Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2558 The power distribution of the Holy Sect in Moyun Capital

Chapter 2558 The power distribution of the Holy Sect in Moyun Capital
  Although this matter has nothing to do with Yun Zuo, and he doesn't know much about the inside story, but!

As a senior member of the Holy Sect, he naturally knew about this matter.

But he never expected that the Tang family in Tianxing Domain would still be alive.

Tang Haotian's son Tang Yi actually survived!
  Not only did he survive, but now...

Now it has grown to its current height!

He was able to kill four top holy gods in an instant in front of him.

It was actually possible to destroy his hands when he was unaware of it.

This is too strong.

How long has it been?
  More than a year, right?

In more than a year, it has grown to this point, which makes Yun Zuo find it very incredible.

"What? Do you recognize me now? Do you know who I am?" Tang Yi said with a smile.

"I really can't believe that you have grown to this point in just over a year! If I remember correctly, I remember that when you were in the Tang family, you were still a useless waste, right? A waste who knows nothing can actually grow to this extent in more than a year? What kind of adventure did you get?" Yun Zuo said in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter what adventure I get. What matters is, how have you considered the choice I just mentioned? How to choose? Do you want to tell me the headquarters of your Holy Sect, or do you want to be killed by me?" Tang Yi asked .

Hearing Tang Yi ask about the location of the Holy Sect's headquarters, Yun Zuo immediately guessed Tang Yi's purpose and asked, "Are you seeking revenge from our Holy Sect?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Your Holy Sect has killed hundreds of members of my Tang family. Shouldn't I take revenge?"

Tang Yi asked rhetorically.

"With your current strength, you do have the capital to take revenge like our Holy Sect."

Yun Zuo thought for a moment, and then asked: "If I tell you the location of our Holy Sect, can you let me go? After all, I only know a rough idea of ​​your Tang family's affairs. Why should I touch your Tang family specifically?" , in fact, I don’t know about it, and I didn’t participate, so I am also innocent. If I tell you about the Holy Gate headquarters, can you spare my life?”

Tang Yi said without thinking: "As long as you honestly tell me what you know, then I can consider sparing your life. After all, if you really didn't participate, then we have no grievances. Since There is no injustice or enmity, so why should I kill you?"

"Okay! Then I can tell you! However, the headquarters of the Holy Sect is in a very secret place. Even if I tell you, you may not be able to find it. Therefore, I must take you there." Yun Zuo said.

"No problem, then you will lead the way."

Tang Yi was also very happy and did not bargain any more. After all, he was not afraid of Yun Zuo's tricks. Under the crushing force of absolute strength, all tricks and conspiracies were of no avail.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi asked: "There is one more question!"

"What's the question? Mr. Tang, please ask." Yunzuo said.

"Whether my father is still alive."

When asking this question, Tang Yi was also mentally prepared.

Even if the outcome is not good, he can accept it.

mainly. He needs to know the news about his father, whether he is alive or dead, he wants to get the news.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that when he heard his question, Yun Zuo shook his head and said, "Young Master, please forgive me, but I don't know the whereabouts of your father Tang Haotian."

"Huh? With your status, wouldn't you know?"

Tang Yi didn't believe it.

After all, in Tang Yi's view, Yun Zuo is a supreme being. With such strength, his status in the Holy Sect must be extremely high.

With such a high status, it is impossible not to know inside information.

But now Yun Zuo says he doesn't know.

This made Tang Yi a little unconvinced.

Yun Zuo explained: "Mr. Tang, it's not that I don't tell you, it's because I really don't know. If I knew it, I couldn't not tell you. After all, my life is in your hands, and I also have What can you keep? Do you want to die?"

"In addition, I am only the leader of the Holy Sect, and there are twelve people in this leader's seat. Above our leader, there are four more thrones, as well as two guardians on the left and right, and there are The sect master and the Supreme Elder! Only the people above the leader can master the secrets of the core of the holy sect. Although we, the leader, also know some, we only know a little bit about it. "

Hearing this, Tang Yi said: "In other words, you don't know the whereabouts of my father Tang Haotian. Only the lords, protectors, sect masters, and supreme elders of your holy sect know?"

"I think that should be the case. Maybe other leaders also know something, but I don't know exactly what they know and how much they know. In short, the information about your father Tang Haotian must be in the hands of our sect master and the Supreme Elder. "Yun Zuo said.

"Okay, then I will wait a little longer. When I get to your Holy Sect, I will personally ask your Holy Sect's sect master and Supreme Elder!" Tang Yi said.

After a pause, Tang Yi seemed to think of something again and said: "Cloud Seat."

Yun Zuo quickly corrected him: "Master Tang, just call me Jiang Yun."

"Jiang Yun, how many people from your Holy Sect are still in Mo Yun? I mean, how many people are still at Holy God level?" Tang Yi asked.

After all, Tang Yi is about to leave Moyun and head to the headquarters of the Holy Sect.

And once it leaves, the demon cloud will have no one to rely on.

Therefore, he must eliminate all the power of the Holy Sect in Moyun before leaving.

Take charge of Moyun for Chai Zhengwan, remove all obstacles, and at the same time ensure the safety of everyone in the Moyun royal family.

Hearing Tang Yi's inquiry, Yun Zuo thought for a moment and replied: "Our Holy Sect has a total of six locations in Moyun. They are located in the four directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest of Moyun's capital, as well as the mercenary headquarters in the center of the city. , and the Demonic Sky Sect not far from the outskirts of the city. Each of these six places has at least dozens of Holy God-level powerhouses. Among them, there is at least one top Holy God powerhouse, and at least five Nine-star Holy God powerhouses. people."

Hearing Yun Zuo's words, before Tang Yi could say anything, Chai Zhengwan, the third prince of Moyun on the side, suddenly took a breath and said in surprise: "So many!"

Chai Zhengwan was shocked!
  He didn't expect that the Holy Sect was so powerful!
  I didn’t expect that the Holy Sect would actually place so many strong men in Moyun!
  Originally, he thought that the strong men of the Holy Sect were in the Moyun Palace and controlled the Moyun Palace.

Even if there are some outside Moyun Palace, there won’t be many.

However, he did not expect that the powerful men of the Holy Sect could be found in every corner of Moyun Capital.

And every stronghold has at least one top Holy God level powerhouse!
  (End of this chapter)

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