Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2744 The righteous Tang Yi

Chapter 2744 The righteous Tang Yi

"I have gained so much by killing sixteen red flame skeletons. If I continue to kill them"

"In addition, the pink skeleton is only the lowest level monster here! And the lowest level monster has gained such a huge harvest. So what about the higher level monsters?"

"If I continue to kill, kill higher-level monsters, and even kill the monsters in this battlefield, maybe I will have a chance to break through to a higher stage! Level 6 Supreme is no longer a challenge to me. Level 7 , eighth level, or even ninth level, I have a chance to improve this time."

"In addition to levels, I can also get more Supreme Coins! With these Supreme Coins, I will be more confident!"

Tang Yi looked at the yellow land and thought with fiery eyes.

While Tang Yi was thinking, Dezun finally recovered from the sudden change and said in surprise: "What are these skeletons? Why are their auras so terrifying! When they rushed towards me just now, I already felt the threat of death." The breath, I thought I was going to die.”

"What are these? I can tell that the level and strength of these skeletons should be lower than mine, but they can still put huge pressure on me!"

Chu Nianwei also said.

At the same time, Chu Nianwei was very shocked.

Because until now, she still can't see Tang Yi's strength!

Apart from knowing that Tang Yi is very powerful, she is still in a state of knowing nothing about Tang Yi!
  Tang Yi seemed like a bottomless abyss in front of her, so unfathomable!
  You know, those skeletons you just encountered are not ordinary skeletons!
  These skeletons put tremendous pressure on Chu Nianwei.

If she could deal with one or two skeletons, Chu Nianwei might still be able to do it.

But against sixteen.
  Chu Nianwei felt that if she were really allowed to fight against sixteen skeletons alone, let alone win, she might not even be able to escape!
  These skeletons seemed to be inferior to her in level and strength, but their attack power was extremely powerful. When they were gathered together, they were very terrifying.

Therefore, these sixteen skeletons are very terrifying existences to Chu Nianwei.


Tang Yi easily solved this terrifying existence.

No effort required.

This is amazing.

Tang Yi looked so calm when he killed the Heavenly Power God King Ape before.

At this moment, Tang Yi killed sixteen terrifying red flame skeletons, still looking so calm and calm.

This made Chu Nianwei completely unable to see through Tang Yi. She felt that Tang Yi was like a layer of fog, making people unpredictable.

"How strong is he?"

Chu Nianwei was curious.

Curious warrior, Chu Nianwei is really becoming more and more interested in Tang Yi.

"These things are really powerful! If you encounter them alone, Dezun, I'm afraid it will be a disaster! If there are an extremely large number, like the number just now, even if this Miss Chu encounters them, she will be dead."

Tang Yi said.

"It's over! If the entire battlefield is filled with things like this, then our group can still resist one or two with you, Tang Yi. But the other two groups, they can..."

Dezun said with a worried look.

"I'm also very worried about them now. And I have some bad news to tell you."

Tang Yi said seriously: "These skeletons may be just the lowest level monsters in the Haoyue battlefield! Deep in the Haoyue battlefield, there may be monsters that are ten times or a hundred times more powerful! In other words, Ling Zun and the others are in a worse situation than we imagined. "It's even more dangerous." "What!"

"These skeletons are already so powerful, but they are just the lowest-level monsters in the Haoyue battlefield? Deep in the Haoyue battlefield, there are actually monsters ten times and a hundred times more powerful than them? How is this possible!"

"Then what should we do? These lowest-level skeletons are no longer something they can handle. If they encounter more powerful monsters, wouldn't they be in danger?"

Dezun said with an ugly expression.

It can be seen that Dezun is really worried about Ling Fengtian and the others.

Seeing Dezun like this, Tang Yi couldn't help but consoled him: "Don't be too pessimistic. If Ling Zun, Yu Zun and the others fight head-on with these monsters, they will definitely not be able to defeat them. But! If they can't fight head-on, it doesn't mean that they can't defeat them. They can't escape. Maybe they have any means to avoid these monsters? Even if they can't avoid it, they can still use stones to contact us. If they can't contact us, they can also withdraw from the battlefield. In short, there are various solutions, and There must be more danger than danger. The danger is there, but it is not yet desperate."

Hearing this, the worry on Dezun's face finally eased a lot, and he nodded and said: "That's right. The Ji people have their own destiny, and I believe they will save the day. In addition, when we come here this time, we also hold the hope that we will die. Determination. If it really falls here, there is nothing to say."

After a pause, Dezun looked at Tang Yi and said: "Tang Yi, I leave this business to you! Also, if possible, please help Lao Ling and the others. Although we are prepared to die. , but to be honest, it’s okay for me to die, but I really don’t want to see my friends die. That feeling of loneliness is really uncomfortable.”

"I see!"

"Don't worry! Ling Zun and the others are also my friends! Even if you don't tell Dezun, I will help as much as possible. If our road can connect their two roads in the future, then I will go to them and help them .”

Tang Yi nodded and said.

Hearing this, Dezun's face immediately improved a lot, and he said, "Okay, Tang Yi, with your words, I'll be relieved!"

On the side, Chu Nianwei also took a deep look at Tang Yi.

Through the conversation between Tang Yi and Dezun, she probably understood it.

At the same time, we also learned about the relationship between Tang Yi, Dezun and others.

In Chu Nianwei's view, the relationship between Tang Yi, Dezun and others should not be that close, and they should only have known each other recently.

Then we got together through some kind of connection and came here to explore together.

The intersection should be very shallow.

  What made Chu Nianwei look at him differently!

The relationship between Tang Yi and Dezun and his group was just ordinary friends, and their relationship was very shallow.

How could such a shallow relationship be so righteous!
  He can also protect and help Dezun and others many times, and he helps and protects without expecting anything in return. This is a very good character.

Before contacting her again, Tang Yi unconditionally rescued her and saved her, a stranger.

Chu Nianwei couldn't help but think more highly of Tang Yi.

She became more and more curious about Tang Yi, and wanted to know more and more what kind of person Tang Yi was.

Thinking of this and looking at Tang Yi, Chu Nianwei's eyes couldn't help but become confused.

At the beginning, Chu Nianwei didn't feel anything.

The more she looks at Tang Yi now, the more handsome she feels, and she feels that Tang Yi is very elegant.

(End of this chapter)

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