Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2294 The results of Mengyue and others’ analysis of the road to empire

Chapter 2294 The results of Mengyue and others’ analysis of the road to empire

After hearing Xia Hong Surou's words, everyone present looked at the third prince deeply, with confusion and other thoughts in their eyes.

Is the third prince Xia Hongyu a fool?

Obviously not.

But since he is not a fool, how could the third prince Xia Hongyu bet on 100 million emperor crystals?
  Moreover, it was still a mid-level team.

Purple and Gold Kingdom?

They had never heard of it.

Since the third prince Xia Hongyu is not a fool, and he used his old skills to join an unknown team, it is very likely that this team has some extraordinary strength, which gave the third prince Xia Hongyu great confidence, and he did not hesitate to use his old skills. Book!

Many people didn't expect this before Xia Hongsurou exposed it.

And as Xia Hongsurou exposed these things, everyone suddenly realized that they were paying attention to the Zijin Kingdom owned by Xia Hongyu.

All the high-ranking officials of the empire present wanted to see what the Zijin Kingdom, which had attracted the attention of the third prince Xia Hongyu and supported them at all costs, was really capable of.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, the third prince Xia Hongyu suddenly said something bad in his heart, then closed his mouth and said no more.

Too much talk leads to mistakes, but he still understands this path.

If he talks any more, I'm afraid Tang Yi will no longer be able to hide this matter.

Now, Xia Hongyu already regrets his bet.

If he didn't place a bet, he could still keep Tang Yi's matter a secret.

Then when the road to empire is over, he will contact Tang Yi to seize the opportunity.

As long as he gets the upper hand, he will have the advantage!

Even if he can't get Tang Yi to work for him, he can at least gain Tang Yi's favor, right?

As long as he gained favor, he was not afraid that Tang Yi would work for the eldest prince and the second prince.

This has endless benefits for him.

But now!
  Because of his bet, the Zijin Kingdom was exposed.

If he continues talking and exposes Tang Yi, there will be no chance at all.

Therefore, Xia Hongyu chose to shut up.

Seeing Xia Hongyu's nervous and slightly panicked look, Xia Hongsurou's eyes flashed with a bright look, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

"The Purple and Gold Kingdom, right? I want to see what special abilities this kingdom has that can make Third Brother so nervous and panicked."

Xia Hongsurou thought in her heart.

"Even if it is a team from the Seed Principality, they will not receive such treatment from Third Brother, right? Will they sacrifice their old age to support? With Third Brother's conservative character, if he is not fully sure, he will definitely not do such a thing. . In other words, he has complete confidence in this team from the Purple and Gold Kingdom! What exactly gave him such great confidence in the Purple and Gold Kingdom?"

Xia Hongtaoyi looked at Xia Hongyu with confusion on his face: "No matter what the facts are. The results will be revealed later. Why the third brother is so confident in the Zijin Kingdom will be known later."

"Unexpectedly, the third brother actually secretly paid attention to a Kingdom team! No wonder he was sneaky before. It turned out that he went to investigate the information of this team. And now he has spent 100 million emperor crystals to support this team. The team. It’s not simple!”    “However, no matter how strong the team supported by the third brother is, it is only a mid-level team. Even if they have made some improvements in the past few years, they cannot surpass the Seed Principality. team. This time, the Dong Qi Kingdom that I support is in the upper reaches even among the Seed Principalities, and has a very high chance of winning. No matter what, my winning chances will be bigger! And I, haha, also made a bet It’s a hundred bets. Third brother, this time, I’ll take your money.”

The second prince Xia Hongwen thought proudly.

On the high platform, everyone except the prince and princess were discussing the road to the empire.

On the other side, Emperor Mengyue, a group of powerful men and senior royal officials were also waiting while discussing the road to the empire.

"Everyone, how many people do you think can survive from our Mengyue Empire this time?"

Emperor Mengyue asked everyone.

Hearing this, only one person spoke: "This year's Imperial Road, a total of five empires are participating. The total number of participating kingdom teams has reached more than 800, and the total number of people has reached more than 2,500. In Under such competitive pressure, coupled with the extremely dangerous road to the empire, in my opinion, surviving one-third is considered extremely good."

The speaker's name is Jiang Junrong, a saint-level powerhouse in the Mengyue Empire, known as the Holy God Junrong.

As soon as Junrong Shengshen's voice fell, many people immediately agreed and agreed.

"Holy God Junrong is right. The competition pressure is too great this time. It is already very good to survive one-third."

"In the past, there were only three major empires competing, or even only two major empires. At that time, only one-half of the kingdom warriors from our Mengyue Empire could come back alive from the Imperial Road. Now the empires participating in the Imperial Road have reached Five, the total number of people has reached more than 2,500, and the survival rate is definitely lower. Holy God Junrong said that it is only one third, which is also common sense. I strongly agree."

"Actually, I think what Junrong Holy God said is too conservative. The competition this time is so great. I think that a quarter of the number of warriors from the Mengyue Empire who can survive is already very good. .”


Others said one after another.

Hearing everyone's words, Emperor Mengyue sighed and said: "It seems that the situation on the road to the empire this year is very serious. I hope that Holy God Lu Junrong said that our Mengyue Empire can come back alive this year. One-tenth of the number of people. No matter how bad it is, it can’t be worse than this.”

"Emperor, please rest assured. The warriors of our Mengyue Empire this year are of extremely high quality. No matter how great the competition pressure is, there will definitely be a very large number of people who can survive."

The Holy Spirit Junrong comforted him.

"hope so!"

Emperor Mengyue said.

"Then who do you think will win this time when the five empires compete together?"

Emperor Mengyue asked again.

"There are five empires participating in the Imperial Road this time. They are our Mengyue Empire, Beitian Empire, Shitang Empire, Lan Yi Empire and Sheng Sui Empire."

"I dare not say in previous years, but this year, I feel that among the five empires, our Mengyue Empire is the strongest. Whether it is comprehensive strength or top-level combat power, it is the strongest existence."

"In terms of comprehensive combat strength, we have twenty-three Seed Kingdom teams, while the other four empires, as far as I know, only have twenty Seed Kingdom teams at most."

"In terms of top combat power, the Dong Qi Kingdom of our Mengyue Empire has a Lei Ji this year. This person is an extremely talented person. It is said that he has reached the level of Nine-Star Saint before he is thirty years old. He is only one step away from being able to reach the level of Nine-Star Saint. Entering the Holy Emperor. In the middle of the empire, he is expected to be promoted directly, which means that he is a Holy Emperor-level existence. However, the other four major empires do not have such geniuses."

"That is to say, whether it is in terms of comprehensive strength or top level strength, our Mengyue Empire is far ahead, far ahead of the other four empires. Based on this comparison of strength, our Mengyue Empire should be able to win the top spot in the competition among the five empires !”

Junrong Holy God analyzed slowly. Listening to his words, you can tell that he understands the path of the empire very well.

(End of this chapter)

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