Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2471 An Huanlan is interested in Tang Yi

Chapter 2471 An Huanlan is interested in Tang Yi
  After saying that, Holden suddenly turned his head again and ordered to the remaining men who had not taken action: "Go, help them, I want to see if that brat's methods are really so powerful, and if he can Subdue all of you!"

Hearing this, Holden's remaining eight men nodded slightly, and immediately stepped forward and surrounded Tang Yi.

When they came to Tang Yi's side, they stretched out their hands to pull away the seven companions.

However, their hands had just been placed on the seven companions,

Suddenly, just like the seven companions before, they all became motionless!

At this moment, Holden's men were like a gourd, strung together.

Seeing that his remaining eight men were motionless after surrounding them, Holden was slightly startled, and then asked uncertainly: "What's going on? Why can't you move? Does it mean that you can't move either? Already?"

Hearing this, the eight men who had just stepped forward nodded slightly.

One of them replied: "Young Master, we can't move either."


Hearing his men's confirmation, Holden was dumbfounded and didn't understand why his men couldn't move.
  I don't even understand what happened.

On the side, An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, was already extremely disappointed.

But after seeing this scene, I was slightly stunned at first, and then my eyes lit up, and the hope that had dropped started to rise again.

"Perhaps, this person in front of me can really deal with the Huo family and save our An family from the suppression of the Huo family. He can also save me, Lan'er, from the sea of ​​misery and the harassment of Holden!"

After seeing Tang Yi's magic, An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, thought to himself.

An Huanlan on the side also looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

When she saw that the seven Holy Emperor-level warriors were about to attack Tang Yi, she felt that Tang Yi was going to be in trouble.
  He felt that Tang Yi would definitely be taught a harsh lesson when surrounded by Holden's seven Holy Emperor-level warriors.

It may even be life-threatening.

It was because of this that she sacrificed herself to help Tang Yi before.

But because Binglian said not to worry about it, she gave up the sacrifice.

But did not expect!

The ordinary man named Tang Yi in front of him actually had such ability.

He was able to continuously immobilize Holden’s men!

No matter whether Holden sends seven men or eight men,
  As long as you go up and touch this man, he will be unable to move as if he has been hit by a talisman!

An Huanlan was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect such a result at all, and I didn't expect that this extremely ordinary man would have such an ability.

In addition, An Huanlan was also very curious.

What kind of method is this ability to immobilize people?

What method could be used to make fifteen Holy Emperor-level warriors unable to move?

This is amazing too.

Curious at the same time.

An Huanlan also became interested in Tang Yi.

Originally, she thought Tang Yi was too ordinary and his martial arts aura was too weak.

She doesn't like such a man at all.
  In the past, she would not have even looked at such a man.

I think it's too wasteful. Such a man is not even worthy of appearing in her world.

After all, this is a world where martial arts is respected.

If you don't have the strength, how can you survive in this world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong?
  An Huanlan is not a materialistic woman, but she also has her own standards.
  She hopes to find a strong warrior who can protect her as her man.

rather than an ordinary person.

Therefore, no matter how Binglian introduced Tang Yi or boasted about Tang Yi's excellence.

An Huanlan doesn't even catch a cold.

He even felt that Tang Yi was not worthy of Bing Lian.

After all, Binglian is so beautiful, and Tang Yi is so ordinary. She has strength but no strength, and looks but no appearance. How can this be a good match?

When he saw Tang Yi subduing Holden's fifteen men in an instant, they were unable to move.

An Huanlan's mind changed.

She felt that the ordinary-looking man in front of her was just plain ugly.
  It seems that the martial arts aura is just not strong.

In fact, he is quite capable!

At least the strength is there!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to subdue fifteen Holy Emperor-level warriors in an instant.

In addition, An Huanlan also felt a little mysterious in Tang Yi?
  Yes, it is mysterious.

The Tang Yi in front of her gave her a mysterious feeling.

It was like a vast abyss that she couldn't see through,
  It also seemed to have a great origin, which gave her a little more expectation.

In short, in An Huanlan's eyes, Tang Yi had a mysterious aura.

It was because of Tang Yi's mysterious aura and his performance just now that An Huanlan became interested in Tang Yi.

Under the ring,
  The people watching were also extremely dumbfounded.

There were powerful warriors and weak warriors among the people present.
  However, no matter what level of warrior he was, he couldn't understand what was going on.

They don’t understand why Holden’s men can’t move for some reason.

I don’t even understand who made Holden’s men unable to move.

Everything reveals a strangeness,
  The crowd watching was furious.

Of course.

Although everything is unclear, everything is weird.

But they understood that all of this should be related to the mysterious 'husband' who stood upright in the ring and stood in front of the ice girl!
  If it has nothing to do with him, then why can't Holden's men move as soon as they touch him?

In the arena.

Seeing his men making the same mistake again, Holden was very puzzled, and his face became extremely ugly at the same time.
  At this time, he couldn't help but secretly guess: "Could it be that this ordinary-looking young man really did it? Otherwise, why would my men be unable to move as soon as they touched him? Could it be that there is something about him? An immovable treasure? Does that mean that as long as you don't touch him, it won't be immovable? Then as long as my men are separated and don't let them touch that young man, they shouldn't be immobile. "

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Holden didn't dare to try it himself, let alone rescue his men. After all, what if he couldn't move after being touched?
  Wouldn't he then become a piece of fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others?

Of course, even though I don’t dare to rescue myself, my subordinates still want to save them.
  After all, this is related to his majesty and the face of their Huo family!
  The members of the Huo family were subdued as soon as they made a move.

How embarrassing is it to say this?
  How will Holden survive in Red City in the future?
  So, after Wei Wei thought about it, Holden said to Tang Yi: "Boy, what on earth have you done to my men! I advise you to stop quickly, otherwise, I will make you look good! You must know that I am from the Huo family Young Master, if I give the order, you will become the enemy of the entire Red City! You will no longer have a place in Red City! You will even be hunted down by all our warriors in Red City!"

(End of this chapter)

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