Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2629 Supreme Violent Pill

Chapter 2629 Supreme Violent Pill

Since he has to face the more powerful Old Realm King next, Tang Yi cannot use some status skills with long cooldown time at this moment.

But he can use some status skills that have no cooldown time or short cooldown time.

For example, Halo Supreme Ruler.

[Supreme Ruler]: unique special halo, growth halo (supreme level)
  Description: Stepping on the halo, players will become more powerful.

Attributes: All attributes, attack power, defense power, recovery ability, blood volume.

Special effect: After the halo is turned on, the player will receive an attack special effect every 10 seconds, and the attack issued will be greatly improved.

(Tip: As long as the halo is turned on, no matter what martial arts or methods the player uses, they can get superposition of special effects.)
  Supreme combat power index increase: 1200 points.

"The Supreme Ruler!"


After opening the Supreme Ruler, a dazzling golden halo immediately appeared under Tang Yi's feet.

Stepping on the golden halo, Tang Yi's momentum surged in an instant.

However this is not the end.

Tang Yi is still in the open state.

After all, he was facing the Supreme of Tianzhou Realm, the Supreme of a Realm, and a powerful being with more than 4 million Supreme combat power.

At this moment, what this powerful being performed was another extremely powerful and terrifying supreme skill.

Faced with such existence and such means, how could Tang Yi be negligent, how dare he be negligent.

So at this moment, he must respond with all his strength in a 100% state, and activate all the states that can be activated.

After turning on the aura of the Supreme Ruler, Tang Yi turned on the Demon's Slave's additional skill Divine Power Rage again.

Divine Rampage: All attributes are horribly improved, blood-sucking effect is horribly boosted, attack power is horribly boosted, and speed is horribly boosted.

Turning on his divine power and going wild, Tang Yi once again sprayed out countless red energy from all over his body, like a burning man.

Followed by.

Tang Yi's body shook slightly again, and he activated various test-activated status skills.

"The Wrath of Vulcan!"

Additional skill of the Vulcan Helmet: Vulcan's Wrath.

Wrath of the Vulcan: The helmet ignites with blazing flames, as if angry, which can greatly increase all attributes, attack power, and recovery ability!
  After activating this skill, Tang Yi's head burned with blazing flames.

And this flame is a yellow flame, which is completely different from the energy generated by Tang Yi's additional skill of inspiring the devil's slave to go berserk.

"Unparalleled Power"

Tang Yi also inspired Man Gypsophila's additional skills, which were unparalleled in power.

Unparalleled Divine Power: When this skill is activated, the stars will turn into a source of power, providing terrifying power to the wearer's hands.

After activating this skill, Tang Yi's hands lit up with a dazzling light.

"Hot Wheels!"

At the same time, Tang Yi activated Gypsophila's additional skill, Hot Wheels.

The pair of baby's breath stars worn on his arms instantly separated from Tang Yi's arms and turned into a pair of fire wheels, flying at Tang Yi's feet.

Let Tang Yi's feet step on a golden halo and a light wheel burning with blazing flames.

Hot Wheels: When this skill is activated, the stars will turn into two hot wheels and placed at the wearer's feet, providing the wearer with terrifying speed.

And when the stars turned into fire wheels and landed at Tang Yi's feet, Tang Yi's speed increased hundreds of times in an instant.

"The power of the bright moon!"

The additional skill of the Bright Moon Armguard is the Power of the Moon: After being activated, it can generate the power of the Moon. Under the power of the Moon, the wearer can greatly improve attributes, attack power and defense power. “Stone Palace!”

The additional skill of Shique Gufeng Leggings: Shique: After being turned on, the player's defense and blood volume can be greatly improved.

In this way, various equipment's additional status skills with no cooldown time were used by Tang Yi, causing various special effects to appear on Tang Yi's body.

However, Tang Yi still did not stop.

His consciousness quickly sank into the system and entered the system store.

Afterwards, he quickly bought the pill that he had been using all along, the Violent Pill!
  However, the violent pill purchased this time is not the holy violent pill, but a pill stronger than the holy violent pill, the supreme violent pill.

[First-level Supreme Violence Pill]: After use, the player's supreme combat power index increases by 1000000 points.

Duration: 60 seconds.

Tip: After the duration is over, the player will return to the original state without any impact on the body or any side effects.

Price: 1000 Supreme Coins.

The first-level Supreme Violence Pill directly increases the increase of the Supreme Combat Power Index by one million points.

Such a high increase can make Tang Yi's strength improve by leaps and bounds again!
  And the duration was not short, reaching a full sixty seconds.

Such a duration can already allow Tang Yi to do a lot of things and kill enough enemies that are strong enough!
  And this pill does not have any side effects. After using it, it will not have any impact on the body!
  I have to say that such a pill is very powerful and perfect.

But just
  Too expensive.

Such a pill actually cost one thousand Supreme Coins!
  At such a price, Tang Yi would not have been able to afford it before.

After all, after Tang Yi spent all kinds of money before, he didn't even get a hundred supreme coins!
  but now!

Since he killed various supreme beings and powerful men in the Tianzhou world, he has obtained tens of thousands of supreme coins!

With such a sum of Supreme Coins in hand, he can buy enough Supreme Violent Pills to use!

Of course.

Because the Supreme Violence Pill is a one-time item, the price of one thousand Supreme Coins is still expensive.

With one thousand supreme coins, Tang Yi can already buy many things, including supreme skills, supreme equipment, etc.

Moreover, it is also extremely high quality supreme skills and supreme equipment.

But even so, even though the price of the Supreme Violent Pill is expensive, compared to the benefits and compared to killing Kaio Luli of the Tianzhou Realm, these one thousand Supreme Coins are actually a good deal and worth it.

Therefore, Tang Yi immediately spent a thousand Supreme Coins to purchase the Supreme Violence Pill without any hesitation.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for purchasing the Supreme Violence Pill. The Supreme Coin consumed 1000."

After purchasing the Supreme Violence Pill, Tang Yi immediately took the Supreme Violence Pill.

In an instant.

Tang Yi's momentum soared again, as if like a huge wave, swarming up and rising straight up.

If Tang Yi's momentum before was like a big river.

So now, Tang Yi's momentum is like an endless ocean, a vastness that can't be seen to the end and cannot be grasped.

After using various status skills, filling himself with various special effects, and taking the Supreme Violence Pill, Tang Yi raised his weapon, the Demon's Slave.

A sword was blasted towards Lu Li!





(End of this chapter)

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