Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2465 A toad like you is not worthy

Chapter 2465 A toad like you is not worthy

Upon hearing Binglian's words, everyone present was slightly startled.

Everyone looked at Bing Lian in disbelief.

No one expected that Binglian would dare to say this.

You know, that's Holden!

But he is the most powerful person in Red City.

He was actually described as a cat or a dog?

You actually said he was singing?

Are you living impatiently?

Even An Huanlan was extremely surprised.

She hurriedly winked at Binglian, telling her not to talk nonsense, lest she get burned.

However, Binglian ignored it.

I saw Binglian continue to say: "What? Did I say something wrong? It's just a small caravan, but it dares to be so arrogant. Isn't it related to the city lord's palace in Red City? Is it a big deal to have a relationship with Red? The city is just a small city, even if it has something to do with the city lord's palace, it doesn't matter. Isn't it still a small fish and a shrimp?" Bing Lian said carelessly.

Originally, Binglian was not such a carefree person.

She is quiet, well-behaved, and full of wisdom.

The whole person seems to have a sense of Confucianism and wisdom.

In order to support An Huanlan, to shock the young people in front of her, and to find a wife for Tang Yi, she became so careless.


Seeing Bing Lian paying no attention to her eyes, An Huanlan sighed helplessly.

I knew things were not going to end well.

After all, Holden is very narrow-minded;
  He is the kind of character who takes revenge and doesn't tolerate anyone saying a bad word.

Someone said this about Holden,
  Holden will not give up.

And just as An Huanlan expected,

Seeing the other side, after hearing Binglian's words, Holden sneered and said: "What a big tone, just a small caravan? A mere city lord's palace in a small city? This is Red City! Even if it's not as good as The main city of the empire is also one of the best cities! Its strength is also one of the best in the entire empire! Now in your mouth, it is actually the city lord's palace of a small city? It is actually a small fish and shrimp? Haha! This girl, you are really I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!”

"So what if it's one of the best cities in the empire? It's just a city in the Eastern Empire. In my eyes, what is it if it's not a cat or a dog?"

Binglian said lightly.

And Binglian didn't lie.

After all, who is Binglian?
  She is the sixth lady of the Bing family of the Divine Clan in the World of Gods.

In the Realm of Gods, any god clan has strength comparable to that of the imperial royal family.

This is true even for ordinary protoss, let alone top protoss like the Bing family.

As the sixth young lady of the Bing family, can Bing Lian not have the confidence?
  In her eyes, a city in the Eastern Empire was just a cat or a dog.

Let alone a city, even the Dongdai Empire was not taken lightly by Bing Lian.

The Bing family can abuse them casually.

In addition, in addition to being the sixth lady of the Bing family, Bing Lian is also the direct disciple of the King of Kai.

As a realm king, what is the status of his direct disciple?

As a direct disciple of the King of Kai, what does a city in the Todai Empire mean to him?
  What does the Eastern Empire mean?
  Therefore, what Bing Lian said was not a big lie, but just a fact.

"Haha, this girl has such a loud voice. Then I dare to ask her, who are you? Where are you from? Let me look up and see who is this person who even Red City doesn't take seriously. "

Holden sneered. Binglian did not hide anything, and said bluntly: "My name is Binglian, and I come from the Bing family."

"Bing family? Binglian? Never heard of it at all!"

When Holden heard this, he immediately sneered and said: "What kind of powerful force do we come from? I didn't expect it to come from an unknown family. With this status, how dare you speak so wildly? How dare you say that our Huo family is A small caravan? Do you dare to say that Red City is a small city?"

If the Bing family knew that the eldest son of a small caravan in Red City said that the Bing family was a little-known family,

I am afraid that everyone in the Bing family will go on a rampage and come to Red City to directly wipe out the Huo family.

Too ignorant?
  You actually said that the Bing family is a little-known family?

Of course.

After all, Holden is just the eldest son of the Huo family;
  And the Huo family was just a small caravan from a small city in the Eastern Empire.

With such a background, how knowledgeable can you give Holden?
  The realm of the gods?


He probably had never even heard of it.

So when he heard about the Bing family, Holden didn't know what family it was.

"You are talking arrogantly? You have never heard of our Bing family, just because you are ignorant! Our Bing family is not an unknown family, do you understand? But it is also the eldest son of a small caravan in a small city like you , what kind of knowledge can you have? If even you know about our Bing family, then our Bing family will be in a terrible mess. But fortunately, our Bing family has never heard of cats and dogs like you."

Binglian said lightly. The tone was full of contempt.


"Good good!"

Hearing Binglian's words, to be honest, Holden was very angry.
  He really wanted to take action right now, capture Binglian, and then teach her a lesson.


Since he didn't know the details about Binglian, he didn't dare to take action rashly.

After all, the world is big and there are many strong people. Who knows if the other person really comes from a very powerful family?
  If the other party really had a powerful family as his backer, wouldn't he have just hit the wall?

Although Holden is crazy, he is not a brainless person.

He would rather wait for a while and investigate clearly before taking action, rather than immediately go up and kick the iron plate without knowing whether it is there or not.

Therefore, although Holden was angry, he did not attack Binglian.

He suppressed all the anger in his body.

After suppressing his anger, Holden no longer talked to Binglian, but wanted to solve An Huanlan's matter first, and then investigate Binglian.

He turned his head directly and said to An Huanlan: "Lan'er, let me ask you now, will you marry me or not?"



An Huanlan didn't expect that Holden would immediately bring the topic to her, and also ask such a difficult-to-answer question.
  For a moment, I felt a little stupid and didn’t know how to answer!

In her heart, she wanted to refuse, but she was also very unwilling.

However, she was afraid that if she refused, Holden would do something detrimental to their settlement.

So for a moment, An Huanlan didn't know how to answer.

However, An Huanlan didn't answer, but Binglian answered for her.

"Of course not! Sister An will not marry you! Because she has already married my husband! She is already my husband's wife-to-be! Therefore, she will not marry you, so don't be a toad and want to eat swan meat. No, a toad like you is not worthy at all." Bing Lian said mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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