Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2302 The best Mayan gems are piled up into mountains

Chapter 2302 The best Mayan gems are piled up into mountains

It was because of Tang Yi that their Tianshui achieved such results.

It was because of Tang Yi that Tianshui did not become an eliminated kingdom.

It can be said that everything depends on Tang Yi!

Tang Yi was extremely helpful to Tian Shui.

Tang Yi had been so helpful to their Tianshui Kingdom, but they had actually targeted Tang Yi before and made trouble for him!

This is really...

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaofu couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

But Tang Yi didn't pay attention to the emotions of Sun Xiaofu and others. Seeing that the results of Tianshui Kingdom were counted, Tang Yi said to Meng Yue, the strong man in charge of the inspection: "They have finished the inspection, it is our turn, right?"


Meng Yue, the strong man in charge of the inspection, nodded slightly and said to Tang Yi and others: "You are from the Zijin Kingdom, right? Please show your harvest."

Tang Yi glanced at Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao, motioning to them to take out their harvest first.

In order to facilitate the inventory, Tang Yi decided to take it out later.

After all, the Mayan gems on his body are all top-grade Mayan gems at the lowest level. If they were taken out directly and mixed with the ordinary Mayan gems of Ji Hongru and others, it would be difficult to count them.

After receiving the signal, Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao began to take action and took out the Mayan gems they had obtained from the storage space.


Just like Sun Xiaofu and the others, the Mayan gems flowed out from the palms of Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao like running water.

After a while, it formed a hill on the ground.

Two hills made of Mayan gems appeared in front of everyone.

But what everyone present didn’t expect was this!
  Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao took out much more Mayan gems than Sun Xiaofu and the other three!
  How can it be known that there are more than three people like Sun Xiaofu?

Because Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao took out the Mayan gems, the hill formed by the accumulation has exceeded seven meters, and it has no tendency to stop!

The Mayan gems that Sun Xiaofu and the others took out before were only piled up to about five meters!
  With just the naked eye, it can be clearly seen that Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao took out more Mayan gems!

After a while, until the hill reached a height of almost ten meters, Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao stopped.

Seeing this scene, Mengyue's senior management was in an uproar again.

"I take back what I said before. I am afraid that the Tianshui Kingdom can only become second this year, and the first place should be the Zijin Kingdom!"

"This, this, this, how many Mayan gems are there!"

“Whether it’s the Tianshui Kingdom or the Purple Gold Kingdom, I’m afraid it will go down in history.”

"Originally, I thought that the gains from the Tianshui Kingdom were enough, but I didn't expect that the gains from the Zijin Kingdom were even greater!"

"The Purple Gold Kingdom is also not a seed kingdom, but it is so powerful. This is really unexpected."



While Mengyue's senior management was talking a lot, the Mengyue expert in charge of the inspection and a dozen helpers on the inspection table began to take stock.

This time the inventory took longer than before in Tianshui Kingdom, taking a full twenty minutes.

Whether it is through the naked eye or through time, it is obvious that the gains of the Zijin Kingdom are greater than those of the Tianshui Kingdom.

After the counting was completed, Meng Yue, the strong man in charge of the inspection, was ready to announce the results.

"Wait a minute."

But before he could speak, he was interrupted by Tang Yi. Meng Yue, the strongman in charge of the inspection, looked at Tang Yi doubtfully.

I saw Tang Yi saying: "It's not over yet, I still have more."


Meng Yue, the strong man in charge of the inspection, was slightly startled.

Before, when he saw that Tang Yi was silent, he thought that Tang Yi had gained nothing.

After all, the other two people brought out more harvests than the previous three people from the Tianshui Kingdom put together.

It would be too exaggerated if the third person from the Purple Gold Kingdom came up with a huge harvest.

But I didn't expect that the third person who has been silent now is actually there!

They haven't finished it yet!

Seemingly seeing the puzzled expression of Meng Yue, the strongman in charge of the inspection, Tang Yi smiled slightly and explained: "I was worried that you would have difficulty in counting, so I did not take out the Mayan gems I obtained. Now you have finished counting. Now, it’s my turn to take out my Mayan gem.”

As Tang Yi spoke, he waved his right hand slightly and took out the Mayan gem that was temporarily placed in the system backpack!
  Like Ji Hongru and others before him, Tang Yi waved his right hand, and the Mayan gems fell down like running water and piled on the ground!

But the difference is!
  The Mayan gems that Sun Xiaofu and Ji Hongru took out before were all ordinary Mayan gems!
  Although there are some top-quality Mayan gemstones mixed in, as well as the occasional super-high-quality Mayan gemstone, ordinary Mayan gemstones occupy the mainstream.

At first glance, they are all ordinary Mayan gems.

The Mayan gem that Tang Yi took out was different!

As soon as you look at it, you will see a golden piece, shining brightly!

This is the unique golden light of the finest Mayan gemstones.

Although ordinary Mayan gemstones also have light, their light is weaker and not golden.

But the light of the best Mayan gems is golden!
  In other words, the Mayan gems that Tang Yi took out were all top-quality Mayan gems!
  "This, this, this..."

Seeing this scene, Meng Yue, the strong man in charge of the inspection next to Tang Yi, stared wide-eyed, as if he had seen something incredible, and was completely dumbfounded.

Not only the Mengyue expert in charge of the inspection, but also all the Mengyue senior officials on the high platform were dumbfounded.

"He, he, he... what he took out were all top-quality Mayan gems!"

"I never expected that in my lifetime, I would actually see the kingdom's warriors using the finest Mayan gems to build a hill!"

"Oh my god, there are mountains of top-quality Mayan gems. How many top-quality Mayan gems are there? It seems like there are no less than a hundred thousand!"

"Hiss! One hundred thousand top-quality Mayan gems? Isn't that too exaggerated?"


Mengyue's senior executives were talking a lot.

On the high platform, even Lord Mengyue was dumbfounded.

He had no idea that this warrior of the kingdom who dared to challenge the Holy God would be so powerful, and all the rewards he brought out were top-quality Mayan gems!

And these top-quality Mayan gems are actually piled up into a hill!
  The Road to Empire has been going on for so many times, but he, the Mengyue Emperor, has never seen this scene before!
  Because Tang Yi's movements were too exaggerated, even Holy God Junrong, who didn't like Tang Yi very much, was shocked.

The Holy God Desu was also surprised.

The princes and princesses of the Mengyue Empire also have round mouths and big eyes.

Even the third prince Xia Hongyu, who knew a little about Tang Yi, was just like everyone else at this moment.

However, just when everyone was surprised, an even more shocking scene appeared in Mengyue Square.

(End of this chapter)

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