Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2708 Choose Appearance

Chapter 2708 Choose Appearance
  Choosing one of the nine categories and changing the category of the Supreme Warship was something Tang Yi could understand.

Among the nine categories, there are warships, chariots, shuttles, Shenzhou and the Palace of the God of War. Tang Yi can also understand these.

Divine guns and swords will appear in the category of transportation vehicles. In fact, Tang Yi can understand it.

But what Tang Yi didn't understand was.

Among these nine categories, why are there gourds and harps?
  How can these two things be used as vehicles?
  How do gourds and harps carry people?

Even if it can carry people, how many people can be carried in that little space?

Is this also a delivery vehicle?
  This was difficult for Tang Yi to understand.

Of course, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. These two strange vehicles also made Tang Yi interested.

He is also very curious about what will happen to the gourd and the harp after they are turned into transportation tools!
  Of course.

Although Tang Yi was very curious about the gourd and harp categories and wanted to see them.


There was only one warship, and Tang Yi could only choose one category to make changes.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang Yi finally decided to choose the harp as a transportation vehicle!
  Try using a harp as a vehicle to see what happens.

"Choose seven!"

Tang Yi thought silently in his heart and made a choice.

"Ding, the player selects Seven Harps as the changed vehicle category."

"Vehicle changing"

"Ding, the carrier has been changed successfully, and the warship will be replaced with a harp."

"Ding, the carrier has gained powerful interference capabilities."

"Ding, the vehicle needs to be renamed. Players please name it."

After making the selection, several prompts appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

In just the blink of an eye, the category change was successful, very quickly.

There was no abnormality in the outside world, and nothing happened. Just a prompt sounded, and it was successful.

At this moment, the Supreme Warship also changed from the original warship type to the harp type!

Seeing the prompt in his mind, Tang Yi thought for a moment, and then said silently in his heart: "Name it, Xiqin."

The reason why it is called Xiqin is because when Tang Yi first obtained the warship, he named it Xitong Warship.

Later, due to the promotion to Supreme, the Western Union warship was converted into the Supreme class, and then it was passively renamed as the Supreme warship.

Tang Yi named it Xiqin, which is a Western word for the Western Tong warship. Since it is a Qin-type carrier, they were combined and called Xiqin.

Don't tell me, the name is quite nice.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for successfully naming himself and getting the delivery vehicle, Xiqin!"

Looking at the prompts in his mind, Tang Yi immediately knew that he had completed the category change.

Tang Yi was very curious about the Xiqin that had just changed its category. He really wanted to see what Xiqin looked like as a transportation vehicle.

However, since Tang Yi was on Ling Fengtian's Luxing warship at the moment, it was inconvenient to summon Xiqin, so no matter how curious he was, he couldn't check it at the moment.

We can only wait for a convenient time to summon it and check it out.

Of course.

Although the appearance of Xiqin cannot be seen, the attributes of Xiqin can be seen.

[Name]: Xiqin
  Level: Supreme Level (Power of the Void)
  Category: Quibao

Category: piano
  Function: carry.

Auxiliary attributes: Void shuttle, piano sound.

Void shuttle: shuttle in the void, pass through the void nodes, and quickly reach the destination.

Piano sound: There will be melodious piano sound when flying or traveling through the void.

Special skills: Sneaking in the void, ambush from all sides.

Void Stealth: Escape into the void and hide in the void, making it impossible to detect.

Ambush from Flying Daggers: When this skill is used, a high-pitched music will sound. Under the influence of the music, the movement speed of all vehicles within ten kilometers will be reduced by 50%, and the attack capability will be lost.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Supreme combat power index increase: 280000 points.

This is Xiqin’s attribute after changing the category!
  I have to say that after changing the category, Xiqin's attributes have indeed become more powerful.

Although I haven't actually seen Xiqin's moving speed, I don't know how fast Xiqin will move after changing the category. However, this increase in the supreme combat power index can actually be seen.

After being replaced by Xiqin, Xiqin's supreme combat power index increased from the original 8000 points to 280000 points.

Improved dozens of times.

The supreme combat power index can be increased dozens of times, which means that its speed must have also been greatly improved.

In addition to this, Xiqin also has an additional auxiliary attribute Qin Yin, and a special skill Ambush from all sides.

The piano sound is an auxiliary function that allows the Xiqin to be accompanied by melodious music when moving.

Just looking at the description, it doesn't seem to have any effect.

But the special skill Ambush from all sides is very useful.

It can actually reduce the speed of all vehicles within ten kilometers by 50%, and at the same time make those vehicles lose their attack capabilities.

This skill is so practical!
  If you encounter a strong enemy chasing after you in the future, use it like this.

Isn't that powerful enemy completely left behind?

Or use it when chasing?
  The enemy is not just a piece of fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered?

This skill is good.

Although I can't see the appearance of Xiqin, but just looking at the attributes, it is generally good.

After Weiwei checked the attributes, Tang Yi immediately started to use the second scroll, the vehicle transmogrification scroll.

"Use the vehicle transmog scroll!"

Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

And the next moment Tang Yi thought silently.

"Ding, player Tang Yi uses the vehicle to transform the scroll. You can choose an appearance for this scroll."

"Currently, there are nine types of musical instrument appearances. Players are invited to choose."

"Choice 1: Yujian Mingquan Qin."

"Choice 2: Longmen Fengyu Qin."

"Choice three: Yueming Canghai Qin."

"Choice 4: Nine Heavens Ring Peiqin."

"Choice 5: Ancient Legacy Musical Piano."

"Choice six: Crane and Qingxiao Qin."

"Choice 7: Phoenix comes to Yiqin."

"Choice 8: Golden Wind and Jade Dew Qin."

"Choice Nine: Withered Wood Dragon Chanting Qin."

Reminders appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

In addition to the prompts, nine pictures also appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

These nine pictures are schematic diagrams of the appearance of the nine kinds of harps.

After seeing these nine pictures, Tang Yi finally understood.

The previous category scroll was for changing the type of carrier.

At this moment, this scroll is the skin of the delivery vehicle!

That's right!

It’s the skin!

This vehicle transmogrification scroll allows you to choose your favorite skin.

At this moment, the first diagram in my mind is the Yujian Mingquan Qin of choice one.

This is a blue and white piano, four feet two inches long and one and a half feet wide. The two ends are shaped like water drops and are slightly curved upward.

The depression in the middle is all blue, like lake water.

The appearance looks like a clear spring gushing out, clear and clean.

From the schematic diagram, this piano looks pretty good and looks good.

However, this is not Tang Yi's style, not the appearance Tang Yi wants, it is a bit too plain.

Therefore, Tang Yi skipped option one.

(End of this chapter)

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