Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2299 The truth behind score 0

Chapter 2299 The truth about zero grades

"Now, those who have gained something, please go to the inspection platform, and those who have gained nothing, please stand back."

The strong Mengyue who was responsible for the inspection repeated the words of Emperor Mengyue.

Hearing this, the warriors from all the kingdoms in the square took a step back.

This step declared that they had not gained anything.

In the square, there were only six warriors who boarded the inspection platform.

These six warriors are not Tang Yi and others from the Purple Gold Kingdom, and Sun Xiaofu and others from the Tianshui Kingdom. Who else could they be?
  Seeing that there were more than a hundred people in the entire square, only six people went to the examination platform. The senior members of the Mengyue royal family on the high platform had faces as dark as ink, and they were extremely ugly.

Behind Emperor Mengyue, there is a raging flame burning.

The two holy gods exuded a cold aura.

The third prince, Xia Hongwen, was overjoyed when he saw the six people going to the examination station.

However, he kept silent and did not show it, but was secretly happy in his heart.

"What on earth is going on? Can anyone explain to me?"

Emperor Mengyue said coldly towards the square below.

The coldness in his tone was like the passing of winter, causing the warriors from the kingdom below to enter the ice cellar, causing them to tremble in fear.

But whether it was out of fear or for some other reason, no one responded to Emperor Mengyue's question for a long time.

"What? Didn't anyone come out and tell me what happened? We Meng Yue came back this time with a total of 133 people. However, only six of them gained anything! The remaining 127 people gained nothing. Can no one explain such a big thing?"

Emperor Mengyue said again. The tone became colder and colder.

But still no one spoke.

When people from the Zijin Kingdom and Tianshui Kingdom saw that Tang Yi didn't speak, they naturally wouldn't speak without permission.

The warriors from the major kingdoms did not dare to speak because they were too scared.

After receiving no response twice, Emperor Mengyue became angry.

The terrifying momentum enveloped all the warriors in Mengyue Square in an instant.

All the warriors from the kingdom were immediately suppressed by the momentum and knelt down in the square.

At this time, someone finally couldn't hold it anymore, pointed at Tang Yi and others and shouted: "It's them, they took away all of our gains!"

"Yes, they stole our harvest!"

"The reason why we have zero harvest is because we were robbed by them!"

"Emperor, we are wronged! Before returning to Mengyue, we actually gained a lot, but they all robbed us!"


Someone took the lead, and other warriors also spoke.

Hearing this, Emperor Mengyue was slightly startled, withdrew his momentum, and looked at Tang Yi and his party in surprise.

Originally, he thought that this time only six members of the Kingdom team gained something because they were robbed by warriors from other empires.

He was angry before, why the kingdom's team was so useless, and was actually robbed by other empires.

Unexpectedly, the fact is that they were not robbed by the kingdom teams of other empires, but by their own people!

This made Emperor Mengyue very speechless.

Not only Emperor Mengyue, but also the senior officials on the high platform were all speechless.

The senior officials of the Mengyue royal family have thought about any possibility, such as an abnormality in the way of the empire.

For example, a powerful monster appears on the road to the empire. For example, in Road of Empires, several other major empires teamed up to deal with them.

That’s why the warriors from the Kingdom of Mengyue Empire didn’t get the Mayan gem!
  But the empire's senior officials never expected that the truth was not what they had guessed, but that the kingdom's team was robbed by 'one of their own'.

Six people robbed hundreds of people?

is it possible?

In addition to being speechless, the senior officials of the empire also didn't quite believe it.

Seeing the disbelieving looks of the senior officials on the high platform, the Kingdom warriors below said again: "Emperor, what I am saying is absolutely true! All the Kingdom teams here were robbed by a few people over there. , and, not only that, they also killed Lei Ji and several warriors from the Seed Kingdom!!"


Hearing this, the high platform was surprised again.

The six warriors standing next to the testing platform in front of them killed Lei Ji, the first person in this session?
  How is this possible!

Originally, they thought that Lei Ji did not come back and died in the hands of other imperial warriors, or in the hands of powerful monsters.

After all, on the road to the empire, the only ones that could pose a threat to Lei Ji were the seed warriors from other empires and the powerful monsters that could be seen everywhere.

As for the others, they don't think they have the ability to kill Lei Ji!

However, he didn't expect that Lei Ji would die in the hands of his own people?

Moreover, there are still a few unknown warriors?
  Which kingdom do these six warriors come from?
  Everyone is confused?

On the side, Emperor Mengyue frowned slightly and asked, "Are you serious? Was Lei Ji's death really caused by them?"

"It's absolutely true! No matter how bold I am, I wouldn't dare to deceive the emperor!"

"Emperor, this is absolutely true. Otherwise, how could Lei Ji not have come back? With his strength, how could the geniuses of other empires be his opponents."

"Lei Ji had a conflict with them at that time, so he was beaten to death by them! He didn't care about any friendship with the empire at all! More than a hundred of us present can testify to this!"


The warriors of the kingdom replied one after another.

"It seems that this matter is true. What kingdom do those six people in front of me belong to? They are so capable. Not only did they steal all the harvest of all the kingdom teams present, but they also beat up Lei Ji, the number one person in Meng Yue. died."

"If only one person said this, I would definitely not believe it, but now that all the warriors in the kingdom say this, I guess this is what happened!"

"No wonder, no wonder all the kingdom teams' scores were zero, and they couldn't even get out a Mayan gem. That's it! It turned out that they were robbed by one of our own people."


The imperial royal family on the high platform said one after another.

After Emperor Mengyue heard the words of the kingdom's warriors, he frowned slightly and looked at Tang Yi and others.

In his impression, these six people were not warriors from the Seed Kingdom.

Not a potential warrior of the kingdom?

what happened?

How could they be so capable that they could actually steal the harvest of more than a hundred people?
  How could he actually kill Lei Ji, the first person in this session?
  Emperor Mengyue was very confused.

After thinking for a moment, Emperor Mengyue asked Tang Yi and others, "Which kingdom's team are you from?"

Ji Hongru of the Zijin Kingdom cupped his hands, pointed at Tang Yi and Mu Zhenghao and said, "We are the team of the Zijin Kingdom."

Sun Xiaofu stood up in one step, pointed to the two warriors from this kingdom, and said, "We are from the Tianshui Kingdom's team."

(End of this chapter)

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