Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2441 The mobile treasure in the void, the Void Golden Pig

Chapter 2441 The mobile treasure in the void, the Void Golden Pig
  "Brother Tang Yi, look, what is that?"

Seeing the golden light shining in the void, Binglian said quickly.

Tang Yi fixed his eyes and looked towards the position where the golden light lit up in the void.

See it immediately.

The golden light approached them at an unimaginable speed.


Are you coming towards them?

"Something's wrong! Lian'er, please go first to the cabin!"

Tang Yi said quickly.

Hearing this, Binglian entered the cabin very obediently without saying a word.

Binglian entered the cabin, and Tang Yi felt a little relieved.

After all, he doesn't need to be distracted when dealing with unknown risks.

In this way, after letting Binglian enter the cabin, Tang Yi stared closely at the golden light.

After the golden light was completely close, Tang Yi could clearly see the object of this light.

This beam of golden light is actually a creature?
  That's right!

A creature!
  golden skin,
  fat ears,

round nose,

Four short but plump grapes?
  This is……

A pig?

In addition to having a pair of wings on its back,

It looks exactly like a pig on Earth! !

No matter if you have a fat head or big ears,
  It doesn't matter if it's a pig's nose,
  Or maybe it’s because of her good figure,

All exactly the same.

A flying pig with golden light in the void?
  This surprised Tang Yi very much.

And just when Tang Yi was surprised,
  In the cabin, the sound of ice ripples came.

"Brother Tang Yi, that is the Void Golden Pig! Legend has it that the Void Golden Pig lives in the void and is extremely difficult to encounter. Once encountered, it is either a disaster or an opportunity. The body of the Void Golden Pig is said to be a treasure box. Inside It is loaded with many treasures. As long as you attack it, it will spit out a large amount of treasures. It can be said that it is a moving treasure. However, the Void Golden Pig is very powerful. Not only is its attack power powerful, but its defense power is also very terrifying. Most people simply cannot You can't hurt the Void Golden Pig at all, let alone beat it to spit out the treasure. Brother Tang Yi, you have to be careful. If it doesn't work, let's run away. This golden pig shouldn't be able to catch up with us."

Binglian obviously saw the situation outside from inside the cabin.

Obviously she also knows this golden pig,

That's why he sent a message to Tang Yi.

After hearing Binglian's words, Tang Yi did not speak, but threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards the golden pig.

Name: Void Golden Pig (Void Level BOSS)

Level: Level 299 (Second Level Supreme)

Description: A mysterious creature that appears out of nowhere. It wanders in the void all year round. It is extremely difficult to encounter and kill. It carries a heavy treasure with it. When attacked, it will abandon the treasure and run away.

Supreme combat power index: 1000000 points.

  Sure enough, as Binglian said,
  The pig-like creature in front of me is called the Void Golden Pig.
  The body carries a huge treasure.

Once attacked,
  It will spit out the treasure!
  At the same time, it is very powerful, with a supreme combat power index of one million points!
  This supreme combat power index,

It is impossible for ordinary warriors to be its opponents.

Before Tang Yi obtained the devil's slave, he probably wouldn't be its opponent.

When encountering it, there is no other choice but to run away.

But it's different now.

Now after obtaining the devil's slave,
  Tang Yi's supreme combat power index reached nearly 1.5 million points!
  With a combat power of 1.5 million points,

Facing the Void Golden Pig in front of him, Tang Yi was very confident!

Without the devil's slaves, Tang Yi would definitely not challenge this huge opportunity.

But with the Devil's Slave, Tang Yi would never miss such an opportunity. "Lian'er, you don't have to come out of the cabin. I'll go meet the golden pig for a while!" Tang Yi said towards Bing Lian in the cabin.

"Brother Tang Yi, are you sure? If not, let's go. The Void Golden Pig represents opportunities as well as dangers. If we are not too sure, there is no need for us to take such risks." Bing Lian Said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter Lian'er, I'm sure, you believe me." Tang Yi said confidently.

"Okay, since Brother Tang Yi said that he is sure, then I believe Brother Tang Yi, but Brother Tang Yi still has to be careful." Binglian reminded.

"Okay! Just wait until I come back victorious!" Tang Yi said.

After speaking, Tang Yi stopped the warship.


The figure rushed towards the Void Golden Pig!

The Void Golden Pig not far away also pushed its head towards Tang Yi!
  The Void Golden Pig is a creature that lives in the void.

In the void, it is like a fish in water,
  This one is extremely fast and powerful.
  It looks like a giant pig-headed train,

Boundless violence.

"Well done!"

Tang Yi also made a fist and went forward.

Tang Yi's punch was not easy!
  Although it was my first time fighting in the void,
  Although it was the first time to face an enemy with a supreme combat power of one million levels.

But Tang Yi didn't feel nervous at all.
  There was no discomfort at all.

His punch still exerted great power in the void!

Just like that, one person and one pig collided in the void!
  I saw power blooming like fireworks in the void, colorful.

The rolling force is like a wave, surging towards the surroundings.

And as the center of collision,

The one who started it all.

This blow collides,
  The body of the Void Golden Pig flew thousands of meters away,

Tang Yi was also blown hundreds of meters away by the terrifying impact!

Both parties were shocked out!
  "Two times!"

The collision made Tang Yi's hands feel numb, but it felt very good!
  Very cool!

It's been a long time since he's experienced this feeling of being evenly matched!
  I haven’t played so well in a long time!
  Since being promoted to Supreme,
  He hasn't even met a suitable opponent!

The opponents I have encountered during this period have all been too weak.

So weak that it can be defeated with one finger!

He's so weak that he can kill his opponent instantly without even using his hands!
  Such a weak opponent simply couldn't bring out Tang Yi's strength.

Tang Yi had no idea how strong he was.

At the same time, Tang Yi couldn't have fun playing.

Tang Yi felt that being invincible was really too lonely.


Over time,
  As Tang Yi became stronger and stronger,
  This loneliness of not being able to meet an opponent is getting stronger and stronger!

Every time Tang Yi met those weaklings, his ears kept ringing around the song "Earth",

How... how lonely it is to be invincible!
  That feeling is really lonely.

But now!
  Everything is different!
  Meet your match!
  Finally, he met an opponent who could withstand his full punch without dying!
  Encountering such an opponent,
  Tang Yi's mood at the moment,
  Not dignified,

Not worried!

But excited!

Very excited!
  "Come on, Void Golden Pig, let's have a hearty fight! Let's see who's fist is harder and whose strength is stronger! Who's momentum is more domineering!"

Tang Yi roared loudly towards the Void Golden Pig.

With that said, he straightened up again and rushed towards the Void Golden Pig in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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