Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2591 The guardians of Tianzhou Realm

Chapter 2591 The guardians of Tianzhou Realm

"Sir, once you board the Tianxuan Palace, I'm afraid you won't be able to be as carefree as you are now. The Kaio King of the Tianzhou Realm will definitely take action against you personally. Even if the Kaio King doesn't take action, the remaining three groups will take the throne, and The two guardians will definitely take action against you. So you have to be careful." Yun Zuo reminded.

Hearing this, just as Tang Yi was about to say something, he suddenly felt a breath from Tianxuan Palace.

Feeling these auras, Tang Yi immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, because they are already here!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked towards the palace in mid-air.

Immediately, he saw longing figures in mid-air, and countless figures flew out of the palace in mid-air, flew to the sky of the Holy Palace, and then floated in mid-air.

In an instant, the air was filled with thousands of figures, seemingly densely packed.

Seeing the figures in the sky, Yun Zuo suddenly said: "I asked why the people in the second, third and fourth districts are missing. It turns out they are all concentrated here. Young Master, they are the second, third and fourth districts. The warriors from the fourth area. Among them, the thrones from the second area, the third area, and the fourth area are also on it. Not only that, but the two guardians are also on it. It seems that I was right just now. Young Master, you are here. , even if the King of Tianzhou Realm does not take action, the three lords and the two guardians will definitely take action against you. Now it is indeed the case, they are here together."

Tang Yi nodded and said, "It's better if we come here. It saves me the trouble of looking for them. If they are gathered together, it will be easier for me to catch them all in one go."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yun Zuo was slightly startled and a little dumbfounded.

After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. When encountering a large number of enemies, others usually avoid them if they can, rather than confronting so many enemies head on.

Tang Yi was good. Not only did he not avoid it, he was not afraid of it. On the contrary, he was very happy.

This made Yun Zuo not know what to say.

If it were anyone else, Yun Zuo would have scolded him, feeling that he was too arrogant and rampant.

But if it were Tang Yi, he couldn't scold him, nor could he call Tang Yi arrogant.

After all, they really have this strength!
  I can really say this.

Just when Yun Zuo was speechless at Tang Yi's words, he saw dense crowds of people appearing in the sky at this moment.

There are really many, many, many of these figures, as densely packed as wasps.

At first glance, I don’t know how many thousands there are.

Even because there were so many people, these figures floated in the air, almost connecting the city, like a large dark cloud.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell that this large dark cloud in the sky is made up of people, and you will think it is really a dark cloud.

And these large dark clouds composed of warriors covered the entire sky at this moment, making the entire world dim.

I have to say that sometimes when many people gather together, it can be extremely powerful.

Just like now.

The dense figures in the sky gathered together, showing an extremely terrifying power!

Originally, these warriors in the sky were not very strong.

They range from the Holy Emperor level to the Holy God level.

There are also some supreme beings among them.

But this kind of strength is indeed very powerful to others, and it is indeed very powerful.

But for Tang Yi, it was not so good!
  For Tang Yi, they are just ants, just some cats and dogs.

However, these abilities were not very good, and Tang Yi regarded them as ants, as beings on the level of cats and dogs.

Gathering together gave him a very powerful feeling!

It felt as if these warriors were really not just cats and dogs, not ants, but heavenly soldiers and generals.

Of course.

Feelings are just feelings, not real. Although the countless warriors in the sky gave Tang Yi a very powerful feeling!

But that's just a feeling, not their strength!

They are not heavenly soldiers or generals, but just ants.

Tang Yi could kill as many ants as he wanted, and it was very easy.

Therefore, although the countless warriors in the sky came with extremely powerful power, Tang Yi didn't pay too much attention!

He just stood there, waiting for the opponent to get into position.

The process of countless warriors from Tianzhou Realm pouring out of Tianxuan Palace was very long and lasted for nearly ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, no more warriors came out of Tianxuan Palace.

At this moment, the Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky were densely packed and boundless.

At a glance, there is no edge at all.

Looking up, it seemed as if there were warriors everywhere in the sky, and every place was covered by swarms of warriors.

And due to the obstruction of these warriors, this place is like night, and the sky is very dark.

But fortunately, everyone is a warrior and has excellent eyesight. Even if the sky is dark, everyone can see clearly.

But when he saw the endless crowd of warriors in the sky, Tang Yi was fine and didn't feel anything special.

Not so much for others.

Mu Xianling and the other five girls, Tang Mingtian and Dong Zhiwen, the leader of the Feiyan Sect, were all very nervous, and their whole bodies were tight!
  Even Yun Zuo, who was leading the way, looked nervous.

After all, the scene at this moment is indeed terrifying and terrifying, and the formation is indeed very large.

In such a large battle, so many warriors were dispatched from the Tianzhou Realm. Even Yun Zuo, who had seen the big world, was extremely nervous at this moment!

After all, there are too many warriors in the sky, and the sense of oppression is too strong.

Facing so many warriors and such a strong sense of oppression, who can remain calm?
  Even the powerful Yun Zuo is like this, let alone Mu Xianling and others.

And this moment.

After countless warriors from the Tianzhou Realm set up their formations in the sky, two old men immediately stood up. One of them said to Tang Yi and others: "It's you who broke into the Holy Palace of my Tianzhou Realm? "

Hearing the old man's speech, Yun Zuo on the side immediately introduced to Tang Yi: "These are the two guardians of Tianzhou Realm. The one speaking at the moment is the right guardian named Lu Shen. The one who did not speak, He is the protector Zuo of Tianzhou Realm, his name is Lu Qian."

"Oh? The two guardians of Tianzhou Realm?"

After hearing Yun Zuo's introduction, Tang Yi suddenly came to his senses.

Immediately afterwards, he threw two Heavenly Eye Techniques at the two guardians of Tianzhou Realm.

If it were an ordinary warrior, Tang Yi would definitely not waste time using the Heavenly Eye Technique. After all, those low-level warriors would have the same attributes whether they looked at them or not.

But at this moment, the two guardians of Tianzhou Realm are different.

The aura on them is very strong.

Now Tang Yi's strength is no longer what it used to be. It is already very powerful. It is impossible for ordinary warriors to make him feel strong.

And if Tang Yi can feel the strong aura, then the strength of these guardians is obviously very extraordinary.

Therefore, at this moment Tang Yi threw out the Sky Eye Technique.

(End of this chapter)

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