Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2535 A performance of serving food?

Chapter 2535 A performance of serving food?
  There were more guests at table number two.

There are eight people in total.

Four men and four women.

They are all young men and women.

These young men and women are all very luxuriously dressed, and their speech and behavior are very polite. They must be young men and women of high status.

When Tang Yi and others walked in just now, they were talking about these men and women.

There were also quite a few guests at table three, five in total.

Four men and one woman.

The four men have average temperament and good martial arts aura.

The only woman had her face covered and her appearance could not be clearly seen, but judging from her figure and temperament, she was obviously extraordinary.

The guests at table three were just like those at table one. Only the woman was sitting there eating leisurely, while the four men, as if they were the woman's guards, just stood aside, motionless.

The woman at table three must be someone with a good status.

While Tang Yi was looking at the others, others were also looking at Tang Yi and others.

The other party looked at each other, and just like that, Tang Yi and the guest at table three met their eyes.

Tang Yi was surprised that the female guest at table No. 3 was also veiled.

The female guests at table three were surprised that Tang Yi actually brought five veiled women with him.

Although the female guest at table three could not see clearly the faces of Mu Xianling and others, she had a very unique vision and could tell at a glance that Mu Xianling and others must be very beautiful.

The female guest at table three was very surprised to see Tang Yi bringing five such beautiful women.

Although the two parties were looking at each other at the moment, because the female guest at table three was veiled, Tang Yi didn't know that the other party was looking at him.

When the guests at table three saw Tang Yi still staring for a moment after meeting his gaze, they frowned and felt very unhappy.

He thought to himself, this man already has five beautiful female companions, but he still stares at other women, his character must not be very good.

He thought to himself, and then the guest at table No. 3 immediately withdrew his gaze.

Tang Yi briefly looked at the guests at several tables, and immediately looked back.

At this time, Yu Wen Jinyu on the side exclaimed: "The scenery on the top of the building is so beautiful! It's countless times better than it was in the Magic Cloud Ladder just now."

"Indeed. This Moyun Tower towers into the clouds. From the top of the Moyun Tower, we can immediately have a panoramic view of the entire Moyun Kingdom Capital." An Huanlan also said.

Mu Xianling said: "Although the scenery in our Mengyue is not bad, Moyun also has the characteristics of Moyun, and it also has its beautiful places. After seeing the scenery of Moyun, I want to go to more places. , let’s go see the scenery elsewhere.”

"Like Sister Ling'er, I also want to go to more places and see the wonders of this world." Binglian also said.

"It would be great if my husband could always be with us." Yuwen Jinyu said.

Hearing Yuwen Jinyu's words, the five women all looked at Tang Yi.

Seeing the eyes of the fifth woman, Tang Yi touched his nose awkwardly.

He also wants to be with the five girls all the time, and he also wants to enjoy the blessings of being together.

But no.

He had to do the mission.

You must also continue on the martial arts path.

Because he is the chosen one and the owner of the system.

If you want to complete the task and keep going, you will definitely encounter many dangers on the road. How could he take five women with him on such a dangerous journey?

However, just when Tang Yi was extremely embarrassed, Manager Liu came back with several waiters and brought plates of delicious food.

When food came to the rescue, Tang Yi immediately said to the five girls: "Everyone, let's eat! Come and try Mo Yun's food."

Manager Liu also said: "That's right, let's try the delicacies of our Moyun Tower. At this moment, our Moyun Tower has a total of five delicacies for these guests. These five dishes are all the top-notch dishes of our Moyun Tower. Dishes.”

Manager Liu pointed to the first dish of fried meat and introduced: "This dish is called Spicy Stir-fried Sword Bean and Fulong Pork. This dish is made with top-quality ingredients such as the meat of the Fulong Beast and the Yuling Bean. This Not only is this dish tender and delicious, but after eating it, it can even strengthen your body and slightly increase your martial arts skills."

"And this one..."

Manager Liu was very responsible, introducing the dishes to Tang Yi one by one, and the service was very considerate.

However, since Tang Yi had eaten such dishes before, and had also eaten dishes that could strengthen his body and improve his cultivation, he was not interested at all in Manager Liu's introduction.

It almost goes in the left ear and out the right ear.

Wait for Manager Liu to finish his introduction.

Tang Yi immediately said: "Manager Liu, just now you said there is a program here, I don't know..."

"Guests, don't worry, the show should start soon." Manager Liu said.

However, as he spoke, the light curtain on the other side suddenly lit up.

Seeing the light curtain light up, Manager Liu immediately smiled and said, "It's begun."

Hearing this, Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and other five girls looked towards the light screen.

I saw a picture appear on the light screen.

A place similar to an arena appeared on the light screen.

In the arena, there were two warriors standing at the moment. These two warriors were full of murderous aura. Although they did not look evil, they were full of a fierce aura.

The screen appeared, and Manager Liu on the side immediately introduced: "This is one of the programs in our Moyun Tower. It's called the Death Arena. The Death Arena, as the name suggests, is a arena full of death. Two people signed up to sell themselves. The warriors of Qi perform. The two sides duel one on one. If one party dies, the performance ends."


After hearing Manager Liu's introduction, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked doubtfully: "The duel in this death arena should be very bloody, and if we eat and watch such a bloody scene..."

"What's going on? Can't the guest see such a scene? Oh, I forgot, guest, you are not our Moyun people! This death arena is the characteristic of our Moyun people. We Moyun people are very excited to see this kind of passionate scene. That’s why we at Moyun Tower created such a program. Watching the program will whet the appetite of the guests who come to eat.”


After hearing Manager Liu's introduction, Tang Yi was completely confused.

Do you want to eat after watching bloody scenes?

Not disgusting?
  Can you eat it?

You Moyun people are weird, right?
  The taste is so strong?
  Mu Xianling and others on the side also found it difficult to accept.

After hearing Manager Liu's words, their faces became very ugly.

However, at the moment when Tang Yi was confused, the guest at table 1 also smiled and said: "Yes, brother, such a performance is very satisfying for us Moyun people. Watching the performance, Our Moyun people’s appetite will become better and our food will taste more delicious.”

Hearing the words of the guests at this table, Tang Yi was immediately speechless, thinking that you Moyun people are really weird.

However, just when Tang Yi wanted to say something, he suddenly turned his eyes and looked at the light curtain.

His eyes stayed on the light curtain.

Do not!
  To be precise, it was a warrior who stayed on the light screen!
  And that warrior...

(End of this chapter)

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