Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2584 It’s useless to take out the artifact

Chapter 2584 It’s useless to take out the artifact


Seeing that the golden destruction cast by Baili Zun was blocked by Tang Yi without even a splash of water, Yun Zuo on the side was dumbfounded!

He didn't expect that Tang Yi could even resist Baili Zunzuo's tactics!
  And not just resistance, but even resistance with ease and complete crushing!

Not only did it resist it, it even absorbed all the power of this method.

Not only was it not affected, Baili Zunzuo's method did not even cause a splash.

The method of allowing Baili to sit down has become a complete joke!
  This is too exaggerated and terrible.

Even though he had already known Tang Yi's strength, even though he had been shocked by Tang Yi many times in a row, and even though he was already a little numb, Yun Zuo could not help but be slightly surprised at this moment.

But at this moment, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully: "Golden destruction? That's it?"


Just as Tang Yi was laughing, the city gate of the first area suddenly opened with a "bang".

A figure rode a golden bird and flew into the sky.

After the figure riding the big golden bird, countless figures swarmed out of the city gate. They looked densely packed and crowded, as if they were a torrent.

And the process of swarming out was also extremely long, taking at least ten seconds.

It took more than ten seconds for people to stop pouring out of the city gate, and the crowd stopped.

At this moment, looking in front of the city gate, one can see that there are no less than thousands of warriors standing in front of the city gate.

The auras of these people are very powerful, and they seem to be at the top holy level.

After pouring out of the wide city gate, these people lined up in a certain formation in the open space in front of the city gate!

Immediately afterwards, he stood quietly, as if he were an army, very well-trained and following orders and prohibitions.


The big golden bird circled in the sky, then returned to the city gate, stopped on top of thousands of warriors, and floated in mid-air.

After stopping, the figure riding on the big golden bird said to Tang Yi and others in an extremely majestic, terrifying and majestic voice: "Jiang Yun, you are so brave. You dare to lead outsiders to trespass into the Holy Palace! Are you dissatisfied with your longevity? And outsiders like you, dare to trespass into the Holy Palace of our Tianzhou Realm. Are you tired of living? Are you going to die?"

This figure was dressed in gold clothes and robes, with a golden feather crown on his head. The whole person was golden and looked extremely dazzling, as if he was a golden sun.

This figure, vaguely visible in the golden light, was about forty years old.

He was neither handsome nor majestic, and even looked a little thin, but under the golden light, he looked extremely sacred, as if he were a saint.

Seeing this golden figure, Yun Zuo introduced to Tang Yi: "This is the throne of the first area, hundreds of miles up the clouds!"


After hearing the introduction of Yunzuo, Tang Yi took a look at the Baili Shangzun, and then said: "You are the Baili Shangyun of the first district, right? Do you think we are here to die? But I don't I feel like I’m here to claim my life!”


"Calling for life? Do you think too highly of yourself? You don't think that you can compete with me if you can block my attack just now, do you? It is undeniable that your strength is indeed good, but it is only good. If you want to compete with I resist and want to pass our first area, but you don't have the strength yet and are completely unqualified!" Baili Shangyun said.

"is it?"

Tang Yi smiled.

"Of course!"

Baili Shangyun said decisively.

"Then let's wait and see. Let's see if I have the strength and whether I'm qualified enough!"

Tang Yi said.

With that said, he led Mu Xianling and his party and slowly walked towards the city gate of the first area.

Yes, he was not walking towards the city gate of the first area alone. Instead, he led a group of eight people including Mu Xianling and walked over slowly.

This move seemed very bold and at the same time very provocative.

The meaning of this move is to look down on Baili Shangyun.

Just don't take Baili Shangyun seriously.

Isn't it!

The war was imminent, but Tang Yi walked directly into the battlefield with irrelevant people, completely ignoring the threat of Baili Shangyun.

This is not provocation, this is not looking down on Baili Shangyun, so what is it?
  Seeing Tang Yi's move, Baili Shangyun's eyes burned with anger and he felt very unhappy.

As the esteemed seat of Tianzhou Realm, beneath one person and above ten thousand people, when has he ever been provoked like this?

When have you ever been looked down upon like this?

there has never been!

However, at this moment, he was looked down upon and provoked!

To be honest, this is the first time Baili Shangyun has felt this feeling.

And this feeling made him very unhappy and angry.

With a gloomy face, Baili Shangyun sneered and said, "Oh, it seems you are very confident! Well, let me see why you are so confident!"

As he spoke, Baili Shangyun's eyes narrowed, and with a flick of his right hand, he took out a golden long bow.

This long bow is like the clothes Baili Shangyun wears. It sparkles and exudes golden light. It looks very shining.

At the same time, the aura coming from above is also very terrifying and intimidating.

It was as if this golden long bow was not a weapon, but a giant beast.

Tang Yi knew at a glance that this long bow that Baili Shangyun took out was a supreme weapon.

Moreover, it is also a very good supreme weapon.

Because the breath coming from above is very powerful and full of supreme power.

However, even though it was a supreme weapon, Tang Yi didn't care.

After all, it's not like he has never encountered an opponent with a supreme weapon.

Before that, he had also encountered many Supremes with Supreme weapons.

And didn’t all these supreme beings die in his hands?
  The Supreme, who possesses the Supreme Weapon, is nothing special. He is still like an ant in front of him.

not to mention……

Just now, Tang Yi also used the Sky Eye Technique to examine the seat of Baili Shangyun in the Tianzhou Realm in front of him.

It was found that Baili Shangyun's supreme combat power index was only 40,000 or 50,000 points.

Such a supreme combat power index, placed among ordinary supremes, is indeed very powerful and can indeed crush one.

But for Tang Yi, it was not worth mentioning.

With millions of supreme combat powers, killing 40,000 to 50,000 warriors with supreme combat power is like squeezing an ant to death. It is not too easy.

So, why should Tang Yi care?

Baili Shangyun took out the supreme weapon?

Not to mention the supreme weapon, with the huge gap in the supreme combat power index, it would be useless for Baili Shangyun to even take out the divine weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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