red Moon Apophis, which consumes ten Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully converting and obtaining the weapon Supreme Red Moon Apophis."

The transformation is completed in an instant.

Tang Yi opened the panel of Supreme Red Moon Apophis. He wanted to see what the Red Moon Apophis, which cost ten Supreme coins, would become after being converted!

[Supreme Red Moon Apophis]: Growth-type sword spirit weapon

Basic attributes: strength, life-stealing, speed, penetration.

Passive special effects: dark attribute attack, suppression offensive, bloodthirsty instinct, red moon repair, sword field, control of ten thousand swords

Dark attribute attack: When using Supreme Red Moon Apophis to attack, the player can add additional red special attribute damage to each normal attack. (The red special attribute damage will change with the player's strength. This damage is real damage and ignores the target's defense)
  Suppressive offensive: When using Supreme Red Moon Apophis to fight against enemy targets, players can ignore the enemy target's attributes and strength to carry out suppressive strikes. Bloodthirsty Instinct: If it hits an enemy target, it can cause the enemy target to enter a special non-stop bleeding state. If special methods are not used to stop the bleeding, the enemy target will bleed to death. (Bleeding damage depends on the severity of the injury. The more serious the injury, the higher the damage caused by bleeding damage)

Red Moon Repair: No matter how serious the damage is to the Supreme Red Moon Apophis, even if it turns into scrap metal, as long as there is a fragment left, it can be slowly repaired. (The speed of repair depends on the richness of the spiritual energy. The richer the spiritual energy, the faster the repair speed.)

Sword Domain: When using Supreme Red Moon Apophis, a large-scale domain can be formed. In the domain, the attack power of sword weapons and the damage of sword skills will be greatly improved.

Control Ten Thousand Swords: When the Sword Domain is activated, all sword weapons in the domain will be controlled by the player.

Additional skills: The spirit of the magic sword, the integration of human and sword, and the construction of space

Demonic Sword Spirit: When this skill is activated, Supreme Red Moon Apophis can transform into the Demonic Sword Spirit and automatically attack enemy targets. This skill will change accordingly as the player's strength increases and equipment changes.

Duration: 600 seconds.

Cooling time: 2 hours.

Fusion of Man and Sword: By activating this skill, the player can merge with Supreme Red Moon Apophis, and the Supreme Combat Power Index will instantly increase by 10000 points.

Duration: 90 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Construct a space: Activating this skill can construct a space completely formed by sword weapons. The size of the space will depend on the player's construction time.

Supreme combat power index increase: 5000
  (This weapon is a growth-type sword spirit weapon. It has no upper limit for strengthening and amplification. It can be strengthened and amplified without limit. Therefore, the values ​​for strengthening and amplification are reset to zero and will no longer be displayed on the panel. Although the values ​​are reset to zero, the strengthening and amplification values ​​are The attributes are still valid, and future strengthening and amplification effects will not be reflected on the panel, but will only change the value of the Supreme Combat Power Index)
  "Red Moon Apophis originally had five skills, but after transforming into Supreme Red Moon Apophis, only three were left?"

"Have the other two become passive skills?"

"How can it still be like this?"

"And its supreme combat power index increases..."

"5...5000? Red Moon Apophis can actually increase the supreme combat power index by 5000!"

"So strong!"

Seeing the increase in the supreme combat power index of Supreme Red Moon Apophis, Tang Yi opened his mouth wide and was extremely surprised.

You know, after Tang Yi was promoted to the second level of supreme, he was already very powerful, but his supreme combat power index was only a few hundred points.

After converting three martial arts skills before, coupled with the actual strength, the supreme combat power index is now only 3942 points.

But now, a piece of Supreme Red Moon Apophis can actually increase the Supreme Combat Power Index by 5000 points!

Isn't this too exaggerated?
  Directly doubled.

Can Tang Yi not be surprised?

Of course, while surprised, Tang Yi was also endlessly surprised.

After all, this equipment belongs to him. The higher the increase, the stronger he will be, right?
  "Okay, great, great! It is indeed a weapon that has been enchanted! I am very satisfied with this supreme combat power index."

Tang Yi was so happy that his eyes almost disappeared from laughter.

He is now extremely satisfied with Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

After being excited for a moment, Tang Yi immediately equipped the Supreme Red Moon Apophis on the weapon column.

And at the moment Tang Yi equipped the Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

His supreme combat power jumped from the original 3942 points to 8942 points!
  Double it again!
  (End of this chapter)

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