Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2737 The mysterious wooden door, the mysterious pattern of two armored warriors

Chapter 2737 The mysterious wooden door and the mysterious pattern of two warriors in armor

"Yeah! I think so too!"

After hearing Yun Zun's words, everyone present nodded and agreed with Yun Zun's guess.

Not only others agreed, but even Tang Yi also agreed very much.

After all, such a defensive light curtain would not fall in the small valley for no reason. Since it fell, it would definitely have an effect.

And its role is to protect the valley, protect the portal, and protect the battlefield.

Protect the battlefield portal before it appears.

This guess is very reliable and should be pretty close to ten.


While Tang Yi was thinking, he saw the ground in the small valley shaking and trembling continuously.

The ground where Tang Yi and others were standing suddenly cracked as if something was about to pour out.

Tang Yi and his party immediately took a few steps back and gave way.

The moment Tang Yi and others retreated, a brown-gray wooden door broke out of the ground.

As time went by, the wooden gate slowly emerged from the soil, and finally the whole thing was revealed, and the entire door appeared in front of Tang Yi.

When the wooden gate all emerged from the soil, Tang Yi could see clearly what the gate looked like.

This is a gate made of wood, about a hundred meters high. It looks very heavy and very simple. Judging from the lines and various marks on it, as well as the moss and vines covering it, this gate has already Some years ago.

And through the moss and vines, you can vaguely see some mysterious and complicated inscriptions on the door. These inscriptions are twisted and not in human language.

No matter how knowledgeable the realm kings present were, they still had no idea what these inscriptions meant.

In addition to these inscriptions, you can see that there is a pattern engraved in the middle of the wooden door.

This pattern shows two warriors wearing armor fighting fiercely.

Both men were wearing armor and were located on the left and right sides of the gate, hostile to each other.

The man on the right is wearing a very thick armor that can cover the whole body.

This armor covered the entire body of the warrior on the right except his head, protecting every part of his body.

The armor is silver in color and has a metallic craze feel to it.

The warrior on the right is wearing such a set of armor and looks like a robot, very powerful and domineering, and at the same time extremely powerful.

If ordinary people saw such a dress, they would be scared to death.

In addition, although the warrior on the right does not wear a helmet, he wears a golden ghost mask. The ghost mask opens its teeth and claws, and looks very ferocious.

Although this ghost mask doesn’t have as many protective areas as the helmet, it looks like its defense is not weak at all!
  From the pattern, it is easy to see that this is a very fine and high-quality mask, maybe even a treasure!
  Therefore, even if he is not wearing a helmet, the defense of the warrior on the right is terrifying everywhere.

The whole body is protected by equipment.

Just looking at it, it's very extraordinary and domineering.

In addition, the warrior on the right at this moment is holding a large golden scimitar. The large scimitar is emitting bursts of golden light, making his whole body filled with a fierce smell.

The warrior on the left is different.

The warrior on the left is wearing black chain armor. The chain armor is relatively light and does not cover the whole body. It just covers the body like a vest. However, the man on the left is wearing other equipment, such as hand guards, leg guards, helmets, etc.

He also protected other parts of himself, covering himself airtight.

Although they are all separate pieces of equipment, the man on the left is considered fully armed.

Moreover, the helmet he wore on his head was a black full-coverage helmet, which protected his entire head inside.

Except for a hole left where his eyes were, allowing people to see his bright eyes full of fighting spirit, nothing else could be seen.

Not to mention the appearance, I can't even tell whether she is a boy or a girl.

In addition to being fully armed, the warrior on the left also holds a huge shield in his left hand and a spear in his right hand. He is filled with a strong killing aura, as if countless people have died under his Under the spear.

At this moment, the two warriors on the gate were in a fierce fighting state.

The shield of the warrior on the left is pressed against the chest of the warrior on the right, and the spear in his right hand is thrust out, trying to pierce the warrior on the right.

The warrior on the right raised the golden sword and pointed it at the neck of the warrior on the left, making a chopping gesture, as if he wanted to see the neck of the warrior on the left.

Judging from the movements of the two warriors on the pattern and the gestures of their weapons pointing at each other, it is easy to see that they are fighting, and it is a fight to the death, intending to kill each other.

However, it seems that because the two sides are about the same strength, this battle has been going on for a long time, but there is no winner.

Even if the weapon is pointed at the opponent's vital point at this moment, it is still an evenly matched situation.

Even through the eyes of the two people, it can be seen that they both hate each other very much and want to kill each other quickly.

The eyes of both of them revealed a very strong hatred and murderous intention.

It was as if the other party had done something heinous.

It was obvious that these two warriors were sworn enemies with a blood feud.

Seeing this pattern on the door, everyone present was very confused. They didn't understand what happened to make two such warriors fight together like this.

Of course.

Doubts remain doubts, and no one wants to get to the bottom of it or find out the reason for the pattern battle. After all, this door and this pattern have been there for many years.

It was all a long time ago.

What happened on the pattern, even if it is real, happened a long time ago.

It is completely meaningless to explore and understand at this moment.

Just hit them if they want. Why don't you care?

Therefore, after being slightly curious, everyone focused on opening the door.

Just after the gate appeared, everyone looked at Yun Zun, waiting for Yun Zun's next move.

Even Tang Yi was waiting silently.

At this moment, Yun Zun suddenly turned his head, smiled at Tang Yi, and said: "Tang Yi, didn't you just ask about that mysterious token? Didn't you ask what it does? Now, you can see It’s done its job!”

Saying that, Yun Zun slowly walked towards the ancient wooden door.

(End of this chapter)

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