Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2597 The true power of Thunder Tower

Chapter 2597 The true power of Thunder Tower
  Tang Yi had just obtained the Thunder Light Tower not long ago. He still had a little understanding of the power of this supreme artifact and was not too clear about it.

Although Tang Yi had used the Thunder Light Tower once before, he had a rough understanding of the power of this supreme artifact.

But after all, the objects attacked by the thunder tower are just some trash, and the number is not large. Tang Yi is still vague about how powerful this supreme artifact is!

Therefore, Tang Yi wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to test it and see how powerful this supreme artifact was!
  After all, there are so many Tianzhou Realm warriors in the sky, and these Tianzhou Realm warriors are all so strong, and there are countless warriors who have reached the top holy god level.

Use them to test the power of the thunder tower, and use them to test the range of the thunder tower. This is just right!
  After taking out the Thunder Light Tower, Tang Yi suddenly focused his eyes and looked into the air through the translucent space-time barrier!
  Then he raised the Thunder Light Tower and shouted loudly: "Thunder shock for five nights!"


A golden light shot straight out from the Thunder Tower, flew into the sky, and shone on the sky.

At this moment, the sky turned pale, and the whole world became dark, as if it was covered by dark clouds, or as if the sky was covered by a layer of black curtain!

Originally, this sky was blocked by countless warriors from the Tianzhou Realm and became very dark.

At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color again, and the sky suddenly became like ink, making it impossible to see anything.

But at this time.


A golden dark cloud appeared out of thin air high in the sky, causing the sky that had just become ink-like to bloom with golden light, and the entire world was ablaze with golden light.

Seeing the inexplicable appearance of golden dark clouds in the sky, millions of warriors from the Tianzhou Realm were stunned for a moment, looking at this dark cloud in confusion, not knowing what this golden dark cloud was.

However, at this moment, before they could react or understand what this golden cloud in the sky was,

I saw this golden dark cloud shining high in the sky, emitting a more dazzling light, and... a very terrifying aura of destruction.

Feeling this aura of destruction, Lu Shen, the right protector of Tianzhou Realm, shrank his pupils and quickly reminded: "Everyone, get away!"

As he spoke, he immediately ran away in one direction. The speed was extremely fast. In just an instant, he escaped far away.

Far away from the range of the golden dark clouds.

Lu Shen, the right protector of Tianzhou Realm, was able to escape with his powerful strength.

But what about everyone else?

Others can't react.

At this moment, although they heard Lu Shen's words and saw Lu Shen fleeing in one direction, they couldn't react!

There is no time to react!
  Just when they heard Lu Shen's reminder and wanted the birds and beasts to disperse, they saw... in the sky...


A golden catastrophe crashed down towards the location of the warriors in the Tianzhou Realm.

This golden catastrophe is extremely terrifying and contains unparalleled power.

When it crashed down, the entire space shook and pieces shattered!
  Such a terrifying catastrophe just bombarded the center of the Tianzhou Realm warriors.


There was another loud noise, and the golden calamity bloomed in mid-air, hitting the center of the Tianzhou Realm warriors, blooming like a brilliant firework.

In just an instant, visible to the naked eye, a large area of ​​Tianzhou Realm warriors turned into ashes.

Under the terrifying power of the Golden Heavenly Tribulation, this large group of warriors from the Tianzhou Realm could not even react or resist. They simply turned into ashes and disappeared.

Just like that, a large area of ​​​​the originally dense sky suddenly became empty!

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 5 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the elite warriors of the Tianzhou Realm, and gaining 6 supreme points and 0 supreme coins."    "Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the elite warriors of the Tianzhou Realm, and gaining 5 supreme points. 0 Supreme Coins.”

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 7 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 5 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."


This scene is simply terrifying!
  After all, you must know that these warriors in the sky are all geniuses collected by the king of Tianzhou Realm from various places. They are all very talented and powerful beings.

They are all the elites that Tianzhou Realm has cultivated over the years.

These warriors are very strong.

The worst, the worst, are all at Saint Emperor level!

In the sky just now, such Tianzhou Realm warriors were very dense, with at least thousands of them within a thousand square meters.

With this level of concentration, one strike would cause extremely terrifying casualties.

So with that blow, Tang Yi directly killed a large number of warriors from the Tianzhou Realm, starting at at least 100,000!

One blow killed at least 100,000 warriors, and they were at least Saint Emperor level warriors. This shows how terrifying the power of that blow was.

However, this is not the full power of this blow!
  I saw that after the terrifying tribulation struck down and wiped out hundreds of thousands of warriors in the Tianzhou world, the terrifying power spread out in the center of the bombardment.

Like a smoke ring, it spreads in all directions.

Wherever it passed, countless warriors from the Tianzhou Realm turned into ashes!
  Just for an instant, another large area was cleared.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of Tianzhou Realm and gaining 1 Supreme Point and 0 Supreme Coins."


Tang Yi killed hundreds of thousands of Tianzhou Realm warriors in an instant, leaving a large area in the sky empty.

But it is a pity that these Tianzhou Realm warriors are lower in strength than Tang Yi and do not bring Tang Yi a lot of experience rewards.

There is only a mandatory 1 experience point.

Not even a Supreme Coin.

The rewards for killing are pitifully low.

But Tang Yi didn't care either.

After all, he did not kill these Tianzhou Realm warriors to gain supreme points.

It's just for revenge, just to eliminate harm for the people.

At this time, high in the sky.

After killing a large number of warriors with one blow, the golden dark cloud suddenly shone again.

(End of this chapter)

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