Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2607 Counter-question

Chapter 2607 Counter-question


Just like that, with Tang Yi's connivance, the mysterious figure hit Tang Yi with a punch, hitting Tang Yi's heart with a violent burst of power, sweeping Tang Yi crazily.

  Tang Yi was safe and sound.

The figure's punch was pressed against Tang Yi's chest, unable to make any progress.

At the same time, all the bursts of power were unable to cause any harm to Tang Yi, and they were all resisted by Tang Yi with his body.

The power of this punch did not even break Tang Yi's clothes.

Seeing that his punch failed to cause any damage, the figure's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief: "Impossible! Why are you not doing anything! Why have you grown in more than a year? Got it so fast!”

"Huh? You know me?"

Tang Yi lowered his head and looked at the figure and found that the figure was a woman.

And this woman was wearing a robe and a coat.

Wrapped his whole body in it.

There seems to be something shameful.

Of course.

This is not the most important.

the most important is.

She looked very strange, with many spots and scars on her face, and even a long scar.

The whole face looked very ferocious and intimidating.

If the woman hadn't spoken just now, it would have been a female voice.

Seeing this look, Tang Yi was a little unsure whether she was a woman or not!
  As for this strange woman, Tang Yi didn't feel familiar at all.

I don't remember at all when I saw her.

No matter how much Tang Yi thought about it, he couldn't remember when he had seen or known this strange woman.

But listening to this strange woman's words, she seems to know herself?

This made Tang Yi feel extremely strange.

But at this time, the strange woman gritted her teeth and said, "How could you not recognize it? Of course I recognize it. Even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you! Useless Tang Yi!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

Tang Yi asked.

"What? You don't recognize me anymore after changing my appearance? Can't you hear my voice?" said the strange woman.

Tang Yi did feel a little familiar with this woman's voice.

However, where did I see it, and whose voice it was.

Tang Yi couldn't remember.

Frowning slightly, Tang Yi asked again: "Who are you?!"


The strange woman sneered and said, "Do you still remember what happened in the Tang family arena more than a year ago? Do you still remember who you killed?"

"More than a year ago? What happened in the Tang family arena? The people I killed?"

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi turned his head in surprise, looked at the strange woman, and said uncertainly: "Are you Tang Fanghua? Tang Fangzhou's sister?" It's no wonder that Tang Yi couldn't recognize Tang Fanghua, it's actually Tang Fanghua now. The look is too terrifying.

Tang Fanghua used to be full of pure aura and looked very pure and beautiful.

Although she is not as beautiful as Binglian, Mu Xianling and other girls, she is at least as beautiful as a flower.

But now.

He looked like a human being or a ghost.

This look.

How could Tang Yi recognize it?


Tang Fanghua's voice seemed to have changed dramatically because her appearance was destroyed.

From her current voice, I can only vaguely hear the feeling from before.

If you are not a very familiar person, you will not be able to tell that this is Tang Fanghua's voice.

and so!
  Tang Fanghua had changed so much, from her appearance to her voice. How could Tang Yi recognize such an appearance?


The strange woman sneered again and said: "You finally remember? You have been free for more than a year after killing my brother, but I have been carrying unforgettable hatred. I have been suffering from great pain! !”


Hearing Tang Fanghua's words, Tang Yi also laughed and said: "You are too ridiculous. You carry unforgettable hatred and suffer by yourself. Is it none of my business? Besides, Tang Fangzhou deserves to die. We both are." It’s a fight to the death! If I don’t kill him, he will kill me! In the ring, didn’t he try to kill me with a sneak attack? He was just killed by me, so I don’t think I did anything wrong. What!"


"You're still here making excuses!"

"It was wrong for him to sneak up on you, but you could have let him go! You could have held back! But you didn't hold back! But you still killed him. Isn't this your problem? You are from the same family, but you still said What are the words that will never end, and the words that either he dies or you die, as the son of the patriarch, is this what the patriarch taught you?"

Tang Fanghua gritted his teeth and looked very angry.

After hearing Tang Fanghua's childish words, Tang Yi laughed again and said: "It's so ridiculous, who is making such strong arguments? Don't you understand your brother's character? He sneaked up on me and wanted to kill me, isn't it? Will he hold back? Will he not kill me at the last moment? Surely not? "

And if he had killed me back then, what would you have said? Would you ask your brother why he wanted to kill me? Would you ask him why he didn't hold back? Surely not? Your brother's life is life, but my life is not life? "


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Tang Fangzhou wanted to say something, but was rendered speechless by Tang Yi.

Tang Yi continued: "You also said that we are all members of the same family, and there is no need to be so cruel. But do you know how cruel your brother is? Do you know how much your brother wants to kill me? I'm afraid you I don’t know that when I was still a waste and couldn’t practice, he had people beat me seriously and almost killed me, right? I’m afraid you don’t know that your brother was afraid that I wouldn’t die and even sent people to check it out. Are you going to give me a last-ditch attack? I’m afraid you don’t even know that your brother sent people to chase me, right? Do you know this?”


Tang Fanghua wanted to say something again, but was silenced by Tang Yi again!

Originally it was Tang Fanghua who questioned Tang Yi, but at this moment, the situation was reversed and it was Tang Yi who questioned Tang Fanghua.

And... rendered Tang Fanghua speechless.

And at this moment, even if Tang Fanghua had something to say, Tang Yi would not give him a chance to say it.

I saw Tang Yi continue: "If I hadn't been lucky, if I hadn't gotten the opportunity, I would have died long ago in those three attacks. And in the ring, your brother has obviously lost, but he still wants to If I hadn't been more careful in attacking me secretly! If I hadn't had the means, I would have died that time.

After these incidents, he tried to kill me many times. Do you think we have an undying hatred? Do you think I should let him go? Should I kill him? Tell me? Did I do something wrong, or did your brother do something wrong? Who should die, me or him? Come on, come and tell me? "

(End of this chapter)

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