Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2749 Bloody Skeleton General

Chapter 2749 Bloody Skeleton General

"Perhaps, we have really stepped into the den of skeletons!! Dezun, look over there."

Chu Nianwei pointed not far away and said.

Upon hearing this, Dezun immediately looked in that direction.

I saw hundreds of hills appearing in the direction that Chu Nianwei pointed at!
  And these hills suddenly turned into the shape of red flame skeletons.

"Thousands of them!"

"What's going on! Why! Why are there so many here?"

"What should we do? We are surrounded by these skeletons now!"

Seeing the red flame skeletons still appearing one after another, Dezun panicked for a moment.

This person is like this. When he has strength, he will behave very calmly.

However, when you turn into fish and are at the mercy of others, you will be like a little rabbit, extremely panicked.

Even the virtuous master who is the leader of a realm is not exempt from vulgarity.

Of course!
  Although Dezun is the master of a realm, he is high in the Heavenly Virtue Realm and is the most powerful existence in the Heavenly Virtue Realm.

But here he is like a child, and any monster can kill him instantly.

In such a situation and with such an opponent, could he not panic?

Anyone else would be extremely panicked!
  Originally, Chu Nianwei wanted to comfort Dezun, but at this moment, she saw an even more terrifying scene not far away.

Seeing that scene, even she who came from the middle world couldn't help but panic.

Chu Nianwei smiled bitterly and said, "Dezun, maybe our biggest trouble is more than this. Look over there."

Chu Nianwei pointed in a direction again.

Dezun glanced in that direction, and then he was stunned.

"Then what is that!"

Dezun said dullly.

Tang Yi also looked in that direction and saw a giant mountain more than ten meters high moving quickly in the direction Chu Nianwei pointed.


Tang Yi was also surprised when he saw the giant mountain.

However, at this time, the giant mountain bag arrived where Tang Yi and others were.

Seeing the arrival of the giant mountain bag, the red flame skeletons gave way to let the giant mountain bag enter, and then guarded the giant mountain bag like stars over the moon.

And at this time.


The giant hilltop cracked with a bang, and a huge figure broke out of the ground, jumped out of the small mound, and then landed steadily on the ground with its huge feet.

And this huge figure
  A huge golden skeleton, a golden sword, and even crazier red flames beating in the pupils!
  Isn't this huge figure a large red flame skeleton?

Looking at the larger red flame skeleton, Tang Yi frowned slightly.

Because he felt a dangerous aura from this figure.

Although this breath is very weak and weak, I can still feel it!
  However, feeling this dangerous aura was enough to make Tang Yi extremely surprised.

After all, what strength is he now?
  His current supreme combat power index has been converted into supreme divine power!
  However, after converting into supreme divine power, his supreme divine power has reached 41.21 points.

This is equivalent to 400 million points of supreme combat power!

Moreover, it is even more powerful than the 400 million points of supreme combat power.

After all, the supreme divine power is a more advanced power.

Higher-level powers are naturally more powerful than lower-level powers.

A strength that is more powerful than the 400 million-point Supreme Combat Power Index. With such strength, who can compete with it? Who can pose a threat?
  Tang Yi has almost no enemies who can pose a threat.

Ordinary people or creatures can no longer bring dangerous aura to Tang Yi.

but now!
  But he felt a dangerous aura from a skeleton.

Although this dangerous aura was very weak and could not really threaten him, it was enough to surprise Tang Yi.

The other party can bring him a dangerous aura, what does this mean?
  It means that the other party has a great background!

Represent the other party as a powerful being.

"It seems that this larger 'Red Flame Skeleton' is a big BOSS, otherwise it would not bring a dangerous aura to me."

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, Tang Yi, who was also a clairvoyant, swung towards the 'Red Flame Skeleton' which was several sizes larger.

Name: Bloody Skeleton General (God General BOSS in the Underworld)

Level: Level 799 (seventh level underworld general)

Identity: Skeleton General.

Description: A small boss in the Haoyue battlefield. He feeds on living things, kills people, has strong combat power, and a certain amount of wisdom. He can summon and command a large number of red flame skeletons, and has the power to control. The red flame skeletons that follow him will change over time. As time goes by, the strength can also increase significantly.

Supreme combat power index: 88888888 points.

Bloody Skeleton General!
  Underworld God General BOSS!

Seventh level supreme!

"It's really a big BOSS! No wonder, no wonder it brings me a dangerous aura. It turns out that it is the Bloody Skeleton General. It turns out that it is a seventh-level existence! And the opponent only has 80 million supreme combat power index! 80 million supreme combat power index The force index can give me a sense of danger! This is amazing."

After seeing the attributes of the bloody skeleton general, Tang Yi was surprised.

Of course.

Tang Yi was just slightly surprised.

It didn't really matter, and I didn't pay too much attention to the bloody skeleton general.

After all, although the other party gave him a feeling of danger.

But the feeling was slight and not clear.

This means that the bloody skeleton general in front of him is indeed a threat, and the threat to Tang Yi is not great, only minimal.

Tang Yi could still rely on his strong strength to quickly deal with the bloody skeleton general.



He can defeat the bloody skeleton general without using any special means or martial arts.

Therefore, Tang Yi recovered after just being slightly surprised!

Compared to Tang Yi's calmness, Dezun and Chu Nianwei on the side were completely opposite. Their bodies were faintly trembling at the moment, and their faces were as ugly as they were, extremely pale.

"What is this? Is this the leader of the skeletons? Oh my God! What kind of existence is it? I feel an unprecedented terror in it! And an unprecedented pressure!"

Dezun looked at the bloody skeleton general and said in shock. The whole person seemed to be frightened, and his face looked extremely pale.

"What should we do? Do we still have a chance now? There are so many skeletons around, and now there is such a terrifying one!"

Chu Nianwei was also slightly panicked at this moment.

However, at this moment, what Tang Yi said made them even more panicked.

I saw Tang Yi introducing Dezun and Chu Nianwei: "Those small skeletons are called Red Flame Skeletons, and they are the most common and ordinary monsters here, and the large skeleton that is more than ten meters tall is called Bloody Skeletons." General! He is the little boss here! His strength, well, how to describe it. I guess ten thousand Chu girls combined are no match for him."

(End of this chapter)

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