Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2526 This is not Moyun’s rule

Chapter 2526 This is not Moyun’s rule

The cold and arrogant Miss Wu just glanced at the warrior named Deng Yushi. She didn't say much and just said coldly: "Suppress the level and then take action."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, the warrior named Deng Yushi immediately suppressed his strength to the level of a holy master, and then launched an attack on Miss Wu.

Not to mention, this warrior named Deng Yushi is still very strong.

Even if he suppressed his strength to the level of a Saint Master, he still displayed strong combat power.

Compared to the previous Huo Wenmao, I don’t know how many times more powerful he was.

At least he wasn't punched through the heart.

Of course.

So what if it's fierce?

So what if you are strong?

Having suppressed the strength of the Holy Master, no matter how fierce and powerful he was, he was still no match for Miss Wu.

After the two sides exchanged a few moves back and forth, Miss Wu smiled disdainfully, then suddenly accelerated, struck suddenly, and hit Deng Yushi directly in the head with a heavy punch!

Seeing this scene, Deng Yushi was shocked.

At this moment, his first reaction was to regain his strength and save himself.

But before he could regain his strength and resist Miss Wu's attack, Miss Wu's fist had already hit his head.


Like a watermelon breaking, countless blood splattered everywhere.

Miss Wu's punch directly knocked out the warrior named Deng Yushi.

The splattered blood stained the arena again.

The headless corpse fell down with a loud roar.

The previous black-robed warriors boarded the ring again and carried the body away.

Miss Wu retracted her fist without even looking at the body, let alone saying a word, looking very cold.

Seeing this scene, Binglian, who was already very unhappy, couldn't help it anymore and said: "Husband, please go on stage and teach her a lesson. She is really too arrogant. I really can't stand it anymore."

Mu Xianling also said: "I can't stand it anymore. Husband, go and teach her a lesson."

"It's vicious to be ruthless at every turn. Husband, please take action. I support your action." Yuwen Jinyu said.

Shangguan Siyu and An Huanlan also said: "I support my husband to teach her a lesson."

After hearing what the women said, Tang Yi nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go up and teach him a lesson."

With that said, Tang Yi immediately jumped up and onto the ring.

Seeing Tang Yi jump onto the ring, there was a lot of discussion under the ring.

"Another one is looking for death. This is the first one today. Hey, it seems that the person on stage is an outsider. No, it's a foreigner! He is not from Moyun."

"That's interesting. Someone who is not from Moyun actually dares to participate in Moyun's contest to recruit a bride?"

"I'm really curious. Seeing the situation in the arena like this, there are actually warriors other than Mo Yun who dare to challenge? Isn't he afraid of death?"

"He really doesn't know how to live or die. But it's okay, let him experience the characteristics of our magic cloud."

"Experience? If it's an experience, this is probably his first and last experience."



The people watching suddenly burst into laughter.

On the stage, when someone came to challenge, Miss Wu was still cold and arrogant. However, when Wei Wei took a look and saw Tang Yi on stage, she was surprised and seemed very surprised.

It seemed that he did not expect that a foreigner would come to challenge him.

Miss Wu asked in surprise: "Are you not from Moyun?"

"Huh? Why do you ask that? Can't people from Moyun come to challenge?" Tang Yi asked.

"Not at all."

Miss Wu withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "I'm just curious. In addition, didn't you see the competition just now? Our Moyun's competition to recruit a bride is very different from the competition in the outside world. The outside world If you lose in a martial arts competition to recruit a bride, you will lose, but if we, Moyun, compete in a martial arts competition to recruit a bride, you will die if you lose!"

Wu Xiaorong didn't know why she had to explain so much to the other party.

Under normal circumstances, I would definitely not say much.

However, now there are a lot of explanations, which is very strange.

She didn't know why she did such a strange thing.

"Is it because the other person is not from Moyun? He looks a little thin? That's why I explain so much? That should be the case."

Wu Xiaorong explained himself.

"Are these really your Moyun's rules? Or are they just your rules?" Tang Yi asked.


Wu Xiaorong frowned, and then her face turned ugly. She felt that there was something in the other person's words.

At this time, Tang Yi said: "Isn't it? You could obviously let them go, you could just blast them out of the ring, and you could obviously spare their lives. However, you didn't do that, but killed them ruthlessly. Kill them. Isn't this your personal behavior? Is this really Moyun's rule?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Wu Xiaorong's face became very ugly. He felt that the other party came to the stage just to criticize and scold him.

Because this is indeed not Mo Yun's rule.

The Moyun people were indeed bloodthirsty, but they did not reach the point where they would kill anyone on sight.

Mo Yun's martial arts competition arena is indeed terrifying, but there is no need to kill everyone who steps on the arena.

These are not Mo Yun's rules, but just Wu Xiaorong's rules.

It's just that Wu Xiaorong is bloodthirsty.

Seeing Wu Xiaorong's face suddenly turn ugly, Tang Yi immediately sneered: "What? Did I say it right? Do you think I said it badly? Haha!"

The reason why he knew this was not Mo Yun's rule was because he had met Zhou He before and felt Zhou He's enthusiastic attitude.

Although Zhou He looks no different from the Moyun people, he is also full of murderous intent and looks fierce, but he is very enthusiastic and not as scary as he looks.

There is also an onlooker that Tang Yi just asked.

The old man watching was equally fierce and full of murderous intent. When he heard Tang Yi's question, he also looked impatient.


But he still answered Tang Yi.

If every Moyun person is so terrifying and so bloodthirsty, what do Zhou Yun and this onlooker say?
  Are they aliens?
  Not necessarily!

Therefore, in Tang Yi's opinion, it is definitely not Mo Yun's rule to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives and kill every challenger!
  Unexpectedly, Tang Yi really guessed it.

This is indeed not Moyun's rules, but made by the girl Wu in front of her!

Not to mention formulating it.

It's just that Mo Yun's martial arts competition allows killing, so Wu Xiaorong in front of him kills every challenger so unscrupulously!
  I have to say that this woman has changed a bit.

Thinking of this, Tang Yi decided to give the other party a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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