Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2702 Cherish each other

Chapter 2702 Cherish each other
  "One finger, one finger, I can solve you!" Tang Yi said lightly.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the five realm kings were slightly stunned at first, and then.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"That's the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"Young boy Qi Ye, who doesn't even have a hair on his head, actually dares to speak so brazenly. You can't even lift a finger from me to deal with us."

"I can also solve you with one finger. But the difference is that you are bragging, but I can really do it."


The five realm kings burst out laughing.

Seeing the five realm kings laughing, Tang Yi was not angry. He still raised a finger and said calmly: "Let's do it. As long as you can bend my finger, then I won't go, and Kneel down and kowtow to you ten times, and then get out of here."



The Fire Lord had a bad temper. When he saw Tang Yi say some arrogant words one after another, he couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Okay, this is what you said. Although in my capacity, I shouldn't treat You take action, but you are really an eyesore. I don’t need you to kneel down and kowtow later. After all, you are Ling Fengtian’s person. Treating you like this is too disrespectful to Ling Fengtian. So, if I put your finger If you make a bend, you don't have to kowtow, just get out of here. This is not the place you should stay."

With that said, the Fire Lord stood up from his position, took one step forward, and came to Tang Yi.

As soon as he stretched out his right hand, he wanted to break off Tang Yi's fingers.


What he didn't expect was.

When his hand touched Tang Yi's hand, it was as if he had touched the hardest object in the world. No matter how hard he tried, it was of no avail!

Let alone move it, even if you want to move this finger, you can't do it!
  At the beginning, due to his contempt for Tang Yi, Huo Zun only used one finger to break it.

However, as time went by, as he couldn't break Tang Yi's fingers, he slowly started to use two fingers, three fingers, and one hand.

Then, two hands!

  The Fire Lord used both hands, gritted his teeth, and tried his best, but Tang Yi's finger still didn't move at all.

Seeing this scene, the other four realm kings were stunned.

Yu Zun said dissatisfied: "Huo Zun, what's the matter with you? You also teamed up with him to deceive us? In order to help Ling Fengtian, you don't have to do this, right?"

Shi Zun said: "That's right, your acting is too fake. Even if that kid has some strength, he can't be so exaggerated. He can't even break your Majesty Fire. Even if he can't break him, you still put on such a show. It looks like it's hard work, this is too fake. Who would believe it?"

Yun Zun said: "Huo Zun, if you want to help Ling Fengtian, you don't have to go to this level. You don't have to sacrifice your reputation to act like this. It's really unnecessary. Moreover, this acting is too fake. , not convincing at all.”

"Huo Zun, do you really think we are fools? In order to help Ling Zun and let that kid go with us, we actually acted like this? Stop it now, stop acting."

Dezun also said.

None of the other four realm kings believed the scene in front of them. No one believed that the majestic realm king, Fire Lord, could not break the fingers of an unknown young man.

This is too exaggerated.

What young man can be that strong? Even the King of Kai can’t break it?

Huo Zun felt bitter in his heart. Huo Zun wanted to speak out, but he didn't know how to say it.

say what?
  How to say?
  That he really wasn't acting?
  He said that he, the majestic realm king, really couldn't break the fingers of this kid in front of him?
  If he really said that, how could he lose face?

Even if you say it, who will believe it?

He is the king of the Sky Fire Realm, but he can't break the fingers of a brat? Who would believe this? No one believes it!
  Therefore, Lord Fire felt bitter in his heart, but Lord Fire could not express it.

While feeling bitter in his heart, the Fire Lord increased his strength and even used some kind of secret technique to increase his strength.


Still to no avail. The fingers of the young man in front of him seemed like a mountain that was impossible to cross.

Break the bend?

I'm afraid I can't even make the other party tremble or shake!

At first, Huo Zun looked down on Tang Yi.


As time went by, as he was unable to bend that finger no matter what means he used, he changed from looking down and scorning to valuing her.

At last!
  It turned into shock!
  Shocked that Tang Yi could do this!

Shocked that Tang Yi actually had such strength and means.

Even a realm king like him couldn't crack it.

As time went by, the shock became stronger and stronger, and the look on Huo Zun's face when he looked at Tang Yi became more and more solemn.

On the side, Yu Zun couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Huo Zun, are you okay? Can you stop acting?"

Saying that, Yu Zun stood up and stretched out a hand to pry off Tang Yi's fingers, trying to expose Huo Zun's acting skills.


When his hand touched Huo Zun's hand and Tang Yi's finger, Yu Zun, the Realm King from the Tianyu Realm, was stunned.

"This, this, this"

As if something incredible had happened, Yu Zun's face was full of surprise and disbelief.

And as time went by, this surprise and disbelief became more and more intense.

In addition, Yu Zun is also like Huo Zun, starting with only one finger, then using one hand, and then using both hands.

At the same time, the look he looked at Tang Yi slowly changed from contemptuous at the beginning to serious.


No matter how hard he tried, no matter how many hands he used, no matter how solemn he was, it had no effect.

Tang Yi's finger was like a mountain, so unshakable.

Yu Zun turned his head and glanced at Huo Zun.

Before, he saw helplessness, bitterness, and an expression of unexplainable suffering on Lord Huo's face. He still didn't understand it. He also felt that Lord Fire was acting, and he was even a little angry.

I feel that Fire Lord's acting is really too much.

The majestic King of the Realm actually acted like this. He was so shameless and shameless that he even lost his dignity.

But now Yu Zun knows.

These expressions of helplessness, bitterness, and unexplainable suffering are not staged.

But true feelings are revealed.

The Lord of Fire is really helpless, really bitter, and really has troubles that he can't express.

After knowing this, Yu Zun suddenly sympathized with Huo Zun.

After all, it is so uncomfortable to be misunderstood and thought to be acting, but no one believes it!

At the same time, Yu Zun could not help but apologize in his heart: "Lord Huo, I have misunderstood you."

At this time, Huo Zun happened to raise his eyes and turned to Yu Zun. Their eyes met, and they couldn't help but reveal expressions of helplessness, sadness, bitterness, and unspeakable suffering at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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