Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2663 A confusing chapter

Chapter 2663 Confusing words

Seeing the change in the gray energy group where Lu Li was located, Tang Yi immediately became vigilant and began to be on full alert, staring closely at the energy group.

After all, this thing is weird.

This gray energy mass was created by Lu Yu, but Lu Yu, who created the gray energy mass, suddenly died.

But the gray energy group did not dissipate because of Lu Yu's death. On the contrary, it still existed.

Still full of mysterious power, and still wrapping the dying Lu Li!

Let Lu Li be completely in the energy group.

Such a scene is completely abnormal.

Seeing such a scene, how dare Tang Yi underestimate the gray energy group!
  Therefore, the moment he saw the gray energy group move, Tang Yi immediately became alert.

At this moment, in Tang Yi's view, this gray energy group was absolutely extraordinary.

Maybe it is a very powerful attack method.

Or an improvement method that allows Lu Li to recover instantly and gain huge strength!
  No matter what it is, this gray energy mass must be very terrifying, and it is definitely not an ordinary method.

After all, this gray energy mass was displayed by Lu Yu at great cost before his death. Maybe even the cost of displaying this gray energy mass was Lu Yu's life.

How could the gray energy mass exerted at such a huge cost be ordinary!
  Therefore, facing such an energy group, even though Tang Yi's strength has improved dramatically, he is still extremely vigilant and cautious.

  What Tang Yi didn't expect was.

After the gray energy mass vibrated suddenly for a while, there was a soft sound, and then, like a balloon, it shattered with a 'bang'.

The exploding gray energy flew everywhere, splashing everywhere, and then turned into countless dust and merged into the air.

In just the blink of an eye, the gray energy ball disappeared from the scene.

As the gray energy ball disappeared, Lu Li's figure appeared in Tang Yi's field of vision again.

At this moment, Lu Li was still lying in the pit, still looking like he was dying, and the breath of life on his body was still extremely weak.

He looked like he was about to die.

Seeing that Lu Li's injuries had not recovered and he was still dying, Tang Yi became even more confused.

He now has no idea why Lu Yu spent so much effort to get such a gray energy ball.

I don’t understand why Lu Yu suddenly died after getting that gray energy ball.

What's even more unclear is why the gray energy ball that Lu Yu made at the cost of his life shattered like this before it had any effect!

This gray energy ball is neither a means of attack nor a means to restore Luli and increase his strength.

Until the gray energy ball shattered, nothing happened!

Lu Li has not recovered from his dying state!

Nothing seemed to work.

All of this is too strange.

And at the moment when Tang Yi saw Lu Li, Lu Li also saw Tang Yi. Their eyes met, and both sides had different emotions.

The former's eyes were full of doubts, as if he had seen something puzzling.

The latter's eyes were complicated, and at the same time full of dissatisfaction and unwillingness.

After the two sides looked at each other, Lu Li spoke first. At this moment, Lu Li was in very poor condition. He was breathing out more and taking in less air. He was dying, as if he would die in the next second.

His condition did not seem to have improved because he was wrapped in the gray energy ball. On the contrary, it was even worse than before!

At this time, he said weakly: "I have to admit, you are really powerful! I didn't expect that you are already so strong, and you can actually improve. If I felt it right just now, you improved again Is it? And it’s improved a lot. My strength has at least doubled. From a distance, I can feel the terrifying power. Wow, it’s really amazing. I’ve never seen such a powerful human being. Never before. Never before have human beings like you, whose strength has improved so rapidly in such a short period of time.”


"Your senses are quite sensitive. I didn't expect you to feel it like this? Yes, I just received a huge improvement, and then what? Are you scared?"

Tang Yi said coldly.

"I am indeed scared. With your current strength, even if my men and I join forces, we may not be your opponent. So in this round, we won't lose unjustly," Lu Li said.

"Now that you know you are scared, why don't you tell me the whereabouts of my father quickly? If you tell me the whereabouts of my father, I can keep your body intact. If you can really find my father, I will spare you. His life is uncertain."

Tang Yi said coldly.


Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and looked at Tang Yi as if he were looking at a fool.

I saw him saying contemptuously: "I said, I will not tell the whereabouts of your father! Apart from what I just said, I will not reveal any more information about your father. You will never be able to find your father." Father. No need to think too wildly."

"Did not say?"

Tang Yi narrowed his eyes, with endless murderous intent in his eyes, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you if you don't tell me?"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled again and said: "Tang Yi, I admit that you are indeed a genius and that you are indeed powerful. You did win this round. But! You still can't kill me! At least you can't kill the real one. I, therefore, your threats have no effect on me.”

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Tang Yi asked with a frown.

In fact, Tang Yi didn't think Lu Li would tell him the whereabouts of Tang Haotian. He just asked and threatened, just to try.

It's fine, but it's not fine.

Anyway, there is nothing to lose by giving it a try.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that even if Lu Li didn't say anything, he was still arrogant and even said some nonsense.

Lu Li was dying at the moment, and his vitality was losing rapidly. He looked like he was about to die. Maybe Lu Li would also fall without Tang Yi's intervention.

In such a state, Lu Li actually said that Tang Yi couldn't kill him?
  This made Tang Yi very confused, and he didn't understand where Lu Li got his confidence.

It feels even more inexplicable.

Lu Li also said something very strange.

‘At least you can’t kill the real him? ’

What does it mean?
  Could it be that the one lying in the big pit now is not the real Lu Li?

But just Lu Li's clone?


No matter how Tang Yi felt, the Lu Li lying in the pit in front of him was a real body. It was undoubtedly Lu Li's real body and could not be a clone!

Since it's not a clone, what does Luli mean by this sentence?
  This is too confusing.

(End of this chapter)

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