Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2658 The mysterious figure saves Lu Li

Chapter 2658 The mysterious figure saves Lu Li

Lu Li was blown away with one blow, and when he saw Lu Li falling to the ground, Tang Yi hurriedly followed him, circling continuously above the place where Lu Li fell!
  At this moment, Tang Yi did not relax or let down his guard. He was still focused and in a fighting posture!
  And that’s why!
  It's because he didn't receive the killing prompt in his mind!
  If no prompt is received, it means that Lu Li has not died!
  Since Lu Li was not killed, how dare Tang Yi relax his vigilance!

After all, Lu Li is the prince of the Dark Demon Abyss, who knows what kind of methods he has!
  What if he still has a way to save his life?
  If he was accidentally attacked by Lu Li, wouldn't it be a disaster?
  So Tang Yi is still extremely serious now, his eyes fixed on the direction of Lu Li's fall, searching for Lu Li's figure!
  After the smoke and dust dispersed slightly and his vision became slightly clearer, Tang Yi finally spotted Lu Li's figure in the large crater thousands of meters below.

At this moment, Lu Li was lying in the pile of rocks, his body was mutilated, there were scars everywhere, and some parts were still bleeding, and the golden blood infected a large area around him.

The surrounding rocks turned into a golden color like blood.

In addition to his miserable physical condition, Lu Li's spirit was also extremely bad at the moment. He was dying, with less air coming in and more air coming out. He looked completely half-dead.

the most important is!

Lu Li's life breath at this moment was very weak.

If Lu Li's life breath was like a vast ocean at the beginning, then now Lu Li's life breath is not even as good as a stream!

The breath of life dropped by more than 95%!
  No matter how you look at Lu Li at this moment, he looks like he is dying frequently.

Seeing Lu Li's appearance, Tang Yi still did not relax his vigilance and remained on guard.

After discovering Lu Li, Tang Yi approached Lu Li while carefully guarding Lu Li to prevent him from making a sneak attack.

Fortunately, what he worried about didn't happen. Tang Yi kept approaching Lu Li within five meters, but Lu Li didn't react at all. He was still lying on the ground dying, as if he really had no ability to fight back.

"Oh, the dignified Prince of the Dark Demon Abyss, you too have today! Now can you tell me the whereabouts of my father?"

Tang Yi sneered.

Hearing this, Lu Li opened his eyes with difficulty and said weakly: "Don't even think about it, you will never be able to find your father in this life. I'm not afraid to tell you that your father is not actually me. He was taken away, but someone entrusted me to take him away! And the location he is in now is not in the human world. Where exactly is he? Just look for it! Look for the needle in the haystack in this vast world! Haha! Haha! Cough cough cough!"

As he spoke, Lu Li laughed, but due to his serious injury, he started coughing before even laughing twice.

Hearing Lu Li's words, Tang Yi frowned and waved his right hand!

A burst of pure energy burst out and flew towards Lu Li.


The pure energy fell on Lu Li, hitting him so hard that Lu Li wailed and his body flew up like a sandbag.

The next second, it fell heavily to the ground again, splashing countless dust.

Although this blow was not enough to kill Lu Li, it could make Lu Li feel pain!
  "It doesn't matter whether you say it or not! I will definitely find my father in the end!"

Tang Yi said coldly.

Although Lu Li did not reveal Tang Haotian's whereabouts, Tang Yi still got some information from Lu Li's words.

That is.

Tang Haotian should still be alive!

Tang Haotian was taken away by others.

Tang Haotian is not in the human world!
  Knowing this information, although it is still very difficult to find, can at least reduce some unnecessary searches.

After Tang Yi said something coldly to Lu Li, he then clenched the devil's slave in his hand, and his eyes exuded endless murderous intent.

"It's time to end." Tang Yi said calmly.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

Lu Li suddenly said.

Although he was in danger at the moment and was about to be killed by Tang Yi, he did not show any timidity.

"Huh? What do you mean? Don't you think I can't kill you? You are already in this state and dying, and I still can't kill you?"

Tang Yi said.

"I'm dying, yes! My condition is no longer strong enough to withstand your attack or counterattack. But! I don't think you can kill me!" Lu Li said calmly.


Hearing Lu Li's words, Tang Yi laughed angrily and said, "Then let me see how difficult it is to kill you!"

With that said, Tang Yi lifted the devil's slave up, and then!

"Chaos Kill!"


A blow hit Lu Li!

The devil's slave lights up with blue light this time, and blue represents space!
  If the Demon's Slave has a space effect and attacks an enemy target unit, the attack can cross the space and arrive in front of the enemy target more quickly, killing the enemy target.

Although this blow does not have a magical effect and its power is not doubled, it does not matter!

Because even if it is not a divine effect, even if the power is not doubled, the power of this blow is still enough to kill Lu Li.

After all, Lu Lidu was already in a dying state, and his life breath had become extremely weak.

If he can't be killed in this state, then Tang Yi is too useless.


At this moment, the effect of the Holy Spirit Wings is still there, and the effects of various states are still there. Tang Yi's attack is the same as the previous one, and equally terrifying.

Such a blow could not be blocked by Lu Li in his previous state.

Facing this blow at this moment, Lu Li was in a dying state, how could he resist it?
  and so!
  Even if this blow lights up with blue light, it is still powerful enough to kill Lu Li!


The moment the demon's slave lit up with blue light, Tang Yi's figure disappeared instantly, and appeared directly in front of Lu Li the next moment.

When he came to Lu Li's side, Tang Yi without saying a word, directly lifted up the devil's slave and chopped it off on the head, towards Lu Li.

At this moment, the devil's slave exuded endless sharpness and endless terror, and blasted towards Lu Li!
  Right now!
  At the moment when Lu Li was about to be killed by Tang Yi.

I saw a figure emerging in the sky, and then quickly rushed towards Lu Li.

After arriving at Lu Li's position in an instant, he saw this figure quickly blocking in front of Lu Li. Then his whole body exuded endless power and struck towards Tang Yi!

(End of this chapter)

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