Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2485 I do

Chapter 2485 I do

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Binglian immediately smiled and asked, "So, brother Tang Yi agreed to marry Sister An?"

"Um, this..."

Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

Binglian said with a sad face again: "You just said that you will obey me whatever I want."

"Okay, okay, marry, marry, marry."

Tang Yi was helpless.

Could he still disagree?
  Lian'er didn't agree and was about to cry again.

He couldn't stand a woman crying.

Tang Yi didn't expect that the words of comfort he had just dug would actually dig a hole for himself.


Binglian happily said to An Huanlan: "Sister An, you will be my sister in the future."

Seeing Binglian's happy look, Tang Yi shook his head helplessly.

At the same time, I thought to myself, Binglian has really changed a lot after not seeing each other for more than a year.

In the past, she was elegant, steady, and well-behaved. She was polite in everything she did and would not cross the line.

The whole person looked very mature, as if he had experienced a lot.

The former Binglian would never do something like today.

He won't act recklessly and ignore his own advice.

However, today, Binglian behaved like a little girl, very willful and playful, very lively and cheerful, and very fond of acting coquettishly.

Today's Binglian is completely different from last year's Binglian, as if they were two different people.

But I have to say that this change is actually quite good.

Binglian now is what a girl should look like.
  Binglian used to be too heavy, as if he was carrying a thousand kilograms of baggage.

It seems like everything is hidden in my heart,
  But now, she opened her heart, said what was on her mind, and did what she wanted to do.

It's very good. Tang Yi likes it very much.

He also enjoyed Binglian's coquettishness very much.

What Tang Yi didn't know was that before meeting Tang Yi, Binglian was still the same elegant, steady and mature person.

He doesn't show pretense to anyone, keeps everything in his heart, carries everything on his back, and doesn't share it with others.

That is to say, after meeting Tang Yi and relying on Tang Yi, Binglian changed. Only then did she let go of everything, and only then did she release all the hidden emotions and thoughts in her heart. come out.

It can be said that Binglian's changes are all because of Tang Yi.

Because Tang Yi gave Binglian enough support, Binglian was able to show his true nature.

Otherwise, she would still be the mature and steady Bing Lian.

Of course, this is something Tang Yi doesn't know.

While Tang Yi was deep in thought, An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, suddenly walked up to Tang Yi and said, "An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, has met Mr. Tang."

Hearing this, Tang Yi came back to his senses and slightly cupped his hands towards An Qingsheng.

An Qingsheng said again: "Mr. Tang, since you defeated my Lan'er, from today on, you will be the uncle of our An family. However, I still dare to ask, when can you marry Lan'er?"

"This one……"

Since Tang Yi passively accepted the marriage, he had never thought about this question at all. When An Qingsheng asked him, he was immediately confused.

When will you marry?

How do I know?

"What? Does Mr. Tang have something to hide? Can't he marry Lan'er immediately? In fact, I think it's better to choose a different date. You can marry Lan'er today. Our An family doesn't mind wedding gifts and the like. It doesn't matter if you have them or not. "An Qingsheng said, looking very talkative and wishing he could marry his daughter off immediately.

Of course.

In other words, Tang Yi would be treated like this if it were anyone else. hehe.

It's strange that An Qingsheng can look so good.


Hearing this, Tang Yi was slightly startled again, and quickly refused: "Master An, not today. Besides, I can't marry your daughter right away."

"Huh? Why? Don't you want to marry my Lan'er?"

An Qingsheng's face suddenly turned ugly.

When An Huanlan on the side heard what Tang Yi said, her face darkened slightly.

"No, Master An, you misunderstood. Since I promised to marry Miss An, I must marry her, but I can't marry her immediately.

After all, I have said before that I have two wives, one is Lian'er next to me, and the other is not here. I made a marriage contract with them, but I did not go to the church to get married. If I had married Miss An before I got married to them, and I would have gone to the church to get married with Miss An first, that would be a huge mistake for them. And my other wife doesn’t know about this yet, so I have to inform her first. "

Tang Yi hurriedly explained.

After hearing Tang Yi's explanation, An Qingsheng's face looked slightly better.

Before An Qingsheng could say anything, Binglian on the side immediately said: "Brother Tang Yi, this is easy to handle. You can take Sister An to find Sister Ling, and then the four of us will go to the church to get married. You can marry three of us at once." Isn’t that enough? In this way, none of the three of us are concubines, we are all your wives. In this way, there will be no first come, first served, and there will be no distinction between big and small. "

"This one……"

"This or this, that's it."

Bing Lian decided for Tang Yi: "Let's take Sister An and leave to find Sister Ling, and then we can get married together."


Tang Yi thought for a moment, then turned his head and asked An Qingsheng at the side: "I don't know if the An family leader agrees to let Miss An go with us?"

"no problem."

An Qingsheng agreed without thinking.

Of course, could he disagree?

Couldn't agree more.

Originally, he thought that his daughter would only be a concubine when she married Tang Yi. After all, the other party already had two wives.

But I didn’t expect that I would still have the opportunity to be a real wife!

Being able to have a relationship with this terrifyingly powerful young man in front of him, and having his daughter as his legal wife, made him extremely satisfied.

How could you disagree!

Although the place where they got married was not where they settled down, it might be where the 'spiritual girl' was.

But what does that matter?

Seeing that Patriarch An agreed, Tang Yi immediately said: "Okay, then I will take Miss An to find Ling'er, and then the four of us... the four of us will come together to get married."

However, at this time, An Huanlan suddenly said to Tang Yi: "You haven't asked me if I want to go with you. How did you know that I would go with you?"


Hearing An Huanlan's words, Tang Yi was slightly startled, thinking that he had forgotten about this incident, and he didn't even ask An Huanlan if he was willing.

Of course, the reason why he forgot was because Tang Yi thought that An Huanlan would definitely be willing to go with him, so he forgot to ask.

However, he didn't expect that An Huanlan would be dissatisfied because he didn't ask.

Moreover, from what she meant, she seemed reluctant to leave with him?

It shouldn’t be!

Miss An didn't seem to reject the marriage, so why didn't she want to leave her?
  With doubts, Tang Yi said to An Huanlan: "I'm sorry, Miss An, I forgot. I apologize to you. Then I dare to ask Miss An, are you willing to leave with me?"

"I am willing."

An Huanlan said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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