Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2616 King of Tianzhou Realm, Lu Li

Chapter 2616 King of Tianzhou Realm, Lu Li

The opponents Tang Yi encountered in the past were all within the second level, that is, within level 200.

Even the left and right guardians I encountered before were only at level 299, still within the second level.

However, I didn't expect that the bone guard in front of me was actually a third-level opponent.

The level has reached level 350!

It's more than a hundred levels higher than Tang Yi!

What surprised Tang Yi the most was.

There is actually a race in this bone guard’s information!

This is the first time Tang Yi has seen this kind of information.

"Race? Darkness? What does this mean? Could it be that they are not human beings? But other creatures? Impossible. They look exactly like human beings. How could they not be human beings? If they are not human beings, then they What is it again?"

"In addition, the supreme combat power index of these bone guards has actually reached 3.5 million points! They are more powerful than the left and right guardians of Tianzhou Realm!"

"According to the information I received from Jiang Yun before, there are a total of twelve leaders, four honorable seats, and two guardians among the powerful people in the Tianzhou Realm. Apart from this, there should be no other powerful people. Now it is coming from Where did the Bone Guard appear from? Could it be that Jiang Yun's information was wrong?"

"It shouldn't be right? Jiang Yun shouldn't lie to me? And since it's not Jiang Yun's intelligence that's wrong or Jiang Yun lying to me, then it's these four strong men who Jiang Yun doesn't know about!"

"Perhaps these four strong men are the hidden power of Tianzhou Realm. Because I killed all the power on the surface of Tianzhou Realm, which made the king of Tianzhou Realm afraid, so he exposed the hidden power Come out and be exposed to the sun.”

Thinking of this, Tang Yi withdrew his gaze from the four old men.

Then, he focused his attention on the middle-aged man in the middle.

"Four such powerful bone guards are beside the middle-aged man, if there are no accidents"

Thinking about it, Tang Yi used his celestial eye technique to throw towards the middle-aged man among the four bone guards.

Name: Luli (World Lord level BOSS)

Level: Level 400 (Level Supreme)

Identity: King of Tianzhou Realm
  Race: dark

Description: The son of the old realm king Lu Yu, he is powerful, cruel and cruel, and bloodthirsty!
  Supreme combat power index: 4500000 points.


"It turns out that the realm king of Tianzhou Realm is called Lu Li. But why doesn't this name sound like the name of a normal person?"

Seeing the attributes of the middle-aged man, Tang Yi suddenly realized that the middle-aged man in front of him was indeed the Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm.

What surprised Tang Yi was.

The Realm King of Tianzhou Realm actually has a race column.


his race.

Like those bone guards, they are also from the Dark Clan!
  Of course.

Although this surprised Tang Yi, it was also unexpected.

But what surprised and concerned Tang Yi the most was the Supreme Combat Power Index of the Heavenly Boat Realm King.

The Supreme Combat Power Index of the Heavenly Boat Realm King actually reached 4.5 million points!

This supreme combat power index is almost the same as Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index is currently 4850196 points!
  The realm king of Tianzhou Realm has reached 4500000 points. The difference between Tang Yi and Tang Yi is only 300000 points!
  This supreme combat power index was enough to attract Tang Yi's attention.

Therefore, Tang Yi's expression became serious when he saw that the realm king of Tianzhou Realm had such a high supreme combat power index.

And just when Tang Yi was sizing up Lu Li, the realm king of Tianzhou Realm, Lu Li, the realm king of Tianzhou Realm, was also sizing up Tang Yi.

After looking at Tang Yi slightly, the Realm King Lu Li of Tianzhou Realm said coldly in a low voice without any emotion: "You are finally here!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi did not answer the Realm King Lu Li of the Tianzhou Realm.

Instead, he thought for a moment, then waved his right hand and took out the Supreme Mountain and River Fan.

[Supreme Mountain and River Fan]: A special item, a fan once used by Nantian.

This fan has the function of controlling the passage of time and storing it. The fan is a world of its own. As long as you enter the fan, you can control the passage of time in the fan world, and you can accelerate or decelerate it. At the same time, the world inside the fan can also store items. Even live animals are stored.

Supreme combat power index increase: 800 points.

The reason why Tang Yi was confident in protecting the safety of Mu Xianling and others was because of the Supreme Mountain and River Fan.

The Supreme Mountain and River Fan is a world of its own and can store both items and living creatures.

In case of danger, Tang Yi can completely place Mu Xianling and others into the Supreme Mountain and River Fan.

As long as Mu Xianling and others are placed in the Supreme Mountain and River Fan, Tang Yi will have no worries at all.

And Mu Xianling and others will also be very safe!

At this moment, seeing that the Realm King Lu Li of the Tianzhou Realm had a Supreme Combat Power Index of 4.5 million, Tang Yi decided to take out the Supreme Mountain and River Fan in order to avoid accidents and avoid being distracted by protecting Mu Xianling and others. , place Mu Xianling and others inside.

After he took out the Supreme Mountain and River Fan, he said to Mu Xianling and others: "That person over there is the realm king of Tianzhou Realm. I have an undying grudge with the realm king, so there must be a relationship between the two of us. Fight. In order to avoid accidents and distractions, I decided to place you in one of my treasures. In this treasure, you will be very safe. It’s just a bit boring, but you will stay longer. , because I don’t know how long this fight will last. So, I wonder if you are willing to go in? "

Although Tang Yi can make decisions for Mu Xianling and others, he can also directly arrange for them.


Mu Xianling and the other girls are, after all, five different individuals. They are also five people. They are not tools. They also have their own thoughts and souls.

It is too disrespectful to make decisions for them or directly arrange for them.

So, no matter what, Tang Yi still had to ask.

This is not only respect, but also an expression of love for them.


Tang Yi didn't know how long this fight would last.

I don’t even know what the result will be.

If it takes too long, the result may be bad.

Then maybe Mu Xianling and others will stay in the Supreme Mountain and River Map for a long time.

Therefore, he had to ask Mu Xianling and others for their opinions.

On the other side, seeing Tang Yi asking for their opinions, Mu Xianling and the other five girls were very happy, their hearts were sweet, and their eyes looking at Tang Yi were full of love.

From Tang Yi, they felt valued and cared for.

As women, they don’t want much, as long as their men care about them, that’s enough.

Hearing Tang Yi's inquiry, Mu Xianling immediately said: "I am willing to go in. After all, I don't want to be a stumbling block for you here, nor do I want to distract you, let alone get you hurt because of me. So I am willing to enter. Your treasure."

(End of this chapter)

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