Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2563 Testing the Power of Thunder Tower

Chapter 2563 Testing the Power of Thunder Tower
  The warship flew from the Demon Cloud Palace to an altitude of 10,000 meters in the blink of an eye, at an incredibly fast speed.

At this moment, looking at the Moyun Kingdom from the warship, the entire Moyun Kingdom has become a small dot in everyone's field of vision.

Seeing this scene, Yun Zuo and Tang Mingtian were stunned.

Fortunately for Tang Mingtian, he didn't have much experience and had never seen any fast warships, so it was okay to be surprised!
  After all, he had no idea about fast warships.

But the cloud seat is different.

He has seen so many warships!

However, he has never seen a warship that is so fast and as fast as it is now!
  While Yun Zuo was confused, Tang Yi asked: "Jiang Yun, where is the stronghold in the capital of Moyun Kingdom?"

Hearing this, Yun Zuo quickly pointed out the location to Tang Yi.

Following the position guided by the cloud seat, Tang Yi thought for a moment, then took out the Thunder Light Tower, wanting to test the power of the Thunder Light Tower.

After all, this is a newly acquired treasure, so what if I don't try its power?
  After taking out the Thunder Light Tower, Tang Yi immediately locked his gaze on the position guided by the cloud seat.

I felt the breath of life in these locations with my consciousness, and then raised the small tower in my hand. Without any hesitation, I immediately activated the Thunder Light Tower's active skill, Thunder Shock Five Nights.

"Thunder shocks for five nights!!"

Tang Yi raised the Thunder Light Tower and pointed at these locations.

next second.

The sky darkened instantly, as if it had entered the dark night.

Immediately afterwards, a golden cloud that seemed to be about five or six meters long appeared high in the sky out of thin air, looking extremely weird.

And this time.


A thunderous rumble came, causing the whole world to shake and rumble.

I saw golden lightning roaring out one after another from the golden clouds.

It headed directly towards the capital of Moyun Kingdom, blasting in six different directions.

And these six different directions are the Holy Sect's strongholds in the capital of Moyun!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

A total of six golden thunders thundered down from the golden clouds, very quickly and very accurately, hitting the six strongholds of the Holy Sect hidden in the capital of Moyun Kingdom.

next moment.

Only six strongholds were seen, which were instantly razed to the ground by the bombardment of golden thunder.

All the buildings and all the people inside were instantly wiped out and disappeared in this time.

At the same time, a kilometer-deep sinkhole also appeared in these six locations!

From a distance, it looks bottomless and terrifying.

Although the surroundings of these six strongholds were in ruins and in a mess, they were not affected.

Only those six strongholds were destroyed, but the surrounding ordinary people's buildings were safe and sound.

In other words, it was just a little dirty due to countless mud splashes and countless gravel spills.

After the six golden thunders fell, the sky regained its brightness and became clearer than before.

If I hadn't just remembered the roaring sound, if it hadn't been for the six sinkholes that appeared in Moyun Kingdom at this moment, it would have seemed as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the sinkhole formed by the Thunder Light Tower, Tang Yi nodded, roughly understanding the power of the Thunder Light Tower.

Of course.

The six golden thunders released by the Thunder Light Tower just now are not the full power of the Thunder Light Tower.

At most, it is one ten thousandth of the power of the Thunder Tower, right? The six golden thunders just released were released by Tang Yi after suppressing their power and range.

So only six strongholds were destroyed and six kilometers of sinkholes were formed.

If Tang Yi hadn't suppressed the power and limited the coverage area, a golden thunder might have leveled the entire Moyun Kingdom.

Not to mention the capital of Moyun Kingdom, even the area thousands of miles around the capital of Moyun Kingdom will be razed to the ground!

This is the result of Tang Yi's experiment just now!

The power of the Thunder Light Tower is very strong! !

Yun Zuo on the side, watching Tang Yi use the Thunder Light Tower, was also frightened and shocked by Tang Yi!

At the same time, six strongholds were razed to the ground. In fact, Yunzuo can also do it!
  However, he cannot be as calm and calm as Tang Yi.

Not to mention holding back like Tang Yi!

With his eyesight, he could certainly tell that Tang Yi was holding back.

The power of the Thunder Light Tower was not fully utilized.

But he didn't know how many hands Tang Yi had left and how much power he had unleashed from the Thunder Light Tower.

In addition to knowing that Tang Yi kept a big hand, besides knowing that Tang Yi suppressed the power and the range.

He doesn't know anything anymore.

However, if he kept his hand and was so calm, he could level the six strongholds of the Holy Sect and create a huge sinkhole.

Moreover, it was still performed at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This shows how powerful the Thunder Tower is!
  If such a treasure fell into his hands...

At this moment, to be honest, Yun Zuo was very jealous and jealous of Tang Yi.

Not only is he powerful, but his luck is also so good.

How can veteran warriors like them survive?
  Of course, Yun Zuo could only be jealous and envious.

Because he can do nothing but be jealous and jealous.

In front of Tang Yi, he was just a grandson and a child, with no power to fight back.

"Let's go, Jiang Yun, tell me your Holy Sect's next stronghold."

After solving the six strongholds in the capital of Moyun Kingdom, Tang Yi said to Yun Zuo.

Hearing this, Yun Zuo nodded, and then gave Tang Yi directions.

Under the guidance of Yun Zuo, Tang Yi controlled the Supreme Warship and flew away quickly.

However, just after Tang Yi and his party left the Moyun Kingdom, the entire Moyun Kingdom was in an uproar.

"Oh my god, what just happened? Why did the ground shake? And there were bursts of roars? It even turned dark?"

"I just saw a golden light flash in the sky, and then the ground shook, and there was a very terrifying aura spreading. Fortunately, I hid at the critical moment, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been killed by this aura. The breath was crushed to death alive."

"Be good! Maybe you don't believe me, but just now, the mercenary headquarters in the center of the city disappeared! The entire mercenary headquarters was razed to the ground!! There was even a huge pit!"

"Not only the mercenary headquarters, but also the Liuyun Gang in the east of the city, the Haze Caravan in the west of the city, the Longya Mercenary Group station in the south of the city, and the Xiaoyu Gang in the north of the city are all gone! The stations in these places were all blown out There was a big hole. Let alone the building, not even a single mosquito survived!"

"I just got the news, and the same goes for the Demonic Sky Sect on the outskirts of the city! It was razed to the ground! And a deep pit was blasted out."

"What exactly happened? Why were so many forces attacked at the same time?! Who can tell me?"

"It is said that great changes have taken place in the Moyun Palace, and a certain force has conflicted with the Moyun Royal Family! That is why this disaster has occurred!"

(End of this chapter)

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