Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2698 Tier 4 Sun God Tower

Chapter 2698 Fourth-level Sun God Tower
  After reaching the third level of the Sun God Tower, the Supreme Combat Power Index actually doubled again!
  Reached 22.4 million points!
  A weapon can bring an increase of more than 20 million points in the supreme combat power index, which Tang Yi did not expect.

When the first level is promoted to the second level, the supreme combat power index doubles. Tang Yi can understand this.

After all, it was the first time to advance, and even though it was doubled, the increased supreme combat power index was not bad, and it was not an exaggeration.

But at this moment, the second level is upgraded to the third level, which is a bit exaggerated.

Because this doubling has increased the supreme combat power index by more than 10 million!
  More than ten million!

This is too exaggerated.

"It means that every time you advance to a stage, you can double it? It's a good thing that I enchanted the Sun Tower before I advanced it. Otherwise, when I advance to the second stage, I won't be able to reach a thousand at all. Ten thousand points. Doubling 1.4 million points is only 2.8 million points. After advancing to the third level, there are only 5.6 million points. There is a huge gap."

"And now, after first enchanting, it reaches more than 10 million points after advancing to the second level. After advancing to the third level, it reaches more than 20 million points. It has reached a very terrifying number, which makes the quality of this equipment even more Climb several floors!”

"And after advancing to the third level, the Sun God Tower will have a supreme combat power index of 22.4 million points. What about the fourth level? If the Sun God Tower reaches the fourth level, the supreme combat power index will reach 4,040. 1.8 million points?”



Tang Yi looked at the last line of the Sun Tower's attribute panel.

To advance to the fourth level, five million supreme coins are needed.

Seeing this line of prompts, Tang Yi became solemn.

After all, this is a very scary number.

Before killing Lu Li and several other bosses, Tang Yi couldn't even imagine such a number.

And even if he killed several big bosses such as Lu Li and obtained a large number of Supreme Coins, such a figure was still terrifying to Tang Yi.


If you must take it out to advance to the Sun God Tower, you can still take it out.

At this moment, Tang Yi was faced with a dilemma as to whether he should use five million supreme coins to upgrade the Sun God Tower to the fourth level.

Now, Tang Yi still has seven million supreme coins. If the Sun God Tower is promoted to the fourth level, then
  He only has about two million supreme coins left.

The wealth value will be greatly reduced.

On the one hand, you can get an artifact with powerful attack power, and at the same time, your strength will be greatly improved.

On the one hand, the wealth value has been greatly reduced, the safety factor has been reduced, and the means of life-saving have been reduced.

Both of them are things that Tang Yi can't give up.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi finally chose the former.

After all, he now has seven million supreme coins. Even if he takes out five million supreme coins, he will still have two million supreme coins.

Two million supreme coins are used to build the base, which is still barely enough!


If the Sun God Tower is promoted to the fourth level, its supreme combat power index can really be increased to 40 million points.
  Then, his strength will reach a higher level. Even if he loses 5 million Supreme Coins to start with, the increased Supreme Combat Power Index and the increased strength will be enough to make up for this loss.

There is even money to be made.

After all, if the supreme combat power index is really increased by 40 million points, then Tang Yi's supreme combat power index will be able to be increased to 80 million points!
  Eighty million points!
  Directly doubled Tang Yi's supreme combat power index.

And if the Supreme Combat Power Index is increased to 80 million points, Tang Yi's strength will increase many times.

By then, Luli? Lu Yu? The king of Tianyang Realm?
  Even worse than ants!

Do not!
  Now for Tang Yi, an existence of this level is worse than an ant.

If the supreme combat power index really increases to 80 million, then!
  Tang Yi could kill thousands of Lu Yu and Lu Li with just a snap of his fingers!
  Tang Yi can easily defeat even stronger beings! so!
  It is worth spending five million supreme coins to upgrade the Sun God Tower.

This not only improves the level of equipment, but also improves one's own strength.

After all, the increase in the supreme combat power index has a huge impact on strength.

After thinking about it slightly, Tang Yi decided to advance.

"Advanced to the Tower of the Sun."

Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

"Ding, player Tang Yi needs to spend 500000 Supreme Coins to upgrade the Sun God Tower. Do you agree?"


"Ding, player Tang Yi agrees to upgrade the Sun God Tower, and the Supreme Coin will be reduced by 5000000."

"Ding, the advancement of the Sun God Tower is in progress."


The familiar white energy ball flew out of Tang Yi's body and then entered the Sun God Tower.

The dazzling golden light lit up, and the power of heaven and earth gathered towards the Sun God Tower again.

This time it was no different from the previous advanced scene.

The only difference is that this time the Sun God Tower absorbs more power from heaven and earth.

This time, a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from thousands of miles around was absorbed, and all of it was sucked into the Tower of the Sun.

As the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was absorbed, the area around the capital of the Mengyue Empire instantly became dead and lifeless.

But the good thing is.

There is still spiritual energy in the world, although it is very thin, but as long as there is still spiritual energy, it can be recovered.

As long as Tang Yi uses a few methods and gathers a few spirit gathering formations, he can recover quickly.

In this way, after the Sun God Tower absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, it finally advanced.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi, the supreme artifact Sun God Tower has been successfully upgraded. The current level is: four."

A reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

[Tower of the Sun God]: Supreme Artifact (Level 4)
  Basic attributes: Attack X3, attack power increase X3, attack power percentage bonus X3, skill power increase X3, skill power percentage bonus , Thunder attribute attack power percentage increases by X3.

Special attributes: Sun power x3, sky fire power x3.

Passive skills: Tota Supreme, stunning thunder.

Tota Supreme: When this item is held in the hand, it can greatly increase the momentum, making people dare not look up. At the same time, it can give the enemy a certain degree of shock and greatly weaken the opponent's defense.

Shocking Lightning: When this item is held in the hand, bursts of lightning can be produced from the top and bottom of the object, which can affect the enemy's vision, damage the enemy's eyes, and greatly reduce the enemy target's mobility.

Active skills: Peerless Heavenly Lord, Thunder Shock for Five Nights!
  Peerless Heavenly Lord: Using this skill can increase oneself's terrifying attributes, attack power, defense power and skill damage.

Thunder Shock Five Nights: Raise the pagoda to inspire divine thunder to bombard the enemy, which can cause horrific damage to the enemy.

Supreme combat power index increase: 44800000 points

(The fourth level of supreme combat power, unlocking higher stages, can obtain a higher supreme combat power index)
  The supreme coins required to advance to the fifth level: 50000000.

(End of this chapter)

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