Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2297 Score 0?

Chapter 2297 The score is zero?

"Line up according to the previous column and count the number of people!"

While everyone was deep in thought, a strong Mengyue man in charge of the road to the empire shouted loudly to the warriors of the kingdom.

In an instant, all the kingdom warriors present lined up according to the team before entering the empire.

In this row, it was immediately clear which kingdom team had not returned, which kingdom team had returned, how many people had not returned, and how many people had returned.

Seeing the large number of vacant seats in Mengyue Square, even the senior leaders of Mengyue Empire had already made preparations, and they couldn't help but sigh slightly.

On the high platform, Holy God Junrong glanced at the square, frowning slightly, his eyes full of doubts.

Holy God Desu also took a look, and immediately said to Holy God Junrong on the side: "You lost."

"Yes, I lost!"

Junrong Holy God replied, his eyes were not disappointed or depressed, on the contrary, he was very confused.

He didn't expect that Lei Ji, the number one person in the kingdom whom he was quite optimistic about, didn't come back! !
  That is Lei Ji, who has reached the top level of Saint Lord and can advance to the level of Saint Emperor by entering the empire!

Didn't come back?
  This is too strange!
  What happened?
  Could it be that the top figures from the five empires are fighting together? Really four against one?

Holy Spirit Junrong was puzzled.

But Lei Ji didn't come back, his bet with the Holy God Desu...

The results are clear at a glance!
  If Lei Ji hasn't come back, how can we count the results?

If you don't have any results, how can you beat the others?

Obviously, he, Junrong Holy God, lost this bet.

Therefore, Holy God Junrong admitted defeat without any hesitation.

And with a flick of his right hand, he took out the mountain and sea heavy-eyed fan of the high-grade holy heaven level that he had promised, and handed it to Holy God Desu.

If you are willing to admit defeat, he will not cheat!

"Although I won, I'm very confused. Why didn't Lei Ji come back?" Holy God Desu took the Mountain and Sea Heavy Eye Fan handed over by Holy God Junrong and said doubtfully.

Although he defeated Junrong Holy God, Desu Holy God did not expect to win so easily.

What I didn't even expect was.

Lei Ji actually failed to come back and was buried on the road to the empire!
  "I didn't expect it either. It seems that I am too optimistic about the road to the empire this time."

Junrong Holy God said.

"In this year's Road to Empire, I originally estimated that there should be a 20% chance of winning. Even if I can't come out on top, at least the results won't be too bad. But now...even Lei Ji hasn't come back... …It seems that the situation for this term’s empire is not very optimistic.” Holy God Desu frowned.

On the side, Emperor Mengyue frowned slightly when he heard the words spoken by the two holy gods, and his face instantly became very ugly.

In addition to the death of Lei Ji, the first person on the road to the empire, judging from the situation in the square, less than a quarter of the warriors from the Seed Kingdom could come back, and apparently a large number of them also died.

The first person didn't come back, and a large number of Seed Kingdom's teams died...

As the two holy gods said, the situation of this empire is indeed not good.

Of course, although he was worried and had various speculations, Emperor Mengyue said nothing and quietly waited for the results.

On the side, the senior members of Mengyue Royal Family did not dare to say anything when they saw Emperor Mengyue being silent.

Except for the two holy gods present, no one would harm the emperor at this moment.

In Mengyue Square, after everyone lined up, teams from various kingdoms began to step forward one by one to check their results.

It was carried out by the strong men of Mengyue Royal Family.

The first was a team called Bichu Kingdom. Only one person came back from this Bichu Kingdom. He walked up alone and came to the strong men of the Mengyue Empire.

"Please show me what you have gained this time."

The strong man in charge of testing the results of Mengyue Kingdom said. The warrior from Bichu Kingdom hesitated and didn’t come up with anything for a long time.

"This Kingdom player, please show me what you have gained this time."

The strong man in charge of inspection said again.

After hearing the words of the powerful man from the Mengyue Empire, the warrior from the Bichu Kingdom spoke in a low voice: "I didn't get a single Mayan gem this time."

After saying that, the warrior from the Bichu Kingdom turned red.

It seemed that because he was too embarrassed, his voice was as quiet as a mosquito.

If it weren't for the strength of the powerful man from the empire who was in charge of the inspection in front of him, and his good hearing, he might not have been able to hear the words of this warrior at all.

Even if he heard it, the strong man in charge of the inspection wondered whether he heard it wrong.

"What did you say?"

The imperial strongman in charge of the inspection asked uncertainly.

"I said...I said I didn't get the Mayan gem!"

The Bichu Kingdom's face turned even redder, feeling ashamed.


This time the powerful man in charge of testing the empire finally heard clearly and was slightly startled.

Seeing that the first kingdom warrior who had been tested had not received any results for a long time, Emperor Mengyue frowned slightly on the high platform and was slightly dissatisfied. I saw him urging in a majestic voice: "What's going on? Why haven't the results been released yet? It's just a test of results. Does it take so long?"

Hearing this, the strong man in charge of the inspection in Mengyue Square came back to his senses and reported back: "The inspection has been completed. I will report it right away."

The strong man in charge of the inspection moistened his throat and announced loudly: "Bichu Kingdom, the score is zero, and there is no Mayan gem!"

After hearing the announcement, the entire venue was quiet for a few seconds, and you could hear a pin drop.

Then, there was an uproar.

"The score is zero? How come it is zero? If you can come back alive, you can pick up a few Mayan gems, right?"

"As far as I know, the strength of the Bichu Kingdom is pretty good. Only one person has returned, which is surprising enough. Now, there are still zero results? Not a single gem has been obtained? What's going on?? Happened What?"

"It can't be a mistake. How can someone not get a single Mayan gem? You know, you don't have to hunt monsters to get Mayan gems on the road to the empire. You can also pick up Mayans just wandering around. A gem!”

"Yes, in three days, even if you don't kill a single monster, you can pick up a lot of Mayan gems just wandering around, right? There is not even one in the Bichu Kingdom. This is simply unbelievable."


Everyone present was in an uproar.

Of course, those in the uproar were the high-ranking officials of the empire on the high platform.

"what happened?"

Emperor Mengyue's face was full of doubts and his brows were furrowed.

He was quite puzzled and dissatisfied with the achievements of Bichu Kingdom.

Of course, are you satisfied?

This is simply a shame!
  In their Mengyue Empire, there is actually a kingdom team that has not even obtained a Mayan gem. Isn't this a shame?
  No matter how bad it is, can it be so bad that you can't even get a Mayan gem?

If other empires knew about this, they would laugh out loud.

If something like this happened to Meng Yue, they would definitely become the laughing stock of the entire empire.

Too bad!

So, is Emperor Mengyue satisfied?

(End of this chapter)

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