Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2640 Exposed

Chapter 2640 Exposed
  I won’t talk about it when you have a lot of Supreme Coins, it doesn’t matter how you waste them.

But there aren't many Supreme Coins now, and if so much is consumed at once, Tang Yi is neither willing nor willing to part with it.

Moreover, judging from Tang Yi's current number of Supreme Coins, he can only buy one more Wings of Holy Light at most!
  In other words, after using the Wings of Holy Light in his hand, he can use another one, with only two chances.

And these two opportunities
  If you kill Lu Li, that's okay. You can also get the reward for killing Lu Li and get a Supreme Coin.

With this supreme coin, Tang Yi can fight against the so-called old world king Lu Yu again.

But if you can't kill Lu Li,
  Then it's all over.

This battle will definitely end in failure.

And there is no need for the old Kaiou to challenge him.

You might even be in danger!
  and so.

Tang Yi can still save money.

You must have a trump card in your hand!
  With the trump card in hand, he can be foolproof.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yi planned to use the Supreme Violence Pill and the Supreme God of War Halo to try to challenge Lu Li.

Let's see if he can defeat Lu Li with a gap of several million in supreme combat power index.

If possible, this would be great.

If not
  He used the Wings of Holy Light again, suddenly exploded, and defeated Lu Li in one fell swoop!
  Of course, with a gap of several million supreme combat power, the fight will definitely be very difficult, and the possibility of winning is very small!
  There is even a high possibility of not winning.

  How do you know if you can win if you don't try?

If you don't challenge yourself and break through yourself, how can you improve?
  Therefore, Tang Yi does not plan to use the Wings of Holy Light at this moment, not only because he wants to save, but also because he wants to challenge!
  A challenge in which the weak defeats the strong, with a gap of millions of supreme combat power!

the other side.

Seeing that Tang Yi hadn't spoken for a long time and was looking at him all the time, Lu Li frowned slightly, then raised his voice and repeated dissatisfiedly in a rich voice: "Boy, I'm asking you something, are you ready?" Are you ready? Are you ready for my wrath?!"

The sound rumbled out, causing the entire air to buzz.

This time, Tang Yi couldn't even think about not hearing it.

I don’t even think about not answering.

Hearing Lu Li's words, Tang Yi raised his head and said contemptuously: "What? Are you so eager to get beaten? Are you going to welcome your anger? Just you? Do I need to prepare to deal with you?"

Although in order to deal with Lu Li, Tang Yi did make a lot of preparations and was indeed very serious.

But when facing the enemy, he can't tell the truth, right?
  You always have to bluff, right?

If you don't do this, how can you defeat a powerful enemy?

Why can't he figure out the truth?
  This is also a tactic.


Hearing this, Lu Li sneered and said: "I admit that you are indeed very strong. If it were before, I would indeed not be your opponent! But now! Haha! You can't be my opponent even if you have ten!"       Lu Li His tone was full of great confidence, as if he felt that he had a chance to win.

However, Tang Yi sneered: "Isn't it just about restoring the original body? Isn't it just about restoring the original strength? What are you pretending to be? Even ten of me can't be your opponent. You really think highly of yourself."

Tang Yi was still bluffing.


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Li was slightly stunned, his eyes full of doubts, as if he was wondering why Tang Yi knew about his body!

Seeing Lu Li's expression, Tang Yi sneered: "You're curious as to why I know that, right? Not only do I know that you have recovered your true form, I also know your origins, and I also know who you are."

Under Lu Li's surprised gaze, Tang Yi paused and said, "You, Lu Li, the king of the Tianzhou Realm, the prince of the Dark Demon Abyss, are not a human being, but a member of the Dark Tribe. Am I right?"


Lu Li looked at Tang Yi in surprise again, his expression full of confusion, as if wondering how Tang Yi knew.

Although he was surprised and confused, Lu Li still refused to admit it and pretended not to understand: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Hearing this, Tang Yi immediately said contemptuously: "Pretend, are you still pretending to me? Since I can tell you this information, haven't I verified it? Don't I still know your details? I have already told you your details. The investigation has revealed everything! Are you still pretending to be here? Prince Luli?"

Lu Li took a deep look at Tang Yi and said, "Yes, I do come from the Dark Demon Abyss, and I am indeed a dark tribe, but I'm curious how you know that? In the human world, I think I can hide it Very good, I have never told anyone my identity, and I have never been exposed. There are almost no people who know that I am a member of the Dark Clan and that I come from the Dark Demon Abyss, except for my subordinates!"

"Haha! You think you are hiding it deeply, but in fact you have exposed everything!" Tang Yi said sarcastically.

"Oh? Really? So what if I'm exposed? So what if you know my identity? Even if you know my identity, you can't do anything. Is it possible that you want to lead the strong humans to attack me? Impossible!"

Lu Li said coldly.

At this time, Tang Yi smiled contemptuously again and said: "You have only one great ambition in your life, which is to rule mankind. No wonder you have established so many branches and reached out to the Tianmu Realm. It turned out to be such a wishful thinking. !Although I can’t lead strong men to attack you, I can still attack you myself.”

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Li could no longer remain calm. He immediately widened his eyes and asked Tang Yi, "Who told you that?"

At this moment, Lu Li's face was full of shock and disbelief.

At the same time, there was a panic in my heart.

Because of his great ambition to rule mankind, he has never told others!
  Even when he went to seek help from the powerful man in the Dark Demon Abyss, he never mentioned this great ambition!

And now!
  Tang Yi expressed this great ambition!
  How could Luli not be shocked?

What was on his mind was revealed by others, which made him not afraid.

Seeing Lu Li's reaction, Tang Yi smiled and said, "Do you want to know? If you want to know, just beg me? Or tell me the whereabouts of my father? As long as you beg me or tell me the whereabouts of my father, then I'll tell you how I know."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Lu Li sneered and said, "Stop your wishful thinking. I won't tell you. You should never know the whereabouts of your father!"

Although Lu Li was very scared that Tang Yi knew what he was thinking, but!
  His fear did not come from Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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