Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2741 Entering the battlefield

Chapter 2741 Entering the battlefield

Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, Tang Yi was stunned again. He didn't expect Chu Nianwei's reason.

Of course.

Tang Yi will definitely not believe Chu Nianwei's words now. Who knows whether Chu Nianwei's words are true or false.


Although Tang Yi didn't believe her words, everyone had said so, and he was too embarrassed to drive others away.

After all, the other person is a girl, and a beautiful girl at that.

When it comes to treating such a beautiful girl, to be honest, Tang Yi still can't bear to drive others away.

And that was after someone else gave such a reason.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi turned to look at Ling Fengtian and others, and asked, "Ling Zun, look at this."

Feeling Tang Yi's questioning gaze, Ling Fengtian smiled and asked: "This question is very simple. Tang Yi, do you think she is your opponent?"


Although Tang Yi didn't know why Ling Fengtian asked this, he still glanced at Chu Nianwei and then replied: "She can't be my opponent!"

"Since she is not your opponent, why not bring her with you? Anyway, even if she has some agenda, she can't defeat you, right?" Ling Fengtian said.


Tang Yi was stunned for a moment and felt that what Ling Fengtian said seemed to make sense.

Since he is stronger than the other party, and the other party cannot be his opponent even if he tries all his means, then why not let him go with him?
  "That's right. Since I'm not your opponent, why not let me go with you? You see, no one else has any objections, so just let me go with you."

Chu Nianwei pleaded.

Hearing this, Tang Yi thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay. Then you can go with us. But! You must follow the instructions later and you cannot walk around at will, do you understand?"

"I understand, I will definitely obey the command. As long as you let me follow, I will do whatever you want me to do later."

Chu Nianwei said.

In fact, Chu Nianwei usually doesn't have such a personality.

Normally, if someone else dared to point fingers at her, or dare to threaten her like this, or speak to her so fiercely, she would definitely not let him go!
  A beating is still a light thing, but if the other party goes too far, Chu Nianwei will even kill the other party directly!
  In daily life, Chu Nianwei can be said to be very strong!
  If he didn't have such a personality, he wouldn't have taken action against Tang Yi and others just because he wanted to use his trump card!
  It is because she has such a strong character that she would do such a thing.

However, now facing Tang Yi, she couldn't be strong at all!
  At this moment, she seemed to be like a little girl, submissive and very well-behaved.

If anyone who knew Chu Nianwei was here, they would be surprised to see her looking like this, with an incredible look on her face, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Then let's set off and enter the Haoyue ruins now."

Seeing that Tang Yi had made his decision, Ling Fengtian smiled slightly and said.


Tang Yi nodded.

In this way, a group of seven people, plus Chu Nianwei, entered the teleportation array.


The eight people entered the teleportation array one by one, and the teleportation array continued to light up.

When the last person entered the teleportation array, the teleportation array on the gate platform suddenly exploded like a balloon and disappeared.

Countless energy dispersed into the air without leaving any trace.   Next, this ancient wooden door in a small valley

There was a loud bang and it closed suddenly.

The light curtain surrounding this small valley suddenly closed up and disappeared from this world.

It was as if nothing had happened in the small valley, and everything had returned to its original state.

And the other side.

Tang Yi, Ling Fengtian and others entered the teleportation array. As the world turned around, the group finally passed through the teleportation array and came to a small closed square.

The small square is about three to four thousand square meters, and the top is closed by a black barrier. It looks like a closed space with no doors, windows, or any vents.

And although it is closed, it is not dark at all.

There are countless luminous beads around, illuminating the square and making it look like day.

This square is very wide, the floor is bronze, and the rock walls are also bronze. There are many scenes of warriors and warriors fighting on the rock walls.

It gives people a feeling of mountains of swords and blood, boiling blood and majestic momentum, making people feel as if they are in a battlefield instead of a square.

In short, being in such a square will give people a desire to fight.

Seeing such a square, everyone looked at it very curiously. Only Yun Zun looked like a stranger and looked at Ling Fengtian, Tang Yi and other 'country bumpkins' with a smile.

After everyone looked at them slightly, Yun Zun said to everyone: "As far as I understand, this is the waiting hall, a place to wait and relieve battle fatigue and rest.

If battlefield members want to enter or leave the battlefield, they must pass through this waiting hall. "

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the three stone pillars in the center of the square and said, "Did you see the three stone pillars over there? Those three stone pillars are called battle stones. As far as I know, if battlefield members want to enter the battlefield, they need to pass through those three battle stones. !As long as your hand touches the three battle stones, you can enter the battlefield."

"Later, as long as we go over and place our hands on one of the three stone pillars, we will be able to enter the real battlefield through some kind of teleportation circle."

"However! These three battle stones lead in different directions. Therefore, we have to decide which stone pillar to enter the battlefield from."

Hearing this, Ling Fengtian said: "Follow the previous plan! Didn't we explore in three directions? Just follow the previous plan and each touch the corresponding stone pillar to enter the battlefield."

Having said this, Ling Fengtian turned his head, looked at Chu Nianwei and said, "As for Miss Chu! Just follow Tang Yi, touch the stone pillar on the right with him, and enter the battlefield from the right!"

"no problem!"

Chu Nianwei was very happy.

And Tang Yi also nodded.

After the group made their decision, they came to the three stone pillars.

At this time, Ling Fengtian said: "Then we will all meet at the end of the battlefield, or at the place where Lord Zhan Haoyue fell. Everyone should proceed with caution and pay attention to safety. Once you discover anything or need help, remember to crush the ones I handed out before. Stone!"


"no problem!"


Everyone nodded.

Seeing everyone nodding, Ling Fengtian immediately said: "Then let's set off. I wish everyone a fruitful return this time!"

“Return with a full load!”

The kings of the realm echoed in unison!
  (End of this chapter)

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