Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2642 The gap of 2 supreme combat power index

Chapter 2642 The gap between two million supreme combat power indexes

Lu Li sneered: "It's already like this. The strength gap is obvious. Even if you have used many methods now, there is still a huge gap between your strength and mine. Under such circumstances, you actually dare to threaten me. You have to He said, you are too careless about life and death. But, since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being cold-blooded."


Lu Li exuded even more powerful power. After approaching Tang Yi, he stretched out his hand and waved towards Tang Yi with a gentle wave.

This swing seemed to be light and fluttering, without much force, and it didn't seem to be strong at all.

When it was swung out, it didn't have any particularly terrifying momentum.

There was no sound of breaking the air, nor was there any tearing in the space.

It looks very ordinary.


That is to say, with this seemingly light wave, Tang Yi felt a terrifying power on it!

I felt a huge threat.

I feel that if I am hit by this swing, I will be seriously injured even if I am not dead!
  Tang Yi has always believed in his sixth sense, so when he felt this feeling, Tang Yi did not dare to neglect in the face of Lu Li's attack.

At this moment, Tang Yi became more serious than ever, staring closely at Lu Li and watching his every move.

At the same time, Tang Yi summoned the devil's slave again and began to gather power!
  Waves of huge power appeared on Tang Yi's body, making Tang Yi become extremely tall.

Holding the devil's slave tightly, Tang Yi stared at Lu Li and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Chaos Kill!"


Holding the devil's slave, Tang Yi blasted out with his sword and slashed towards Lu Li.

The devil's slave lit up with green light this time.

Green represents life. As long as you hit the target, you can steal the target's life force!

I saw Tang Yi holding the demon's slave glowing with green light in his hand, slashing at Lu Li with a sword, and colliding with Lu Li's wave!
  If this sword cut was real, Lu Li's arm might be cut off.


Before Tang Yi slashed at Lu Li with his sword, he was immediately blasted away by the terrifying power unleashed by Lu Li with a single wave.

At this moment, Lu Li's slap had not yet been released, and a huge force had already surged towards Tang Yi following his move.

This huge force is very terrifying, the power is very terrifying, as if it is overwhelming, as if it is overwhelming.

Being rushed by this huge force, Tang Yi's whole body seemed to be bombarded by a huge wave. His whole body flew out uncontrollably, and the weapon in his hand, the Demon's Slave, also flew out.

This inverted flight immediately flew hundreds of meters away and hit the ground of Tianxuan Palace heavily.

A big crater was made on the ground and countless smoke and dust were thrown up before it stopped.

But soon, Tang Yi flew out of the pit.

After flying out of the pit, Tang Yi stretched out his hand and called, and the demon's slave flew back quickly at his call.

After holding the devil's slave again, Tang Yi's expression became solemn.

In that blow just now, Tang Yi did not suffer any fatal injuries, only minor injuries.

From such a minor injury, Tang Yi quickly recovered with his strong physical strength.

He wasn't injured at all. At most, his clothes were sloppy and his body was a little messy.

And through the blow just now, Tang Yi had already felt the power of Lu Li.

I also felt the gap between the two sides.

Although Tang Yi took the Supreme Violence Pill and the Supreme God of War Halo, his Supreme Combat Power Index increased by 2.5 million points!
  But even if it increased by 2.5 million points, Tang Yi's current supreme combat power index is only 7.3 million points.

There is still a gap of nearly two million points with Lu Li.

The gap between two million supreme combat power indexes is still very big. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of difference.

Before the fight, Tang Yi didn't have a clear idea, and he didn't know how big the difference was. but now.

Tang Yi knew.

I also feel the difference.

The gap in the supreme combat power index of more than two million is indeed a huge gap!

Just now, Lu Li just waved lightly, and without hitting him with his palm, he was immediately blown away!

The terrifying power made him completely unable to resist it.

Even his attack was defeated by Lu Li with one blow.

It can be seen how big the gap between the two sides is.

Seeing such a huge gap, how could Tang Yi not be solemn!
  Of course.

Although he already knew the gap between the two sides, although he already felt Tang Yi's power, Tang Yi did not give up, let alone use the Wings of Holy Light immediately.

But continue to challenge.

He felt there was still hope for him.

There is hope that with the current strength, Lu Li can be defeated!
  Therefore, Tang Yi plans to continue the challenge.

Seeing Tang Yi fly out from the ruins again, looking like he was going to continue fighting, Lu Li said disdainfully: "What? Still fighting? Haven't you felt the gap between us yet? Ha. The resilience is really strong. But I still want to say that although your strength is indeed very good, the gap between you and me is still as big as a chasm! If you fight with me, you have no chance of winning."

"Oh? Really? Do you think you won?"

Tang Yi sneered and said, "But I think who knows who will win before the last moment? I think you will eventually fall in my hands. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see?"

"Then let's see who can survive to the end!"

Luli said.

As he spoke, Lu Li started to move.

And this time.

He no longer walked slowly towards Tang Yi, but moved towards Tang Yi as if teleporting.

In just the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Tang Yi, less than three meters away, very fast.

At this speed, even Tang Yi could hardly react.

At this time, even if Tang Yi could react, he couldn't resist it at all.

After Lu Li came to Tang Yi, he immediately stretched out his hand again and waved towards Tang Yi with a sudden wave.

The same method and the same strength as before.

With such means and strength, Tang Yi couldn't stop him from using Chaos Kill before, let alone using nothing at this moment.

Because Lu Li's attack was very fast, although Tang Yi reacted at this moment, he did not have any good means to deal with it, and he had no time to use any means to deal with it.

At this moment, he could only instinctively cross his hands in front of him to resist the blow.


Lu Li's swing still didn't hit Tang Yi!
  But the terrifying power brought by this move was like a huge flood, rushing towards Tang Yi, constantly impacting Tang Yi.

Being rushed by this huge force, Tang Yi's body flew backwards again.

next second.


The body fell to the ground, creating a large crater on the ground again, splashing countless smoke and dust.

(End of this chapter)

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