Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2575 I will show you

Chapter 2575 I will show you

"I came here because I knew it. As for the confidence you confidence comes from myself, of course!"

Tang Yi said calmly.

"Haha, then you are too confident. But sometimes blind confidence is a kind of arrogance, do you understand?"

Hong Yang sneered and said: "This is not your Tianmu Realm, but our Tianzhou Realm. Here, let's not talk about whether you can cause trouble for our Realm King. Even the Divine Realm of our Tianzhou Realm, you are not sure. You can get in. Because I'm guarding this place, and under my guard, you can't get in no matter what."


Tang Yi smiled and said: "Just now you said that I am blindly confident, now I return this sentence to you, do you really think you can stop me? Ridiculous! Since I dare to come, of course I have the confidence to dare to come! "

"Oh? Really? Then you step over here and try? As long as you dare to step over here, I will let you know the consequences of trespassing into the Tianzhou Realm!" Hong Yang said with narrowed eyes.

However, after hearing this, Tang Yi smiled and said nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he took one step forward and walked towards Hong Yang.

Tang Yi actually broke through, and he walked so slowly, taking a leisurely step, as if he was strolling through his own back garden!
  Such a gesture is completely provocative!

It was completely provoking Hong Yang!
  Seeing Tang Yi walking slowly, Hong Yang frowned and his face became extremely ugly.

After all, no one would look good after being provoked like this.

One second he had warned about the consequences of stepping into the Tianzhou Realm, and the next second Tang Yi was walking towards him.

Does this make Hong Yang feel comfortable? Can your face look good?
  I saw him commanding the warriors of the Holy Sect in a deep voice: "Go, stop him!"

Hearing this, more than a dozen Holy Sect warriors responsible for guarding the teleportation circle in the Tianzhou Realm rushed towards Tang Yi.

Everyone had a fierce look in their eyes, and everyone exuded their own aura.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Feiyan Sect feasted again.

Because they didn't expect it.

These dozen holy warriors who are responsible for guarding the entrance to the Tianzhou Realm are all top-level holy gods!
  Before these holy sect warriors did not reveal their auras, everyone in Feiyan Sect thought that these holy sect warriors, that is, ordinary warriors, even the strongest and most powerful, could not reach the holy level.

At most, it is at the level of Holy Lord or Holy Emperor.

However, when these Holy Sect warriors were exposed, they realized that these Holy Sect warriors were not ordinary warriors, but all top Holy God level experts!
  The Holy Sect actually sent a supreme and a dozen top Holy God level warriors to guard the teleportation circle!
  This made everyone in Feiyan Sect feel a little incredible, and they wanted to leave here even more.

After all, this place is so dangerous. If we continue to stay, who knows what will happen?
  In addition, they also wondered why the young man named Tang Yi was still moving forward because the people of the Holy Sect were so powerful, and there was even a strong man like the King of Realm standing behind them. Are you going to go against the Holy Sect?
  This made everyone in the Feiyan Sect somewhat incomprehensible.

But on the other side.

Facing more than a dozen powerful people from the Holy Sect, Tang Yi didn't even look at them, and ignored them completely, as if he didn't see half of them.

In front of Tang Yi's eyes, these holy warriors seemed to be transparent people.

Feeling Tang Yi's disregard, the strong men of the Holy Sect were immediately filled with indignation, looking at Tang Yi with eyes full of anger.

When facing Tang Yi, they were also aggressive and fully prepared, ready to cut Tang Yi into pieces.

  What the dozen powerful men from the Holy Sect and everyone in the Feiyan Sect didn’t expect was this!

At the moment when a dozen strong men from the Holy Sect were approaching Tang Yi and were about to attack Tang Yi, an energy shield appeared around Tang Yi.

This energy shield is not a special method, nor is it a martial skill.

It just releases energy outside the body and forms an energy shield outside the body.

Everyone can do this.        It's just the most basic way to use power.


It is this simplest way of using power that leaves more than a dozen top Holy Spirit powerhouses in the Holy Sect helpless!
  They rushed to Tang Yi, wanting to stop Tang Yi and take action against Tang Yi.

However, he couldn't get close to Tang Yi at all!
  All were blocked by this energy shield!
  Seeing this, some strong men from the Holy Sect took action directly on this circle of shields and bombarded the shields.


But he couldn't even make the energy shield around Tang Yi ripple.

His attack fell on the shield, as if it was lost in the sea, without any effect!

"What's going on? What method is he using!"

"This...this seems to be an ordinary way to use energy, right? He seems to just release energy outside the body?"

"It's impossible. If it's just an ordinary way to use energy, how can it be so powerful! Why can't we get closer! Even Yang Zodiac can't do this!"

"Yes, it's so strange! When I attacked this shield just now, I couldn't even shake the shield. Not even a ripple appeared!"


Seeing that they could not get close to Tang Yi and could not cause harm to Tang Yi, the strong men of the Holy Sect were in an uproar, and everyone looked in disbelief.

Even the Hongyang and Yangzuo, the first seats of the Holy Gate, looked surprised at this moment.

However, under the surprised gazes of everyone, Tang Yi slowly walked towards Hong Yang, taking every step as leisurely as a leisurely step.

After a moment, he walked up to Hong Yang.

Walking leisurely, he came to Hong Yang as if he were in his own back garden. Tang Yi smiled lightly and said, "You said just now that as long as I dare to step in, you will let me know the consequences of trespassing? So now? I’m here? What happens next?!”


Hong Yang frowned and said: "I didn't expect you to have such a method. I underestimated you. However, you don't just think that you can pass in front of me with this method, do you?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi did not speak, but proved himself with practical actions.

He just walked past Hong Yang, completely ignoring Hong Yang.

Seeing this, of course Hong Yang wanted to stop Tang Yi and prevent Tang Yi from walking past!
  Although Tang Yi just took a step forward and it didn't affect the overall situation at all, Hong Yang didn't count as letting people into the Tianzhou Realm.


This was a real slap in Hong Yang's face.

After all, Hong Yang just said that he would not let Tang Yi pass.

Tang Yi walked over, where would Hong Yang's face be? Wasn't he slapped in the face? !

Although Hong Yang wanted to stop Tang Yi!


But he couldn't stop Tang Yi at all!
  At this moment, he was just like the previous Saint Sect strongmen, unable to even get close to Tang Yi.

Blocked by that circle of energy shield!
  (End of this chapter)

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