Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2690 Tang Yi’s Promise

Chapter 2690 Tang Yi’s Promise

The moment Binglian put on the ring, Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu, An Huanlan and Shangguan Siyu also opened the delicate small box, then took out the ring and put it on their hands.

Very decisive.

The way he looks at the ring and the way he treats the ring is very serious.

Just like that, the five daughters Tang Yi and Mu Xianling all put on wedding rings!

The six people put their hands with wedding rings together.

The six golden rings in the hands of the six people exuded a gleaming light, as if they were pulled by each other, attracted each other, and were connected together.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was very happy. He said happily: "This is the third gift I gave you. How about it? Are you satisfied with this gift I gave you?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

"Thank you husband, I like it very much!"

"This is the best gift I've ever received."

"Me too, this is the best, most important, and most meaningful gift I have ever received in my life."

"I'm very, very satisfied! I like it very much, thank you husband."

The five girls said one after another.

After hearing the words of the fifth daughter, Tang Yi nodded immediately, very satisfied, and said: "From now on, we are a real family, regardless of each other, and we will never be separated!"

"No distinction between each other, never separate!"

The five girls said in unison. Everyone seemed happy and excited.

"Hey, that's not right. Does this mean that, husband, you will never leave us again? You will take us with you wherever you go? Really?"

Binglian seemed to think something was wrong and asked immediately.

"Huh? This."

Tang Yi said: "No, what I mean is that from now on, our hearts will always be connected! The hearts will never be separated! You know this body. When I go out to practice or go out to do things, I will often I have encountered some very powerful opponents. You may not think that I am powerful now, but this world is very vast. Somewhere in this world, there are beings who are more powerful than me. Facing these opponents, even I may not be able to It can be dealt with. If you follow me, you will be in great danger. So I'm sorry, I can't take you with me when I go out."


Binglian snorted coldly and said dissatisfied: "Then you said, I thought I would take us with me in the future, but it turned out not to be the case, liar!"

Tang Yi hurriedly said: "Although I can't take you all the time, don't we have the Eternal Diamond now? With it, we can communicate no matter where we are. It's the same as being together! Even if I go out We have not separated in terms of experience and work."

"You can hear it but can't touch it. How can this be the same! This is completely different from being in front of people, okay? It feels different! Humph! I have heard from my sisters that it takes a long time every time you go out. Once you go out, at least several times Months, or even half a year! You are already a husband. Why are you always running out for us little ladies like us if you don't pamper us? Moreover, you don't take us with you when you run out. What? In your eyes, we are, Is it so unimportant? Can you just throw it aside?"

Binglian pouted and expressed her dissatisfaction again.

Even as he spoke, his eyes became moist.

Mu Xianling and An Huanlan also nodded slightly, expressing deep agreement.

Waiting is very hard, especially waiting for months or even half a year.

Yuwen Jinyu and Shangguan Siyu did not speak.

I don’t know if they support it or not.

But judging from his expression, I think he is supportive.

I'm just embarrassed to express it.

Of course, Binglian was the only one present who dared to say this and dare to confront Tang Yi directly.

Anyone else would not dare to do this.

Even if they were dissatisfied, they would just make some insinuations and not dare to confront him so directly.

And the reason why Binglian dared.

It's because she has the qualifications.     Because she has known Tang Yi for the longest time and is also Tang Yi's favorite.

No matter what he said or did, Tang Yi would not blame him.

That's why I dare to say it so bluntly.

After hearing Binglian's words, Tang Yi also knew that he had not done enough. The time he spent with the five girls was too little.

As a husband, this is completely incompetent.

So he also fully recognized Binglian's words.

Although he has his own reasons, he must grow, become stronger, and complete each task, but he cannot neglect the five women because of his own reasons.

Anyway, the five girls followed him without any scruples and became his wives.

Therefore, it is his fault that he cannot take good care of his wife.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi said: "Let's do this. After I find the whereabouts of my father and find the murderer who destroyed our Tang family, I will stay with you. I will not travel far from home again, at least not outside." Very far away! How about it? From now on we can live happily together."


Binglian nodded and immediately agreed.

After all, Tang Yi has already reached this point. What else is she dissatisfied with and uncompromising about?
  Could it be that Tang Yi is still allowed not to search for Tang Haotian's whereabouts?

Could it be that Tang Yi is still allowed not to take revenge?

It must not work, right?
  Tang Yidu is willing to stay after finishing these things, try to accompany them as much as possible, and also promised not to travel far away as much as possible, which is already very good.

Therefore, there is no need for Binglian to say anything more.

In fact, Binglian is also a person who knows how to measure things.

Even though she dared to say anything, in fact, what she said was within the acceptable range of Tang Yi.

No matter how he quarrels with Tang Yi or expresses his dissatisfaction, Binglian will never be too aggressive or break through Tang Yi's limits.

This is what Tang Yi likes about Binglian.

She is very smart.

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the other women nodded slightly, indicating that they could accept it.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi turned his head again and said to Yao Yue Beast: "Xiao Yuezi. From now on, you and Xiao Huzi will follow my ladies. You are responsible for protecting their safety. At least leave after me. During that time, you must protect their safety."

"What? You want us to protect their safety? No! I don't agree. This will affect my training time."

When Yao Yue Beast heard this, he frowned slightly and immediately refused.

"I can help you become the Supreme." Tang Yi said.

"make a deal."

Hearing this, Yao Yue Beast immediately changed his mind and agreed readily.

Can you not be happy?
  Who doesn’t want to break through?

This is Yaoyuemon's dream!
  Although she is now the top holy god and is only one step away from being supreme, but she doesn't know that this last step will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Monster Moon Beast could feel that this final step was very far away, as if there was a chasm that was difficult to cross.

Maybe ten years, maybe twenty years, or even thirty years!

You might even be unable to cross it in your lifetime!
  This is a natural chasm!

But now, Tang Yi said that he could help her become the Supreme.

Can she not be happy?

(End of this chapter)

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