Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2306 Complete the Road to Empire mission and check the harvest

Chapter 2306 Complete the Road to Empire mission and check the harvest

Mengyue Palace, Xicai Palace.

After Tang Yi defeated Holy God Junrong, everything was settled, and warriors from various kingdoms began to return one after another.

Tang Yi also declined everyone's invitations and said goodbye to Emperor Mengyue.

However, Emperor Mengyue did not agree, saying that he still had something to discuss with Tang Yi, and asked Tang Yi to stay for two days.

Afterwards, Tang Yi was given a bedroom to rest in.

During this period, all the senior officials of the Mengyue royal family, including the princes and princesses, came to Xicai Palace and wanted to see Tang Yi, but they were all rejected by Tang Yi on the grounds of being tired.

He didn't see anyone or exchange greetings with anyone. He hid alone in Xicai Palace and began to check the harvest of the imperial road.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for completing the Road to Empire mission and earning 3000 Supreme Points and 1000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, because player Tang Yi perfectly completed the Imperial Road mission, he received an additional 1000 Supreme Points and 500 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme level equipment, the Death Mask."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. The current level is: three-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: four-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: five-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Six-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Nine-star second-level supreme. The supreme combat power index has increased by 500 points."



"This...has been upgraded to seven levels all of a sudden?"

Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the prompt in his mind!
  Although in Mengyue Square, Tang Yi had already seen several circles of light lighting up under his feet, and knew that he had been promoted to several levels, but he did not expect that he was promoted to level seven all at once!
  How long?
  How long has it been since Tang Yi had such a rocket-like upgrade speed?
  Ever since he reached higher and higher levels and reached the Holy God, his upgrade speed has become extremely slow.

It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed this kind of upgrade speed.

However, now that I have broken through to Supreme, the upgrade speed is actually faster again?
  Tang Yi once again enjoyed the pleasure of a rocket-like improvement!
  Soared to seven levels all of a sudden?

This is too fierce.

Each level brought Tang Yi a bonus of 500 supreme combat power index.

In other words, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased by 3,500 points?
  With a supreme combat power index of 10,000, one can bully a supreme of the same level into giving them everything they want. Now it has been increased to 3,500...

Tang Yi has now mourned for the supreme beings of the same level.

And besides that...

Supreme Coins, this mission actually rewarded 1,500 coins! !
  You know, Tang Yi converted trillions of holy values ​​before, but only got more than a hundred supreme coins!

But now, he actually gained 1,500 Supreme Coins in one fell swoop.

In other words, this mission brought Tang Yi a harvest of 15 trillion?
  Before the Supreme, Tang Yi was still worried about how to obtain one trillion!

However, I didn’t expect that after breaking through to the Supreme Level, I would receive a reward of 15 trillion yuan by completing a task casually!
  "Sure enough, the higher the level, the more you can earn!"

Tang Yi sighed.

In addition to being promoted to seven levels in a row and receiving 1,500 supreme coins, Tang Yi also received a supreme level piece of equipment, the Death Mask.

Judging from the name, it should be a mask-type equipment.

Thinking that he still lacked mask equipment, Tang Yi immediately opened the attribute panel of the 'Death Mask'.

[Death Mask]: Supreme Level

Attributes: Charm, Defense, Damage Reduction, Vitality. Passive special effect: Breath of Death

The breath of death: It can cause a certain shock effect on enemy targets and weaken the defense of enemy targets.

Active skills: see through, divine concealment

See through: When turned on, you can see through the enemy's weaknesses (the enemy target level does not exceed the player level 30)
  Divine Invisibility: When turned on, it can be forced into a state of invisibility, lasting 60 seconds.

If you are attacked or initiate an attack, the invisibility state will be released.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000

"It seems to be a functional piece of equipment! And its supreme combat power index increase has actually reached 3000 points!"

"So strong!"

Seeing the properties of the Death Mask, Tang Yi's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

Tang Yi didn't expect that this mask could actually increase the supreme combat power index by 3000 points!
  Not only that!

It also has two active skills, See Through and Divine Invisibility. One is able to see through the enemy's weaknesses.

One is the ability to become invisible!

Both active skills are very useful.

Even for Tang Yi, it is very crucial, exactly what Tang Yi needs now!

Tang Yi has never obtained equipment that can make him invisible!
  "very good!"

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the Death Mask.

After checking all the gains, Tang Yi opened the properties panel again.

[Player]: Tang Yi
  [Title]: Bandit Suppressor Butcher
  [Level]: 209 (Nine-star second-level saint)
  [Supreme Point]: 60/900
  [Supreme Coin]: 1501
  【Angel Coin】: 34773100
  [Supreme Combat Power Index]: 95696
  [Supreme Skill]: Time and Space Barrier (300), Sky Slash (1500), Earth Splitting Wave Sword (1800)

[Supreme Body Technique]: Supreme Divine Movement Jue (2500)

[Sub-professional]: Supreme Alchemy (Alchemy Supreme), Supreme Blacksmithing (Forging Supreme), Supreme Puppetry (Puppet Supreme)...

[Special Column]: False Yan Yanhuo (Strange Fire) (Sleeping...)
  [Special Parts]: Eye of the Supreme Holy King (5000), Supreme Eternal Body (3000), Hand of the Ancient Power King (3500)

[Halo]: Supreme Ruler (1200)

[Special item column]: Supreme Spirit Pearl (1200), Supreme Mountain and River Fan (800)

[Carrying Vehicle]: Supreme Warship (1500)

[Weapon Column]:
  Main weapon: Supreme Red Moon Apophis (5000)

Secondary weapon: Supreme Ice and Fire Divine Bow (4800)

[Armor Column]:
  Helmet: None
  Mask: Death Mask (3000)

Armor: Supreme Earth Spirit Divine Armor (4000)

Cloak: None
  Arm guards: none
  Gloves: None
  Pants: None
  Leggings: None
  Shoes: None
  【Accessories Column】

Necklace: Supreme Heart (800)

Rings: Huayu Ring (2000), Supreme Xuanling Ring (1600), Supreme Heavenly Beauty Purple Star Ring (1000)

  Materials: A total of 80 special materials including meteorite iron, spiritual gems, time gems, life stones, and supreme fusion stones.

Special Item: Gypsophila (40/50)

Unknown martial arts: spiral mind aura, ghost flash
  Unknown weapons and equipment: Human-faced eight-winged griffon mask, ancient dragon king leggings, basalt ring, dragon king wings, centipede king boots
  Unknown level formation flag: Five Elements Palace Heavenly Formation, Flag of Truth.


(End of this chapter)

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