Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2635 Buying Medicines

Chapter 2635 Buying Medicines
  In addition to being surprised, Tang Yi's eyes also shone when he saw the Wings of Holy Light.

You know, his current supreme combat power index has reached more than 4 million, nearly 5 million.

If the Wings of Holy Light are used, the supreme combat power index will be increased by 5 million points.
  Then his supreme combat power index has almost reached 10 million points!
  Ten million points!

Five million points of supreme combat power already made him like a god of war, like a god or demon, capable of killing people and ghosts, and his strength was terrifying.

With a thousand points of supreme combat power index, how powerful will it be? How much improvement can it give him?
  This is simply unimaginable!
  After using the Wings of Holy Light, and then using the Supreme Violence Pill and the Supreme God of War Halo, then...
  His supreme combat power index can reach 12 million points!
  Such a terrifying supreme combat power index, not to mention others, even Tang Yi himself felt horrified and permeable when he saw it.

Seeing a special consumable item like the Wings of Holy Light, Tang Yi couldn't help but start to mourn for his opponent.

After all, when he meets someone like him who can buy items from the system store and can also buy such bt items, his opponent is really pitiful.

How does this make his opponent fight?

Of course.

This Wing of Holy Light is indeed very strong, and its growth rate is indeed very large.

But it is a pity that the Wings of Holy Light are only one-time consumables.


Its price is also very high, reaching 5,000 Supreme Coins!

It is even higher than the previous Supreme Violence Pill and Supreme God of War Halo.

At this price, you can buy five Supreme Violence Pills and three Supreme God of War Halos.

But now, you can only buy the Wings of Holy Light once!
  This shows how expensive this Wing of Holy Light is.

But there is a reason why it is expensive. After all, the Wings of Holy Light can increase the supreme combat power index by five million at a time. It is expected that such a huge increase will be more expensive.

"I will buy the Wings of Holy Light now, but I won't use it for the time being. I will use the Supreme Violent Pill and the Supreme God of War Halo first. If I can't defeat Lu Li using these two items, then I will use the Holy Light in the end. s wing."

Tang Yi thought slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi purchased the Wings of Holy Light.

In this way, Tang Yi once again spent 5,000 Supreme Coins to purchase the Wings of Holy Light!
  Because the Wings of Holy Light were too expensive, Tang Yi currently had only a few Supreme Coins, so he did not dare to buy more, and only purchased it once.

For Tang Yi, buying it once for backup is completely enough.

After all, such a big killer does not need to be used at the beginning, it is completely used as a trump card.

If the Supreme Violence Pill and the Supreme God of War Halo have no effect, then he will use the Wings of Holy Light to kill the opponent with one blow.

In addition to items that increase strength, at this moment, Tang Yi spent some Supreme Coins to buy recovery medicines.

And these recovery medicines are also the best among the best, no longer the inferior products Tang Yi had eaten before.

[Supreme Life Pill]: The supreme elixir.

Attributes: After use, it quickly restores a large amount of its own blood volume, and at the same time obtains an effect that continues to restore blood volume every second for 10 seconds.

Price: 1 Supreme Coins.

Tang Yi's previous recovery medicines are no longer suitable for use.

Because of the previous recovery medicines, Tang Yi had to use at least dozens, or even dozens, of them in order to restore his blood volume to full and allow him to recover quickly from his injuries.

But now this Supreme Life Pill is different, completely meeting Tang Yi's requirements.

One can restore a large amount of health.

Although the attributes did not indicate how much it could be restored, Tang Yi glanced at the description and felt the power of life coming from it.

You can guess that it can restore more than 80% of the blood volume!
  And the subsequent continuous recovery effect can quickly restore his blood volume to full, and continue to restore blood in the following battles.

Therefore, this Supreme Life Pill is many times better than the medicines Tang Yi used before.

And the price is also very inferior, which is comparable to the dozens of old recovery medicines Tang Yi bought before. Each one is only one Supreme Coin, which is very cheap.

Tang Yi thought about such a supreme life pill, and then bought a hundred of them for use in the next battle.

In fact, Tang Yi bought less of this quantity.

After all, the Supreme Life Pill only costs one Supreme Coin, which is very cheap. You can buy more.


What Tang Yi is about to face is the Realm King of the Tianzhou Realm, a BOSS-level existence. Facing such a existence, he will definitely be hurt a little.

Therefore, the Supreme Life Pill is very necessary.


Tang Yi often trades lives with the BOSS. This style of play consumes a lot of money and requires the Supreme Life Pill.

Therefore, it stands to reason that Tang Yi should buy more to prepare for emergencies.

And the reason why I only purchased a hundred pieces.

Because of.
  Tang Yi also has several pieces of health-recovering equipment, which can also restore Tang Yi's health.

It's just that it takes some time to use these equipment to restore blood volume.

This is what Tang Yi planned.

If there is time to use equipment to restore blood, then he will use equipment to restore blood and save some elixirs.

If it was too late, he would use more convenient elixirs to recover.

In short, it depends on the situation.

It is because of the blood recovery equipment that Tang Yi reduced the number of Supreme Life Pills he purchased and only purchased a hundred Supreme Life Pills.

After purchasing the Supreme Life Pill, Tang Yi purchased 500 Supreme Energy Pills.

[Supreme Energy Pill]: The supreme elixir.

Attributes: After use, it quickly restores a large amount of its own energy, and at the same time obtains an effect that continues to restore energy every second for 30 seconds.

Price: 1 Supreme Coins.

The Supreme Energy Pill is used to restore energy.

Like the Supreme Life Pill, the Supreme Energy Pill is a fine product among energy recovery pills, and is more effective than the recovery items Tang Yi used before.

One can beat dozens of previous ones.

Therefore, Tang Yi purchased the Supreme Energy Pill.

The reason why he bought five hundred pills, and the reason why he bought more, was because Tang Yi did not have the equipment to restore energy!

Previously, the Supreme Life Pill could be saved because Tang Yi had the equipment to restore blood volume. Now, Tang Yi could not save the Supreme Energy Pill.

In this way, after purchasing one hundred Supreme Life Pills and five hundred Supreme Energy Pills, Tang Yi spent another six hundred Supreme Coins.

Including the previous expenses, Tang Yi spent a total of 13,100 Supreme Coins!
  To be honest, fortunately before challenging Lu Li, Tang Yi first solved the minions in Tianzhou Realm, and harvested a large amount of Supreme Coins from these minions.

If not for this, Tang Yi really wouldn't be able to fight this battle.

After all, it costs too much Supreme Coins.

Just by purchasing the consumables for preparation, Tang Yi had already consumed more than 10,000 Supreme Coins at this moment. If there was a fight later, he might even consume more.

How can ordinary people afford such a huge consumption?

(End of this chapter)

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