Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2569 The surprised people of Feiyan Sect

Chapter 2569 The surprised people of Feiyan Sect
  Tang Yi thought about it and felt that there was no rush anyway, so he would explain it to the other party.

He immediately said: "The reason why we appeared in the back mountain of your Feiyan Sect is because we are going to a place. And the entrance of this place is at the top of the back mountain of your Feiyan Sect, which is right here."

"A place? The entrance is at the top of the mountain behind our Feiyan Sect? Here?"

Hearing this, Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, once again looked around the top of Houshan Mountain, inspecting the inside and outside of the top of Houshan Mountain, but still didn't notice anything strange.

Not noticing anything strange, Dong Zhiwen turned to look at Tang Yi and said, "Master, you said this is the entrance to a certain place? But I checked inside and out, why didn't I feel anything strange?"

Tang Yi felt it for a moment, but didn't feel anything strange. He immediately replied: "Actually, I didn't feel anything strange either, but this is definitely the entrance. I guess there must be some kind of restriction."

With that said, Tang Yi turned to the cloud seat and asked: "Jiang Wen, is the entrance right here?"

Yun Zuo replied: "That's right."


Tang Yi nodded slightly, then turned his head and said to Dong Zhiwen: "It should be right that the entrance is here."

"I actually believe what the young master said, because I also received news from our law enforcement elders, saying that a group of people entered our back mountain and then disappeared out of thin air. But how did they disappear? After disappearing, they went Where. I don’t know. At this moment, the young master said that this is an entrance and contacted our elders to report it, so this must be true. But what I am curious about is where is this entrance hidden? Why can’t we feel it? Arrived."

Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, said in confusion.

"This is very simple. I'll find out when someone opens the entrance." Tang Yi said with a smile.

Afterwards, Tang Yi turned to Yun Zuo and said, "Jiang Yun."

Yun Zuo understood and hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "I will open the entrance for you!"

As he spoke, Yun Zuo closed his eyes and began to mutter something.

Since his hands were removed by Tang Yi, he no longer had any hands at the moment.

Therefore, he can only rely on his mouth and body to cast spells or perform methods.

this moment.

I saw him cast the spell under his muttered words.

From his body, a golden token floated out, floated into the air, and spun.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light shone down from this golden token, shining on a certain place on the top of the mountain.

Under the golden light, the top of Feiyan Sect's back mountain suddenly felt as if the space was torn apart, and a hole was slowly opened.

Before, Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, could not see anything strange in that place no matter how he looked. No matter how he searched, he could not find any clues.

However, at this moment, under the help of Yun Zuo, the opening was slowly opened, showing its difference.

It seems like an ancient door that has been sealed for a long time, and it also seems like eyes slowly opening.

"There is actually an entrance."

Seeing this scene, the senior officials of Feiyan Sect all widened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

They had no idea that there was something really strange in the mountains behind where they were stationed.

There actually is an entrance! What surprised them even more was that the place where they had watched it countless times before and found nothing out of the ordinary, where they could feel any breath, actually had an entrance at this moment!
  "Here, what is going on? Why is there an entrance here?"

Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, asked with a look of disbelief.

Hearing this, Yun Zuo just glanced at Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, and then withdrew his gaze and said to Tang Yi: "Sir, the door to the bottom has been opened. Now we have to enter this door. Then go underneath to enter the entrance.”

It was obviously impossible for Yun Zuo to explain to Dong Zhiwen.

After all, in Yun Zuo's view, Dong Zhiwen was simply not qualified for him to explain.

Except for Tang Yi, no one present was qualified for him to explain.

After all, he is a supreme being, high and high, with a lofty status. Why should he explain to others?

Moreover, to an ant?
  That's right.

At this moment, in Yun Zuo's view, these people from the Feiyan Sect in front of him are just ants!

Even Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, is still an ant in his eyes.

How could Yun Zuo pay attention to the ants?

But Tang Yi was much more easy-going.

There is no distinction between high and low.

Hearing the words of the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, Tang Yi first nodded slightly toward Yun Zuo and said, "Okay, we will go in later."

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and said to Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect: "The reason why there is an entrance here is because other forces secretly set up an entrance here. And the entrance is set up here because That force wants you to guard the gate for them for free. At the same time, it will increase security. After all, who would have thought that there would be an entrance for other forces in the back of your Feiyan Sect?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, didn't understand.

Others in Feiyan Sect also looked puzzled.

Tang Yi continued to explain: "What I mean is that there is a force called the Holy Sect. They set the entrance of the station on the back mountain of your Feiyan Sect. They asked you to guard the entrance for them for free. And the reason why the entrance was set up Here, in addition to allowing you to guard them for free, it can also increase a lot of security, because no one would have thought that the entrance to their holy gate station would be in the back mountain of your Feiyan Sect."

"Holy Gate? Set the entrance of the station at the back of our Feiyan Sect? Let us Feiyan Sect guard the entrance for them for free?"

Hearing this, Dong Zhiwen, the Supreme Elder of Feiyan Sect, was slightly startled at first, and then said angrily: "What kind of Holy Sect is this? How brave! How dare you set the entrance in our Feiyan Sect and let us Feiyan Zong is guarding the gate for them!!”

Hearing the news, Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, looked very angry.

Except for Dong Zhiwen, the supreme elder of Feiyan Sect, other people in Feiyan Sect were also very angry.

"Where did this Holy Sect come from! How dare they be so bold! Aren't they afraid of being held accountable by our Feiyan Sect for doing this?"

"No matter what the origin of this holy sect is, it dares to run wild in our Feiyan Sect and let us, Feiyan Sect, guard the gate! We, Feiyan Sect, are not done with them!"

"This Holy Gate is such a good idea! It actually set the entrance to the top of our back mountain. Setting the entrance to the top of our back mountain is indeed concealed and cannot be noticed by others. After all, who would have thought that in our flying smoke Is there another force behind the sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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