Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2320 Dream Moon Ring

Chapter 2320 Dream Moon Ring
  After Tang Yi left the Courage Tavern, he quickly returned to the Mengyue Capital in the Supreme Warship.

Although he has nothing to do now, he still has to wait in the capital of Mengyue Kingdom.

After all, the devil knows when Kaiou’s people will come.

In the next few days, Tang Yi wandered around the Mengyue Capital every day, looking here and there. In addition to spending time and drinking, Tang Yi also visited the trading venues of the entire Mengyue Capital.

Whether it was the public trading market or the black market, I visited them all.

The reason why he visited these places was because Tang Yi was looking for special materials!

Now, the number of special materials Tang Yi stored in the system backpack has reached ninety-five, and there are still five to reach one hundred.

Tang Yi visited these trading places just to try his luck and see if he could find one or two of them.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that his luck was really very good.

In a certain black market in Mengyue Capital, he actually found two special materials, and in a certain regular trading place, he also found two kinds.

After a round of shopping, Tang Yi obtained four special materials.

At this time, Tang Yi's special materials reached ninety-nine, and he was only missing the last one to reach one hundred.

Tang Yi thought that if he continued shopping, he would probably be able to buy the last special material in Mengyue Capital and collect a hundred special materials!

However, there is no time.

As soon as Tang Yi found four special materials, Emperor Mengyue sent someone to inform Tang Yi that the special envoy of the Realm King was here.

Upon hearing the news, Tang Yi immediately rushed to Mengyue Palace and met the realm king's special envoy in the meeting hall.

The Kaiou envoy is a middle-aged man, in his forties or fifties, with a sense of arrogance all over his body. Even when he is standing there, he slightly raises his head, looking so arrogant and looking higher than his head.

And this special envoy does have something to be proud of. After all, he is a top Holy God level powerhouse, and he also carries many pieces of equipment at the Holy Heaven level.

I don't know how much stronger he is than Meng Yue.

I'm afraid that even if Meng Yue's ancestors faced him, they would be easily defeated by him.

Of course, although this special envoy is very strong, he is still far behind Tang Yi, separated by an insurmountable gap.

So Tang Yi didn't take the special envoy to heart. He just glanced at it and immediately withdrew his gaze.

"Tang Yi has met the Emperor."

Tang Yi saluted respectfully.

"Tang Yi, you are here. Let me introduce to you. This is Geng Wenshi, the special envoy sent by the King of the Realm. Special Envoy Geng. Later, you will set off with him to the Divine Realm of the Realm."

Emperor Mengyue turned around and introduced to Special Envoy Geng: "This is the representative sent by Mengyue this time. His name is Tang Yi."

"Tang Yi has met Special Envoy Geng."

Tang Yi said politely. The Geng Special Envoy glanced at Tang Yi slightly, but frowned and said to Emperor Mengyue: "Xia Hongzhang, is he the representative of your Mengyue? You Mengyue have not been able to conquer the empire this year." Are you taking the martial arts competition seriously? You actually sent such a young warrior to participate in the imperial martial arts competition? Do you think the imperial martial arts competition is child's play?"

In Geng Wenshi's view, those who can participate in the empire's martial arts debate are the most powerful warriors in the empire.

And which of these warriors in the empire is not in their sixties? Which one doesn’t have white hair?
  At least this has been the case in the past. The strongest warriors in the empire are not young.

But now, Mengyue Empire actually sent such a young warrior, how could he have no objection?

The Imperial Martial Arts Contest is not just children’s play!
  "I don't take the discussion of martial arts in the empire as a child's play. Special Envoy Geng, please don't slander anyone. Tang Yi is now the strongest warrior in our Mengyue! Moreover, this time, we are also looking forward to having Tang Yi replace our Mengyue, in He came first in the imperial debate on martial arts, how could he treat the imperial military debate as a child's play? In addition, the imperial military debate is very important to our empire. It is related to the rise and fall of our empire. Do you think we will treat this matter as a child's play? ?”

Emperor Mengyue retorted.

"He? He came out on top instead of Meng Yue?"


Geng Wenshi glanced at Tang Yi, with disdain and contempt in his eyes, and said coldly: "Okay, who will you send to participate in the imperial martial arts debate? This is the freedom of your empire. I have no right to interfere, but I still want to warn you Meng Wenshi Yue said, the imperial military debate is a major event for our entire Tianmu world, and there is no room for neglect or contempt. I hope you, Meng Yue, will take it seriously! Since you said that he is your representative this time, then I will take him to the world. God's Domain. However, if he performs badly or his strength is not satisfactory, I will definitely sue you in front of the King of Kai, and I hope you will take care of yourself!"

With that said, Geng Wenshi turned around and walked towards the outside of the hall. At the same time, he said without looking back: "I'll give you five minutes to tell you what you need to say and what you need to explain quickly. I'll wait for him outside!"

After saying that, he left the meeting hall.

In the hall, only Tang Yi and Emperor Mengyue were left.

Looking at Geng Wenshi's back, Emperor Mengyue showed a wry smile and said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, don't mind, the special envoy under the Realm King's throne is like this, with his nose raised to the sky."

"Don't worry, Emperor, he will pay the price for today's arrogance."

There was no emotion on Tang Yi's face, as if he was talking about a trivial matter like sesame seeds and mung beans.

"Of course! He will definitely pay the price for underestimating you! I believe you have the ability!"

Emperor Mengyue nodded and said happily: "This time, you have Tang Yi representing our Mengyue to participate in the imperial martial arts competition. This is our Mengyue's honor! Here, I represent everyone in the Mengyue Empire. I want to say thank you! Also, this is a little thought from me, I hope you can put it to use in the Imperial Martial Arts Contest."

While speaking, Emperor Mengyue handed a ring into Tang Yi's hand.

This ring was engraved with many inscriptions that Tang Yi couldn't understand, as well as some strange wavy patterns.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that at the top of the ring, there is a huge purple gemstone inlaid. The gemstone emits purple light and looks extremely mysterious.

"This is……"

Tang Yi looked at the ring in confusion, not understanding what Emperor Meng Yue meant.

"It's called the Mengyue Treasure Ring, and it's a treasure that our Mengyue Royal Family has inherited for countless years! Now we're giving it to you, hoping that it will help you! Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not that we don't We believe in you. We believe in you very much. However, there is a certain danger in discussing martial arts in the empire, so we thought of giving you one more way to save your life. This way, it will be safer." Mengyue Emperor The Lord explained.

(End of this chapter)

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