Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2619 Even the Supreme can chop melons and vegetables!

Chapter 2619 Even if you are the Supreme, you can still chop melons and vegetables!
  Facing hundreds of supreme beings, no matter who they are, the pressure will be extremely huge.


Tang Yi saw it and smiled coldly.

"It turns out that I need qualifications to challenge you!"

"Forget it, then I'll let you see my strength and see if I'm qualified!"

Tang Yi said, with a flick of his right hand, he took out his main weapon, the Demon's Slave!
  As soon as the five-meter-long giant sword appeared, it immediately added huge power to Tang Yi, making Tang Yi look like a god of war, majestic and full of terrifying intimidation.


Holding the devil's slave, Tang Yi's whole aura also increased rapidly.

When he was not holding the giant sword, Tang Yi seemed like an ordinary person. He looked ordinary and had no aura on his body.

There wasn't even the aura of martial arts.


When he held the five-meter-long demon slave, his aura shot straight into the sky, as if the God of War descended to earth, and became extremely terrifying.

If Tang Yi's previous aura was described as a grain of sand, then after holding the devil's slave, Tang Yi's aura was like a million-meter mountain covered with countless sand grains.

So towering, so unattainable, so majestic.

Seeing Tang Yi's appearance, even those well-trained Supremes of the Tianzhou Realm who were flying towards Tang Yi were affected.

While flying towards Tang Yi, his figure couldn't help but sway slightly.

This slight sway had no impact on their attack.


But it had a huge impact on their mentality!

A seed of fear was left in their hearts.

The slight sway of the Supreme Being of the Tianzhou Realm was undetectable, and it was fleeting and very subtle.

If you are not careful, if you do not pay attention to them all the time, you will not be able to detect it at all.

Even if you have been paying attention to them, if you are not careful and if you don't have that vision, you still won't be able to detect them.

  Although it was subtle and fleeting, Tang Yi, who had opened the Gate of Six Spirits, still noticed it.

Seeing that the other party was affected by his own momentum before the war started, Tang Yi curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a look of contempt.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi was seen lifting the devil's slave and facing the warriors from the Tianzhou Realm!
  Of course.

Facing these supreme beings in the Tianzhou world, Tang Yi could actually stand where he was or do nothing.

Even if he stood there and did nothing, the other supreme beings would not be able to cause harm to him.

After all, except for the four bone guards whose supreme combat power reached 3.5 million, which was a slight threat, the other supremes did not pose any threat at all.

Even if the four bone guards were somewhat threatening, they only posed a slight threat to Tang Yi.

Faced with this threat, Tang Yi could still stand where he was and deal with it.

There is no attack that a space-time barrier cannot solve.

If there are, then there are two time and space barriers.

Therefore, even if he faced hundreds of Supremes, even if four of them had a Supreme combat power of 3.5 million, Tang Yi could still stand where he was and deal with it with ease.

However, Tang Yi didn't want this!

Because, he wants to show his strength to the king of Tianzhou Realm!
  Let the Realm King of Tianzhou Realm see if he is qualified to challenge.

At the same time, let the realm king of Tianzhou Realm feel his power and fear!

This is Tang Yi's purpose.

and so!
  Tang Yi held the devil's slave in hand and chose to take the initiative!
  "Wow!" Tang Yi faced the group of Supreme Lords from the Tianzhou Realm who were rushing over at an unparalleled speed.

He did not directly confront the four bone guards, but used his terrifying speed to avoid the four bone guards first!


He rushed directly towards the more than two hundred supremes of the Tianzhou Realm!


After rushing into the camp of the Supreme Lord of Tianzhou Realm, Tang Yi lifted up the devil's slave and chopped it directly!
  When facing the millions of Tianzhou Realm warriors outside Tianxuan Palace, Tang Yi was able to kill them directly, killing countless of them with one sword, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

At this moment, in the Tianxuan Palace, facing the supreme powerhouse of the Tianzhou Realm, Tang Yi could still directly kill him, just like chopping melons and vegetables!
  No matter he is an ordinary warrior or a supreme being, there is no difference in front of Tang Yi.


Tang Yi swung his sword, and the five-meter-long demon's slave swung out, drawing an arc.

A terrifying sword light roared out in an arc!

And this sword light directly covered more than a dozen supremes of the Tianzhou Realm.

Seeing Tang Yi's sword coming and feeling the power of Tang Yi's sword, the dozen or so covered Supremes of the Tianzhou Realm were immediately frightened and fled one after another.

But how could Tang Yi's attack be so easy to dodge?

this moment.

Although Tang Yi's attack looked unpleasant, it seemed like he could dodge it!

But in fact, it is inevitable!
  The moment those dozen Tianzhou Realm Supremes saw Tang Yi swinging his sword, Tang Yi's sword had already arrived in front of them.

And, passing over their bodies.


The terrifying giant sword passed through the bodies of these dozen supreme beings so easily without stopping at all.

The bodies of these dozen supreme beings were passed through easily as if they were air or water.

What is surprising is that Tang Yi's giant sword passed through the bodies of these dozen supremes without leaving any traces on their bodies.

Being penetrated by the giant sword, nothing happened to their bodies.

There were no wounds or blood.

Even the clothes had not changed at all, and were not broken anywhere.

Tang Yi's giant sword seemed to have not touched their bodies, as if it had not had any impact on them!

After these dozen supreme beings were pierced by Tang Yi's giant sword, they stayed in mid-air, motionless, as if they had been struck by immobilization talismans.

It turned into a humanoid statue that stayed in mid-air.

Even if Tang Yi passed by them like a gust of wind and was already heading towards other Tianzhou Realm Supremes, these dozen Tianzhou Realm Supremes who were passed through by Tang Yi's sword still remained motionless.

This scene is, to be honest, very weird and puzzling.

Everyone didn't understand why the dozen or so supreme beings from the Tianzhou Realm were not injured at all even though they were pierced by Tang Yi's giant sword.

And even though they were not injured, why were these dozen or so supreme beings from the Tianzhou Realm motionless?


Although many people were puzzled by the motionlessness of the dozen Tianzhou Realm Supremes, no one wanted to find out the truth or think about the reasons.

Because at this moment, no one had time to investigate, and no one had the mind to think about the reasons. All their attention was on Tang Yi, and they must be on Tang Yi.

Tang Yi, who was attracting everyone's attention, seemed to have transformed into a demon at this time, and was constantly charging and killing the hundreds of supremes in the Tianzhou Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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