Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2739 Discovering the hidden Chu Nianwei

Chapter 2739 Discovering the hidden Chu Nianwei
  Chu Nianwei originally just wanted to keep up with Tang Yi, apologize to Tang Yi properly and get to know Tang Yi at the same time.

If possible, she would also like to get the mysterious pill that can relieve the side effects from Tang Yi.

But Chu Nianwei didn't expect that when she found Tang Yi and his party, Tang Yi and his party were passing through a canyon.

And this long and narrow canyon leads to a strange small valley.

This small valley looks like nothing, almost like an ordinary small valley, but in fact, it is extremely weird.

Because it is located in the densest part of the Void Forest.

All around it are tall and strong trees!

But what is very strange is that there is not a single tree within ten meters of the small valley.

It was as if trees did not dare to grow near the small valley, making the entire small valley look deserted and miserable.

In such a dense location, a bare and incompatible valley appeared, which made Chu Nianwei very confused.

Let alone Chu Nianwei, anyone would feel something was wrong when they saw this valley.

After all, if trees are to grow, they must grow in all kinds of places.

Even if trees don't grow, weeds or other plants will grow in places like forests.

But that small valley was bare, with only rocks and dirt.

It's very strange for this situation to happen in the forest.

And because she felt something was wrong in the valley, Chu Nianwei was curious about what Tang Yi and his party were going to do when they came to such a valley, so after catching up with Tang Yi and his party, Chu Nianwei did not show up immediately, but took advantage of Some kind of secret technique to hide the body continued to hide behind Tang Yi and his party, and then followed Tang Yi and his party into the valley.

And before the light curtain blocked the valley, he came into the valley!

This is why Chu Nianwei was able to enter even though the small valley was blocked by a light curtain.

Because she had already entered here with Tang Yi.

Sneaking into the valley silently, leaving Tang Yi and others unaware, Chu Nianwei was very happy and proud at first.

But what Chu Nianwei didn’t expect was!

Just when she was secretly proud, the concealment technique she was so proud of was actually cracked.

Her whereabouts were discovered.

After living for so long, her concealment skills have never been discovered by anyone.

Unexpectedly, he would be discovered by that mysterious young man now.

How on earth it was done, how on earth it was discovered.

Chu Nianwei was very confused.

On the other side, when they saw an outsider actually appearing in the corner of the small valley, Ling Fengtian and others immediately became vigilant, staring closely at the outsider who appeared in the corner of the small valley.

When they saw that the person appearing in the corner of the small valley was Chu Nianwei, Ling Fengtian and others were suddenly surprised.

"You are. You are the woman just now! You actually followed me!" "How on earth was this done? How did you get in here? The small valley has obviously been sealed off. Could it be that the light curtain is just an appearance? Can’t you stop even one person?”

"No, the light curtain cannot be just an appearance. It is impossible to block it. I think she followed us into the valley when we first entered the valley and the light curtain had not come down. It's just that she followed us. When we entered the valley, we used a certain description and we just didn't find her."

"That should be the case. Otherwise, she would not be able to pass through the light curtain. I know the defense of the light curtain. It is very strong. With this woman's strength, even if she is really strong, there is absolutely no chance. Unless Tang Yi takes action , otherwise, it would be impossible for someone to break through the light curtain. In other words, she should have come in before the light curtain came down!"

"In this way, she should have some kind of concealment method. And we can't discover this method at all. Even Tang Yi can't discover it without active exploration."

"That should be it! But what exactly is this woman doing? Why is she following us? Does she still want to take advantage of us? Isn't her target the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape?"

"With Tang Yi here, she can't make any plans. As for what she wants to do, we'll find out later."


The realm kings said one after another.

Everyone was very surprised by Chu Nianwei's sudden appearance. They didn't expect that Chu Nianwei actually followed.

What's more, I didn't expect that Chu Nianwei had such a secret skill and was able to sneak in without anyone noticing.

Not to mention everyone was surprised, in fact Tang Yi was also very surprised.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to explore the small valley on a whim and scanned every place in the small valley, and accidentally discovered Chu Nianwei's existence, otherwise, he wouldn't have known that he was being followed!

Tang Yi didn't expect that Chu Nianwei, a woman, was not only good in strength, but also had such a powerful concealment technique.

He was able to follow the crowd into the valley and hide in the small valley. At the same time, he, a strong man with supreme divine power, was not aware of it.

Such a method can be said to be very powerful.

Even Tang Yi, who has seen all kinds of powerful supreme skills, has to give a thumbs up, affirmation, and praise for this kind of concealment technique.

Of course, praise is praise, but Tang Yi was very dissatisfied with Chu Nianwei's stalking behavior.

I saw him asking coldly towards Chu Nianwei: "I have left you a way to survive, and I also helped you deal with the Heavenly Power Divine King Ape, and also gave you pills for recovery. Why do you still need it?" follow us."

Hearing this, Chu Nianwei immediately knew that Tang Yi had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Actually, I'm here to apologize."


Tang Yi looked at Chu Nianwei with a half-smile and said, "Using special concealment methods to follow us quietly, is this your apology?"

"I was prepared to apologize at first. But when I caught up with you, you happened to enter this valley. Since this valley revealed an unusual atmosphere, I was curious about what you were going to do here, so I I used tricks to follow you quietly! Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact. I know that my behavior is quite inappropriate. If you think my behavior is an offense, then I am here to apologize to you. sorry!"

Chu Nianwei said.

He spoke very sincerely and even apologized for his behavior.

Seeing that Chu Nianwei was so sincere and apologized, Tang Yi started to scan Chu Nianwei up and down with a confused look.

At the same time, his eyes were still staring closely at Chu Nianwei's eyes.

I want to judge the authenticity of Chu Nianwei's words through Chu Nianwei's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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