Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2594 Ten Thousand Warriors in Tianzhou Realm

Chapter 2594 Millions of Warriors in Tianzhou Realm

Lu Shen's eyes when he looked at Tang Yi had become very solemn and fearful.

After all, the three thrones disappeared right before his eyes.

However, he, the protector, could not see anything and felt nothing.

I couldn't feel any power, and I didn't see the other party take action at all!

When he couldn't feel anything, the other party killed the three lords of their Tianzhou Realm instantly.

This is too exaggerated.

With such exaggeration and such terrifying methods, how could Lu Shen not be afraid and solemn?


If the three people who disappeared were just ordinary warriors or ordinary people.

Forget it!
  Lu Shen wouldn't look so surprised, let alone so dignified.

But you must know that the three people who disappeared just now are distinguished people.

As for the Supreme Being, he has been practicing for many years and has considerable strength!

The supreme powerhouse is extremely powerful.

Even if Lu Shen took action himself, it would be impossible for him to be killed instantly like this.

It is even less possible to do it quietly.

Not to mention making three supreme beings disappear, even letting one supreme being get news is extremely difficult and impossible.

However, what he couldn't do, the other party did!
  How could Lu Shen not be afraid, how could he not be solemn.

Before that, Lu Shen looked at Tang Yi with disdain and contempt.

It's like looking at a young brat.

However, after seeing the inexplicable disappearance of the three dignitaries just now, Lu Shen's eyes completely changed.

All the contempt was gone.

At this moment, the way he looked at Tang Yi was no longer disdainful, but like looking at a terrifying giant beast, full of fear and fear.

Just when Lu Shen had a solemn look on his face, Tang Yi looked at Lu Shen like a fool and said disdainfully: "I just said that there is indeed something wrong with your brain. Isn't the fact obvious? There was no one else but me at the scene. Take action, who else can take action and who will take action? I didn't make them disappear, could it be you made them disappear? It's really ridiculous. I don't know if you are pretending to be stupid or really stupid. How could you ask such a stupid question? ?”

"You!" Hearing Tang Yi's words, Right Protector Lu Shen was very angry. He wanted to say something more, and wanted to take action himself to teach Tang Yi a lesson.

But after thinking about it for a while, Wei Wei finally decided not to say it out loud, nor did he take action personally.

After all, the opponent was extremely powerful, and Lu Shen was not sure that he could defeat Tang Yi.

and so!
  After giving Tang Yi an angry look, he withdrew his gaze again.

The words that reached his lips were swallowed back immediately.

He stopped his anger and fell into deep thought, seeming to be thinking of countermeasures.

Seeing Lu Shen's appearance, the left guardian Lu Qian said to Lu Shen: "Brother, are you hesitating now?"


Lu Shen nodded and said: "King King asked us to stop him and capture him, but now it seems that we can't stop him at all. His strength seems to be more powerful than we imagined. And we also have some very powerful and mysterious means, which we cannot match at all. This kind of strength is also beyond our ability to deal with. I am afraid that only a being like Lord Kaio can deal with it personally. "

Hearing this, Lu Qian smiled and said: "I don't think there is any need for brother to hesitate, just fuck him and it's over! He is indeed very strong, and his methods are indeed endless. He is indeed mysterious, and he is indeed very powerful, but so what?"

"Is it because he is powerful that we should let him in? Is it because he is powerful that we should not deal with him? This is simply impossible, right? Moreover. Kaio-sama asked us to stop him, then we must After completing the mission, they must not be allowed to enter Tianxuan Palace, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. So, are they not going to stop him now because of his strong strength? Of course it is impossible. Since it is impossible, it is better to fight directly If there is a fight, either he dies or we die, let’s just decide the winner!”

"And the most important thing is, how do you know that we are not his opponent before we have fought? He and his companions are just a few people, and now here, we have thousands of helpers. As long as all of us Let’s join forces together to attack him. I don’t believe he can stop him. Even if that young man can stop him, the women behind him and the people he brought will definitely not be able to stop us! So, we What are you hesitating about?”

"Besides, with so many people surrounding him, can he kill all of us? Dare to kill us? Not necessarily? So, why hesitate? Just take action!"

Zuo Protector Lu Qian paused for a moment, and then said: "If it really doesn't work, we can take action ourselves and attack him with all the warriors in the Tianzhou Realm. I don't believe that with our joint efforts, he can still It can be blocked. If we are not his opponent even if we attack together, then we still have a back-up. Brother, have you forgotten? Jiang Yun's family is still in our hands. If we join, we are still not his opponent. , then we can also bring Jiang Yun’s family out as a blackmail.”

Hearing the words of left protector Lu Qian, right protector Lu Shen nodded and said: "Yes, brother Qian has thought clearly! We do still have various means to deal with it, and we really don't have to be afraid of him. Okay, then I will Give the order, let everyone take action together, let everyone besiege him together, I want to see if this kid is really that powerful, if he can really stop the siege of millions of warriors in our Tianzhou Realm Holy Palace !”


Zuo Protector Lu Qian nodded and said: "Brother, please give the order. We will win this battle. This group of Xiaoxiao who come from nowhere will be slaughtered by us! No one can challenge the majesty of our Tianzhou, and no one can challenge us." It can shake our heavenly boat!"

Right Protector Lu Shen, after listening to Lu Qian's words, nodded, then turned his head and said loudly to the dense crowd of warriors in the sky: "Warriors of Tianzhou Realm! Now, your chance to show off has come. ! The time has come to prove yourselves! Now a powerful enemy has invaded the territory of our Tianzhou Realm and challenged the majesty of our Tianzhou Realm. They want to make our Tianzhou Realm lose face, and even want to break into our Tianzhou Realm King. In Tianxuan Palace, where the Lord is, go and disturb Lord Kaio’s sleep! Go and provoke Lord Kaio! Such a treasonous thing, tell me, should we stop him! Should we block him out, or should we kill him? Is that why?"



Hearing Lu Shen's words, all the warriors in the sky responded one after another, and the huge sounds converged into a torrent, shaking the entire sky with a rumbling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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