Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2730 I’m not interested in you

Chapter 2730 I’m not interested in you
  "What about you?"

Tang Yi smiled again, not understanding that at such a time, this mysterious woman in front of him actually dared to threaten.

What was she threatening?
  She has completely lost her fighting ability and has completely become a useless person. What threat does she have?

"so I."

"so I."

"I'll kill myself!"

The mysterious woman thought for a long time, but couldn't think of anything that could threaten Tang Yi, and finally had to threaten her own life.


"Then commit suicide."

Tang Yi said disdainfully.

He was completely unafraid of the woman's threats and continued to approach her.


Hearing Tang Yi's words, the mysterious woman was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say or what to do.

She said she wanted to commit suicide, but in fact the mysterious woman was unwilling.

Because she has gained hope!

The Heavenly Power God King Ape is dead, and the Heavenly Power Crystal has become ownerless.

At this moment, all she needs to do is dig open the head of the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape and take out the Heavenly Power Crystal.

Then the Crystal of Heavenly Power belongs to her!
  And as long as she brings back the Crystal of Heavenly Power, she can save the lives of her loved ones!

With this hope, how could the mysterious woman die and how dare she die!

Therefore, when she threatened Tang Yi to commit suicide, she was just a threat. She only said it verbally, but she did not actually do it.

Seeing that her threats were ineffective, the mysterious woman was very helpless and didn't know what to do for a while.

She was really powerless against Tang Yi, who was a threat but could not be threatened, could not be chased away, could not be resisted but could not be stopped.

After Weiwei thought for a moment, the mysterious woman finally made a decision.

For the sake of the Crystal of Heavenly Power and to save her relatives, the mysterious woman gritted her teeth and risked her life. She decided to sacrifice herself in exchange for her life and the Crystal of Heavenly Power.

Since you can't resist, you can only compromise!
  Only by compromising can there be hope of living.

Only by compromising can you obtain the Crystal of Heavenly Power to save the lives of your loved ones.

"You can come here, you can do whatever you want to me, but you have to promise me to give me the spar of the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape. As long as you give it to me and let me go afterwards, then what do you want now? You can do anything to me! I will even cooperate! But if you don’t agree, then I won’t touch you even if I bite my tongue and commit suicide!”

When Tang Yi came to the front, the mysterious woman gritted her teeth and said. The expression is very decisive!

This is the biggest concession she has ever made!
  After all, she is still innocent. She is asked to contribute the most precious thing in her life and she actively cooperates. This is her greatest sincerity.

If the other party still doesn't agree, then we can only break up!
  "Oh? I can do whatever I want? Are you willing to cooperate?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled, understanding that the other party must have misunderstood something.

However, Tang Yi found it interesting and wanted to tease the other party, but he didn't tell the truth.


The mysterious woman nodded, raised her head and asked, "Then do you agree?"

"Do you want that monster's crystal?"

Tang Yi glanced at the Heavenly Power God King Ape and asked.

"Yes!" The mysterious woman nodded.

Tang Yi agreed: "Yes, everything about this monster will be yours from now on. I will let you go afterwards and won't embarrass you."

"That's what you said!"

The mysterious woman stared at Tang Yi and said. "Of course, a gentleman's words are hard to catch up with," Tang Yi said.

The mysterious woman thought for a while, felt it was inappropriate, and said, "No, you have to swear!"

She didn't believe Tang Yi.

"I, Tang Yi, swear on my life that what I just said is true! The Heavenly Power Divine King Ape belongs to you, and I will let you go afterward!"

Tang Yi swore.

Then he looked at the mysterious woman and said with a smile: "How are you? Are you relieved?"


After hearing Tang Yi swear, the mysterious woman felt relieved.

After all, swearing in the Shengwu Continent is an extremely serious matter.

No one dares to treat the oath casually.

If you violate it, you will be severely punished.

So after seeing Tang Yi swear, the mysterious woman felt relieved.

Seeing that the mysterious woman was relieved, Tang Yi immediately smiled and said, "Then can I do what I want to do?"

"Okay. Come on!"

"You can tell me how you need me to cooperate!"

The mysterious woman said, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, with an attitude of "I will do whatever you want, whatever you want."

Of course, the posture is like this, but it seems that because she is a novice and has no experience, the mysterious woman seems very nervous at this moment.

Because of the nervousness, her whole body was tense, her slender and beautiful eyelashes were constantly trembling, and her hands were tightly grasping her clothes, and they were balled up.

As long as you are not blind, you can clearly see her nervousness.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

Because he didn't expect that the mysterious woman who was so majestic just now, fighting inextricably with the Heavenly Power God King Ape, existing like a female general, and full of an aura of indifference, would actually have such a side, and be like a little girl. As nervous as a child.

The contrast is too great.

Originally, Tang Yi didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to scare the mysterious woman and then stopped.

But seeing the mysterious woman looking so cute, he couldn't help but want to tease her some more.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said to the mysterious woman, "Then I'm here."

As he spoke, Tang Yi approached with a masculine aura.

Since the mysterious woman was lying on the ground, Tang Yi squatted down, stretched his neck, and put his face close to the mysterious woman.

That heavy breathing suddenly hit the mysterious woman's face.

It was obvious that the mysterious woman's neck shrank.

At this moment, the faces of both sides were less than two centimeters apart, and the breaths and smells of both sides could be clearly audible.

Feeling Tang Yi's approach, feeling Tang Yi's breathing coming towards her face, feeling Tang Yi's masculine aura, and smelling Tang Yi's scent, the mysterious woman became more and more nervous, and her whole body collapsed even more. Tight, even stiff.

The hands holding the clothes were harder, and the beautiful face was tense because of the tension.

  At this tense moment, Tang Yi smiled proudly, and did not do the bad thing that the mysterious woman wanted. Instead, he stretched out his hand slightly, pinched her fleshy face, and then said: "Idiot, you are thinking in your head." What! I’m not interested in you! Are you the only one who still wants to fall under my eyes? Go back and practice hard!"

With that said, Tang Yi stood up, waved his right hand, took out a pill, and said, "This is a recovery pill. After taking it, you can recover from that negative state faster!"

After speaking, Tang Yi threw the elixir in front of the mysterious woman, and then slowly left in the direction of Ling Fengtian and others.


Just left.

(End of this chapter)

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