Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2714 Escape separately?

Chapter 2714 Escape separately?
  I have to say that the black energy ball is too powerful and terrifying.

Even a warship as good as Luxing could not withstand this blow.

It was bombarded and fell apart instantly.

Not to mention Lu Xing's warship, even the powerful realm kings were unable to withstand this attack.

Not to mention resisting, they didn't even react when faced with the bombardment of black energy balls!
  Of course, it’s understandable that the kings of the realm can’t react.

After all, even Tang Yi didn't react to this blow!
  Even Tang Yi, a powerful figure with a supreme combat power index of 90 million, didn't react. How could a few realm kings with only a supreme combat power index of 10,000,000 react?
  and so.

The Luxing warship was reduced to pieces.

Not only Luxing Battleship, but also several realm kings are in danger of death!
  But thankfully!

Fortunately, Tang Yi took action at this critical moment.

Although Tang Yi didn't react when the black energy ball bombarded the Luxing warship, he was still able to react when he rescued several realm kings.

Tang Yi waved his right hand, and a shield made of energy enveloped the heads of several realm kings and Tang Yi himself, enveloping the entire group.

Under the protection of the shield, no matter how violent and terrifying the black energy was, it could not harm Tang Yi, Ling Fengtian and his party at all!

All attacks were blocked by the shield.

"This is."

"We. We're saved? We're not dead?"

"This shield"

"What's going on? What just happened?"

"Who, who saved us?"

Looking at the shield covering their heads, Ling Fengtian and the others were confused and had no idea what was going on.

I don’t know who cast this energy shield above my head.

I don't even understand how it could withstand the attack of the black energy ball just now.

After all, the power of the black energy ball is very terrifying. Even if several realm kings join forces and try their best to resist such an attack, they cannot resist it.

At most, he can survive the attack of the black energy ball.

Of course, even if you survive, you will be severely damaged.

However, now, the energy shield above their heads protected them safe and sound, which was simply incredible.

Several realm kings didn't understand who they were and how powerful they were to be able to use such a shield.

And how powerful is such a shield to be able to withstand the previous black energy ball.

Of course.

Most of the Kaiohs were confused and had no idea about the situation at the moment, and looked confused.

But there are also some people who are relatively clear-headed.

For example, Ling Fengtian.

Seeing that he was protected by the shield, Ling Fengtian immediately thought of Tang Yi, and immediately turned his head and looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

When he saw that Tang Yi's face did not show the same surprise and confusion as theirs, Ling Fengtian was even more sure of his suspicions. Of course, a guess is just a guess after all, no matter how certain it is, it is still just a guess.

Therefore, Ling Fengtian directly asked for confirmation: "Tang Yi, is it you? Did you save us?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi did not hide anything, and admitted frankly: "Yes, it was me who made the move, but unfortunately, I failed to save the Luxing warship. Originally, I thought I could block those black balls. , but I didn’t expect those black balls to be able to attack across space. Because it was too sudden, I couldn’t react and take action.”

"It's really you!"

Seeing Tang Yi admitting, Ling Fengtian was surprised.

He didn't expect that Tang Yi was so strong that he could even resist the attack of the Void Dragon!
  Tang Yi had fought against several realm kings before. Although Ling Fengtian also knew that Tang Yi's strength was not what it used to be and had become extremely powerful, he didn't know that he had become so powerful!

In addition, in Ling Fengtian's view, the reason why Tang Yi was able to resist the finger-cracking of several realm kings was because of some method.

That is to say, special means were used to defeat one against five.

In Ling Fengtian's opinion, all this is because of that special method, not because Tang Yi is really so powerful!
  but now.
  After seeing Tang Yi resist the Void Dragon's attack, Ling Fengtian suddenly no longer thought so!
  How could this be that special method!
  If once is a special means, then twice is it?
  Is this shield to resist the void dragon at this moment, or is it a means?

This must be strength!

Tang Yi has this strength!
  "What? Brother Tang Yi, was it you who did it?"

"I didn't expect that it was Brother Tang Yi who took action! I am so grateful to Brother Tang Yi. Without you, we would have turned into a speck of dust in the void just now."

"Brother Tang Yi is indeed a man of great ability. This strength is so powerful that he can even withstand the attack of the Dragon of the Void! Amazing!"

"I won't say thank you for your kindness. After this incident, Tang Yi, when you come to our Tiande Realm, I will treat you well."

After knowing that it was Tang Yi who took action, the realm kings expressed their thanks one after another.

Hearing this, Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "Thank you is not necessary. We are traveling together this time. We are just like grasshoppers on a rope. It is natural to help. There is no need to thank you."

"What did you say, Tang Yi? It's true that you were a grasshopper on a rope, but it's also true that you helped us. So we still have to thank you. The former is benevolence, righteousness and morality, and the latter is etiquette. We don't want to We are rude people. A dignified Kaiou, who was saved by someone, wouldn’t even say thank you. If this spreads out, how will others view us?" Yunzun, the Kaiou of Tianyun Realm, said.

"That's right!"

"I agree with Lao Yun."

"That's the truth, so Tang Yi, don't be humble."


The other realm kings said one after another.

Tang Yishi smiled and said: "Okay, then I will accept your thanks calmly!"

After saying that, Tang Yi also cupped his hands as a return gift.

At this time, Ling Fengtian suddenly said seriously: "Okay, if you want to thank us, we will wait until we escape this disaster. At this moment, the Void Dragon is getting closer and closer to us, and we have lost the Luxing Warship." This is a sharp weapon, and the situation at this moment is extremely unfavorable for us. Without the Luxing warship, it will be extremely difficult for us to escape from the hands of the Void Dragon."

After hearing Ling Fengtian's words, the faces of the realm kings all dimmed, and their expressions became very ugly.

Looking at the Void Dragon approaching rapidly in the distance, the faces of several realm kings were filled with worried looks.

"If it doesn't work, let's escape separately." Yu Zun from Tianyu Realm thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, Yun Zun nodded in agreement and said: "That's right, run away separately. If we run away together now, I'm afraid none of us can escape, but if we run away separately, there might be a glimmer of hope. The Void Dragon only has five heads, they don't Might be able to catch us all."

(End of this chapter)

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