Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2665 Breakthrough to Level 4 Supreme!

Chapter 2665 Breakthrough to the Fourth Level Supreme!

While feeling emotional, Tang Yi also felt very sad in his heart.

It's a pity that Lu Li was not killed!
  What's even more pity is that no news about Tang Haotian was found from Lu Li and Lu Yu.

Even the truth behind the Tang family's destruction was not known.

This time, except for the BOSS's death reward, I got nothing else.

Even the task was not completed.

But thankfully.

This time the BOSS’s death reward is rich enough!

Moreover, it is extremely rich!
  It was this rich reward that gave him some comfort.

Otherwise, it would be a huge loss to spend so much time and gain nothing.

Tang Yi still got the death reward of Lu Yu and Lu Li.

Although Tang Yi did not kill the two bosses Lu Yu and Lu Li!

And I have to say that the rewards from these two bosses are really generous.

I won’t talk about Lu Yu’s previous rewards.

Lu Li's death at this moment actually brought Tang Yi an extremely generous reward!

The first is 150 million supreme points!

Although this amount of supreme points is 100 million points less than when Lu Yu died.

But after all, when Lu Yu died, Tang Yi got a lot of first kills and got a lot of extra rewards.

As for Lu Li's death, Tang Yi only had a first kill reward for killing the Dark Demon Abyss Royal Family.

So the Supreme Points are 100 million points short, which is understandable.

However, although there are 100 million less supreme points!
  But 150 million supreme points.

Still, Tang Yi's level was promoted from the original thirty-three-star third-level supreme to the ninety-nine-star third-level supreme!

The third-level bottleneck has been reached again!


Tang Yi looked at it slightly.

The conditions for breaking through the third level are
  300. Mental power level .

1000. The supreme combat power index is million points.

300000. Supreme Coins.

Tang Yi has achieved all three conditions! !
  Originally, Tang Yi's mental power level was only over 200, which was unreachable!

With Tang Yi's level, he broke through the third level and reached the ninety-nine-star third level supreme!
  His mental power level has also risen, breaking through level 300 and reaching level 355! !

And the supreme combat power index.
  Tang Yi's original supreme combat power index was on the verge of five million.

As he broke through the third level, his supreme combat power increased by 5 million, plus the increase in the supreme combat power index due to his level promotion.

At this moment, Tang Yi's supreme combat power index also happened to exceed 10 million points!
  Now Tang Yi's supreme combat power index has reached 10007696 points!
  Just exceeded 10 million!

As for the third condition, that goes without saying.

Now let alone 300,000 Supreme Coins, Tang Yi can take out even one million Supreme Coins!
  After all, the deaths of Lu Yu and Lu Li this time brought Tang Yi a harvest of four million supreme coins!

Let Tang Yi change from a poor man to a rich man!

Get rich instantly. Having four million supreme coins, what does the condition of only 300,000 supreme coins mean at this moment?
  So at this moment, Tang Yi has met the three conditions and is fully capable of breaking through to the fourth level!

Seeing that he had fully met the conditions for breaking through to the fourth level, Tang Yi immediately said silently in his heart without even thinking about it: "Breakthrough!"

"Ding, player Tang Yi has met the three conditions to break through to the fourth level. At this moment, breaking through to the fourth level requires 300000 Supreme Coins. Do you agree to break through? If you agree, 300000 Supreme Coins will be deducted from the player's Supreme Coins."



At the moment when Tang Yi silently thought about the breakthrough, just like before, a golden cloud appeared in the mid-air.

Above the golden cloud, golden light shone directly, and Tang Yi was bathed in the golden light.

After bathing in the warm golden light for a while, Tang Yi's whole body erupted with an extremely terrifying aura. Golden ripples centered on him and spread rapidly, like ripples in a lake, rippling around in circles. And go.

And as the golden ripples surged, Tang Yi was sublimated again, and his whole person became more otherworldly, more sacred, and full of aura of superiority.

Now, if Mu Xianling and others saw Tang Yi here, they would definitely not believe that this otherworldly, saint-like man in front of them could be their husband.

As for Tang Yi's former friends, if they saw Tang Yi now, they would probably not dare to approach him at all. Some of them with low power and those who had never seen the world would even directly regard Tang Yi as a saint and worship him!
  This is what Tang Yi looked like after he advanced to the fourth level of supreme.

Although there is no change in appearance, the temperament of the whole person and the aura conveyed will make people feel like this.

And at the same time.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully breaking through to the fourth level. His supreme combat power index has increased by 5000000 points."

Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased by five million points again!

As Tang Yi's supreme combat power index increased, Tang Yi's momentum climbed again and became even more terrifying!
  This terrifying momentum suddenly surged and turned into a shock wave of momentum, sweeping across the surrounding areas.

But this time, the momentum shock wave was extremely fierce, even more fierce than when he advanced to the third level before!
  When advancing to the third level, the strong winds and shock waves generated only blew away everything that could be blown away.

But now that he has advanced to the fourth level, the momentum shock wave generated directly cuts off a layer of the surrounding land!
  The ground within a radius of a hundred miles dropped by dozens of centimeters!

After a sudden surge of momentum, the familiar Sanskrit sounds and the familiar bells appeared again.

When the loud bells resounded throughout the world, Tang Yi's breakthrough came to an end.

At this moment, all the strange images disappeared, and all the momentum gathered back again.

Of course, the advancement is complete.

But promotion is still going on.

As before, a large number of Supreme Points allowed Tang Yi to advance even after breaking through the fourth level.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: One-star, fourth-level supreme."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. His current level is: two-star fourth-level supreme."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Three-Star Fourth-Level Supreme."

But this time, after Tang Yi broke through the fourth level, he only advanced to the third level, and then stopped.

After all, the supreme points that Lu Li brought to Tang Yi this time were much less than the supreme points that Lu Yu brought to Tang Yi. It allowed Tang Yi to be promoted from the thirty-three-star third-level supreme to the three-star fourth level. Supreme, this is already very good.

After the promotion, Tang Yi's entire state reached its peak again, becoming more comfortable than ever before and becoming more powerful than ever before.

Feeling how powerful he was at this moment, feeling the comfort after this moment of improvement, Tang Yi was extremely excited.

"This is the feeling of power, this is the feeling of improvement, this feeling is so good and wonderful."

Tang Yi said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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