Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2549 I will lead the way for Mr. Tang Yi

Chapter 2549 I will lead the way for Mr. Tang Yi

Move on to the next item.

[Treasure Map of Void Forest]

Description: Marks the location where the treasure is hidden. If you find this location, you can get a huge treasure. Please go to the location of the treasure, the Void Forest. After going to the Void Forest, you will get the subsequent route.

Pickup cost: 3 Supreme Coins.

Unlocking fee: 10 Supreme Coins.

"Huh? It's actually a treasure map of the Void Forest."

Tang Yi said in surprise: "I'm going to explore the Void Forest soon, and this treasure map might be useful. Not bad, not bad!"

Move on to the next item.

[Dragon Hunting Plate]: Special item, ancient treasure.

Description: Able to detect nearby treasures within a certain range.

Supreme combat power index: 800000 points.

Pickup cost: 1000 Supreme Coins.

Unlocking fee: 4000 Supreme Coins.


What an ancient item!

It’s still a treasure from ancient times!
  Of course, the type of item is not important.

The important thing is that this item can actually detect surrounding treasures within a certain range!

This function is great!
  If you take it with you when you go out for adventure, what other treasures can escape Tang Yi's hands?

In addition to this very special treasure hunting function, this item can also bring Tang Yi an increase of 800,000 points in the supreme combat power index!
  The function is good, and it can also increase the supreme combat power index, which is great.

For this item, even if the total cost of picking up the item and unlocking the item requires 5,000 Supreme Coins, Tang Yi is still very satisfied.

After reading the properties of the three items, Tang Yi immediately paid the fee for picking up and unlocking them.

In this way, Tang Yi lost more than half of his Supreme Coins. Three items made him lose 5,015 Supreme Coins.

After paying the fee and taking the three items as his own, Tang Yi put away the three items with a flick of his hand.

Materials and treasure maps are stored directly in the system backpack.

The Dragon Hunting Plate is directly equipped on the special item slot.

In an instant, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased by 800,000 points.

From the original 2649496 points, it has increased to 3449496 points!
  Breaking the three million mark! !

At the same time, Tang Yi's aura also climbed up in an instant, rising a lot and becoming even more terrifying.

Fortunately, Tang Yi suppressed his aura completely and did not expose it. Otherwise, everyone present would have been crushed to death by his aura.

After equipping the Dragon Hunting Plate, Tang Yi raised his head again, looked at Chai Zhengwan, and said with a smile: "Moyun Tower is indeed the first restaurant in Moyun, and the collection is rich. These things are very useful to me, so I won’t be polite to Master Chai anymore, thank you very much Master Chai.”

"Young Master Tang Yi, you're welcome. I asked you to help, and you should pay a certain amount of compensation. So you don't need to thank me, this is just the reward I gave." Chai Zhengwan looked at Tang Yi and said.

Somehow, Chai Zhengwan had a feeling.

It felt like the young man in front of me became stronger again after getting a few of his items.

His overall strength seemed to have increased several times.

This feeling is very strange.

Chai Zhengwan didn't understand why he felt like this.

But this feeling just appeared in his heart.

This made him very confused. At the same time, he was very puzzled in his heart: "Could it be said that the three items I donated have the effect of improving strength? It shouldn't be. One of these three items is a map, and the Lingxi Supreme Gem and the God of Gold and Iron It is a forging material, but it has no effect on improving strength. Our Chai family has been studying the mysterious disc for hundreds of years, but we have not been able to figure out the reason. Mr. Tang Yi just got the disc, how could he know its function? So this None of the three items can increase strength! Since there are no items that increase strength, why do I feel that Master Tang Yi's strength has increased?"

Chai Zhengwan was puzzled.

On the other side, Tang Yi smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't be pretentious. But I can promise you, Master Chai, that I will definitely help your Chai family regain Mo Yun. So the reward you give will definitely be in kind." Well worth the money.”

"Then please leave it to Mr. Tang Yi."

Chai Zhengwan cupped his hands and said.


Tang Yi nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's getting late, so I'll ask Lord Chai to lead the way."

"Ah? What? What's leading the way?"

Chai Zhengwan didn't understand what Tang Yi meant.

Tang Yi said: "What? Lead the way. Aren't you going to take back Mo Yun?"

"Now? Now to take back the magic cloud?"

When Chai Zhengwan heard this, he was slightly stunned and looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

"What else? If not now, when is that time? I'm very busy and don't have time to delay in Moyun. After solving the things here, I have to do other things. So it's better to make a quick decision than to hit the sun. Today Just right."

Tang Yi said.

"This... Mr. Tang Yi, don't you need to make some preparations? For example, summon strong men, for example, bring enough treasures! Or, for example, make a plan?" Chai Zhengwan said.

Tang Yi waved his hand and said: "There is no need to summon strong men, I am enough alone, and there is no need to bring any treasures, that thing is completely useless, let alone planning. Only weak warriors need plans when facing powerful warriors. When a powerful warrior faces a weak warrior, it is enough to crush him with his strength, so what else is planned?"


Chai Zhengwan wanted to say something more, but his expression was full of worry.

After all, the opponent is the Holy Sect.

In Chai Zhengwan's view.

As soon as this holy sect came to Moyun, it completely controlled Moyun, leaving their royal family completely unable to fight back. It was very powerful.

And this is not the full strength of the Holy Sect. The Holy Sect still has some reservations and hides its true strength.

The Moyun Royal Family was made irresistible by not using their full strength.

If you use your full strength...

How powerful that is.

In short, the Holy Sect is very difficult to deal with.

It is very difficult and dangerous to go to the other side's holy gate alone.

Therefore, Chai Zhengwan was not only surprised but also very worried when he heard that Tang Yi said that he would not make any preparations and would go find trouble with the Holy Sect now.

However, before he could persuade Tang Yi, he was interrupted by Tang Yi.

"No need. Master Chai, don't you believe me?" Tang Yi asked.

Chai Zhengwan shook his head.

"Does Master Chai think that I'm the kind of person who impulsively seeks trouble for others when I'm not sure?" Tang Yi asked again.

Chai Zhengwan shook his head again.

Seeing Chai Zhengwan shaking his head, Tang Yi said: "Isn't that it? Then why doesn't Mr. Chai believe in me? Since I dare to go to the Holy Sect now, I am sure."

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Chai Zhengwan thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, then I will lead the way for you, Mr. Tang Yi!"

(End of this chapter)

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