Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2506: Rely on your mouth or rely on your thick skin?

Chapter 2506: Rely on your mouth or rely on your thick skin?

Hearing Mu Xianling's jealous words, Tang Yi didn't know how to answer for a moment.

After all, he did lose time because of Binglian.

If he hadn't gone to Lianyi Palace to help Binglian or deal with Huo Hong, he would have been able to come back faster!

However, can Tang Yi not save Binglian or deal with Huo Hong?

he can not!
  At the same time, part of the reason why I came back late was because of An Huanlan.

If it weren't for participating in the martial arts competition to find a bride, or if it wasn't for living in Anjia for a day, he would not be too late.

In short, Tang Yi came back late due to various reasons.

He almost put Mu Xianling in danger.

And these various reasons are indeed because of women.

Therefore, facing Mu Xianling's jealous words, Tang Yi was unable to reply.

Binglian on the side naturally heard the jealousy and blame in Mu Xianling's words.

Hearing Mu Xianling's words, Binglian immediately said apologetically: "This is all Lian'er's fault. It was Lian'er who delayed brother Tang Yi's trip, which led to sister Ling'er being wronged. Sister Ling'er Don't be angry, and don't blame Brother Tang Yi. Let's do this. Let Brother Tang Yi avenge you and vent the bad anger in your heart, and then let Brother Tang Yi give you a gift to make up for Sister Ling'er."

What do women need most?
  Isn’t it just that when you are angry, you want to be coaxed?
  Don’t you just want to get psychological satisfaction?

It has to be said that women understand women best. Binglian immediately understood what Mu Xianling needed and put forward a decisive solution.

After hearing Binglian's words, Tang Yi immediately said: "Yes, Ling'er, I will vent my anger on you now. I want to see who dares to touch my woman."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Mu Xianling turned her little head aside and did not reply. She seemed to still be angry.

However, in fact, Mu Xianling had lost most of her anger and was not very angry anymore.

It's just that because she was too wronged before, because what she experienced before was so emotional, and because Tang Yi didn't arrive for a long time, she couldn't let go for a while.

Seeing that Mu Xianling was silent, Binglian understood that Mu Xianling must have calmed down, but Tang Yi didn't understand.

Seeing that Mu Xianling didn't speak, he thought Mu Xianling was still angry, and suddenly felt guilty.

However, just when Tang Yi was about to say something, Emperor Mengyue walked up and said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, you are finally back."

When speaking, Emperor Mengyue's tone was full of surprise.

But because his face was very ugly and pale at the moment, this tone of surprise was full of a tragic flavor.

Seeing Emperor Mengyue like this, Tang Yi looked at the messy palace with corpses all over the floor, and said very apologetically: "Emperor, I'm really sorry. I came back late."

"No, no, no! This has nothing to do with you, Tang Yi. It's because our skills are inferior to others, that's why we're in the current situation. If we were strong, how could Xiao Xiao dare to come looking for death?" Emperor Meng Yue said.

"But I am also a member of Meng Yue. If I had been present, Meng Yue would not have suffered such a huge loss. In addition, I would like to thank the Emperor for protecting my wife at all costs. Tang Yi cannot repay this kindness. "

Although Tang Yi didn't know how much Meng Yue's loss was, and how huge it was, judging from the mess at the scene, he could guess that the loss must be huge.

Otherwise, Meng Yue would not be in such a situation.

Mu Xianling and others will not fall into the hands of the enemy.

And the Mengyue royal family actually tried their best to protect Mu Xianling, even though they knew that the other party was very powerful.

Even though many people died, they still persisted, which surprised Tang Yi very much.

At the same time, I was very moved.

"Tang Yi, you are too polite. Compared with the loss, I can help you keep your wife and get your thanks. This is more meaningful to us Mengyue! It is also more worthwhile!" Emperor Mengyue said.     This is the true thought in Emperor Mengyue's heart.

The reason why I made the decision to protect Mu Xianling before was because of this!

He felt that Tang Yi's value was greater than that of Mengyue as a whole.

Hearing this, Tang Yi was about to say something.

However, before he could speak, Rong Wenshu on the other side became impatient and said: "Hey, hey, hey! Do you think I don't exist anymore? Are you ignoring me like this? Are you still talking about love there? Are you still making family arrangements there? ?”

After a pause, he pointed at Tang Yi and said: "And that boy over there, you are Miss Mu's husband, right? Who do you think you are? Ah? Do you think you can change anything when you come back? Do you think you can change anything? Can you scare me by appearing so dazzlingly? Do you think you will be my opponent? Ha! You really think highly of yourself! You pretend to be real and don’t even look in the mirror? "

After hearing Rong Wenshu's words, Tang Yi turned around and looked at his opponent.

At first glance, I was very disdainful.

The second time I looked at it, I was even more disdainful.

Looking at it for the third time, Tang Yi seemed to be looking at an ant.

Sensing Tang Yi's eyes, which were like looking at ants, Rong Wenwen said unhappily: "What's your look? Are you looking down on me?"


Tang Yi sneered and said, "I really don't know where you got the confidence from, how dare you come to steal my woman?"

"Where did I get the confidence? Of course I gave it to myself!"

Rong Wenwen sneered and said: "Steal your women? I will also steal all your women!"

Rong Wenshu looked at Bing Lian and An Huan Lan beside Tang Yi and said, "I think the women you brought are good, so I decided to take them back to be wives."

Hearing this, Binglian and An Huanlan were not angry at all. After all, Rong Wenshu was just a joke to them.

Want to snatch them back?

It also depends on whether you have the strength!

But when Tang Yi heard Rong Wenshu's words, he smiled disdainfully and said, "Oh? How do you plan to rob? Do you rely on your mouth? Or do you rely on your thick skin?"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, to be honest, Rong Wenshu was a little angry.

Nonsense, can you not be angry?

The other party repeatedly ridiculed his face and gave him contemptuous looks.

Growing up, when had Rong Wenshu been ridiculed like this?
  When have you ever been so despised?
  He has always been the one who ridiculed others and despised others!

I have never been ridiculed or despised by anyone!
  However, now, the other person, a man who looked extremely ordinary, actually ridiculed and despised him repeatedly, which made him completely intolerable.

Moreover, seeing the other party's calm and calm look, with everything under control, Rong Wenshu felt very unhappy.

Too pretentious!
  Before that, Rong Wenwen had always been pretending to be like this.

He was always in control, always pretending to be superior.

Being pretended at this moment,

Can he be happy?

Tolerable or unbearable!
  "Okay, okay, then I'll show you how I robbed it!"

Rong Wenwen gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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